Serani Posted December 28, 2010 Report Posted December 28, 2010 Hello, I thought maybe that at first it was my imagination, but apparently no (after reading back here in the forum). Apparently, someone has gone through and voted down several of my stories deliberately. This has happened before, and the last time I got annoyed, but wrote it off - it was only one story. But this time, they hit no less than four of them. My profile: My link Specifically: Training, Grounded, Protector and Hot Springs. They *were* sitting at 5-star reviews yesterday. I logged in today and it they were down to 3. Like a previous poster, the last three stories are ones that have been there for a long time, so it's not likely that many people came across it and disliked it that horribly in one night. Not along with the 40ish who voted down Training or the other 40 who voted down Grounded. Especially since both are likely to get different readers. Thank you for looking into it. Quote
DemonGoddess Posted December 28, 2010 Report Posted December 28, 2010 Definitely not your imagination. This is something which we see more often certain times of year, unfortunately. Especially when the kiddies are home from school and visiting where they're not supposed to be. I'll get it taken care of for you today at some point. Quote
Serani Posted December 28, 2010 Author Report Posted December 28, 2010 Thank you very very much. I really appreciate it!! Quote
Serani Posted December 28, 2010 Author Report Posted December 28, 2010 Yay!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! It might seem silly to be worried about it, but it means something that the ratings that are up there were genuine. I can take a bad rating if someone really doesn't like my story, but to artificially have it lowered like that, just irks. Thank you again! Quote
Serani Posted December 29, 2010 Author Report Posted December 29, 2010 Again! This time, as far as I can tell, it's just two of the stories - Grounded and Training, but I just logged in a little while ago to it having jumped over 100 votes! Grounded is up some 30 votes (and they only managed to lower it to a 4, so that's not as big of a deal) but come on. :( Quote
DemonGoddess Posted December 29, 2010 Report Posted December 29, 2010 The one was only voted negatively about 10 votes, whereas the other was increased by over 100, as you said. All either of us can do, is you keep track, and I'll keep fixing. Quote
Serani Posted December 29, 2010 Author Report Posted December 29, 2010 I hate to keep taking up your time with it. But I have to say that I really really really really appreciate it! Thank you so much! Quote
Serani Posted December 31, 2010 Author Report Posted December 31, 2010 O.M.G. They've gotten ridiculous about it now. ALL of my stories were hit by HUNDREDS of votes!!! Training alone had over 800! *blink blink* I can't...fathom this... Quote
DemonGoddess Posted December 31, 2010 Report Posted December 31, 2010 I'll fix it again, that's not a problem. FWIW, I'm still looking for ways to either make it so that the rate is tied to a logged in member, or eliminating it entirely. Quote
Serani Posted December 31, 2010 Author Report Posted December 31, 2010 That is really kind of you. I hope you can make it work. I'd volunteer to help, but I don't know the software you're working on. Good luck with it!! And thank you again! Quote
DemonGoddess Posted December 31, 2010 Report Posted December 31, 2010 The archive originally started life as Storyline. Which is what this is, except heavily modified in some places, entirely changed in others. Quote
Serani Posted January 3, 2011 Author Report Posted January 3, 2011 *sigh* I thought they'd gone back to school or given up. Apparently not. I updated last night and the two stories I updated - Denial and Training - got hit. PITA! Quote
DemonGoddess Posted January 3, 2011 Report Posted January 3, 2011 No biggy, you know I'll get it fixed here shortly. Persistant little buggers aren't they? Quote
DemonGoddess Posted January 5, 2011 Report Posted January 5, 2011 Sorry for the delay, got caught up in some other tasks, and then had work to do after work (at home), so didn't get to it 'til just now. It's fixed. Quote
Serani Posted January 5, 2011 Author Report Posted January 5, 2011 No worries! I've been afk a lot myself. I really appreciate you taking the time. Quote
Serani Posted January 5, 2011 Author Report Posted January 5, 2011 Yet. A. Gain. This. Is. Getting. (*&@^$*(!&*!*!%$ old! Quote
DemonGoddess Posted January 5, 2011 Report Posted January 5, 2011 I know it is. I'm not real thrilled with having to fix it all the time myself, but, at least we can fix it. I just wish the function wasn't completely anonymous. Quote
Serani Posted January 6, 2011 Author Report Posted January 6, 2011 I'm sorry, DG. If it gets to be too much, I understand. You don't have to keep wasting your time with it. My ONLY hope is that they don't have some kind of back door or something that's allowing them to do it. That would suck for you guys. Quote
DemonGoddess Posted January 6, 2011 Report Posted January 6, 2011 No it's not a back door. Sorry for venting a bit on ya, but I get that way after I process out bunches of things for sheer laziness and the like. That makes me right cranky. You go ahead and keep letting me know, and I'll keep fixing it. I have some thoughts on how to change things, but that's going to be a good long while in coming. As what I have in mind has to with restructure of that table that controls ratings, and rewriting that and probably a couple other subroutines. Quote
Serani Posted January 13, 2011 Author Report Posted January 13, 2011 *sigh* They hit. Again. I give up, since it was only one story this time. I just don't really care anymore. Quote
Guest Serani's Hubby Posted January 14, 2011 Report Posted January 14, 2011 On 1/13/2011 at 11:54 PM, Serani said: *sigh* They hit. Again. I give up, since it was only one story this time. I just don't really care anymore. *materializes* Please don't quit. That's what they want you to do - they just want to hurt a person and they're too m(#*th$)#@)rf(#*$ck+(%@#g!11 cowardly to do it to your face. When you're published and famous (and you WILL be both because you're just that bloody good - everyone else thinks so, too) we'll look back on this and *almost* pity them, while we're drinking Jameson's on our private beach talking about your next book tour. And where will they be? Probably still living in their parent's moldy, rat-infested basement masturbating furiously while they ratebomb some other author who is a better writer at 18 than they will EVER be, especially since they're in their 40's and still a f(*#ing virgin, unless you count the Sesshoumaru lovedoll they spent their meager allowance to purchase and have been shagging for 25 years... So, in conclusion, they should go skulk back to their scum-f&*$ing hidey-hole and hump the mold on their wall. Don't forget to take the tweezers along you @$$licking douchebag cumdumpsters. *nod* *dematerializes* Quote
DemonGoddess Posted January 14, 2011 Report Posted January 14, 2011 I've hopefully gotten this nipped in the bud. We'll see. Quote
Serani Posted January 19, 2011 Author Report Posted January 19, 2011 They did it again. Not as many this time, but I updated Training this morning and I now have 250+ votes more than I did this morning. *sigh* Quote
Guest Serani's Hubby Posted January 19, 2011 Report Posted January 19, 2011 On 1/19/2011 at 12:01 AM, Serani said: They did it again. Not as many this time, but I updated Training this morning and I now have 250+ votes more than I did this morning. *sigh* Yeah, they did. But you're still awesome. And they're still a steaming pile of canine excrement (totally useless for anything and foul-smelling). I stand by my previous comments in their entirety, adding that they should grow a pair and face you in a debate on the forums if they take issue with your writing. Cowards. Total cowards. But if they do have the intestinal fortitude to come forward, well, afterward when they're crying to their mommies about the mean lady on the internetz who told them where to stick It, we can celebrate with ale and ranch-flavored Doritos. *nod* Quote
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