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This here is the forum for the reviews for my story A Bleach Melody.

My name is Faery’s Delight. I welcome you and thank you all for your reviews.

Review from Yakumo: I love this pairing so much, so I'm glad to see so many writers doing Stark/Ichigo pairings. Nice work.

My Response: Thank you for your review for my Stark/Ichigo story. I’m happy that you enjoyed it as much as you did. :D

Review from NeonOranges: AWWWW! Yumi as a seme is almost never done but I love him! He'll take good care of Ichigo! SO FREAKING CUTE!!!

My Response: I know! It was cute. *cuddles them* *giggles* *bounces*

Review from Yakumo: Ichigo is having Aizen's child! That should be interesting. I usually don't like Mpreg too much but this looks like it could be good. xD I'm eagerly awaiting an update.

My Response: I do MPreg quite often when the story calls for it. This one actually called for it. :3 *nodnod* I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Review from Anon: moooooooooooooooreeeee

Review from Anon: Sweet chapter.

My response: Yush! More as I write them and all of them are sweet chapters.

Review from Yakumo: I'm sorry to hear that you're in pain; I hope you get well soon! D:

My response: I’m feeling better now, just need to get back to writing as I go along. :D

Review by LyricalSin: That was hot! I really didn't expect to take a liking to Starrk/Ichi but you have made me a believer lol. Oh and for some inexplicable reason, I find myself extremely drawn to the line "And where was that hand going?" Would you mind if I used it for a story I plan to write in the distant future? Crediting you of course. It would be greatly appreciated.


My Response: *giggles* Yush! *bounces* I love the pairing Starrk/Ichigo (even though I’m still iffy on the spelling of his name). As for the line, I already gave you permission when I first got this review, so we all good. :D

  • 4 weeks later...

Review from Moon Shadow:

I was wondering when you were possibly going to write Therapy 7:C. I am just a big fan of your chapter and just am really excited for more.


My Response: Moon Shadow, thank you for your reviews, and eventually I will write more. Some day when I get a bunny for that line. Ane does have the story that bunnied it for me if you wish to find it. It's a therapy, so just look for Therapy when doing the search. I don't remember which one it was though. She did have 2 follow ups also.

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