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I keep trying to upload a story, (the text box and the file upload) but it will only put the first two lines of my story in, and I cant add a chapter, (well, I can, but it only allows for a few lines). This has done this before, and I tried on both my Mac and HP, in plain text, i've tried to copy and paste it, but no matter what I do I simply cannot put in my entire story. sad.gif It really is quite frustrating, and I have tried over 10 different times, deleting the story, and re-doing it, on two separate days. angry.gif What can I do?


In the stories you're trying to do as file uploads, are you trying to add them as .htm/.html or .txt? If you're not using either of those two formats, it will not accept the data.

Other than that, you can try again, if it persists, LEAVE THE CHAPTER UP. Let me know, I'll look at the chapter data, and tell you what's going on.

Posted (edited)

I have made sure to do them as plain text and such. They still won't work. I will upload it again, and leave it up. Thanks! :) here is the link,  (http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103307)

Edited by Walkingdisaster

It was the text emote < 3 that you used. The script parses that as an open ended html tag and end of files it. In effect, hiding all the text after the open tag with no command.

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