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Seventeen days ago, I started posting my new fic. A week ago, I posted the fourth chapter, and as of last check, it's gotten an additional 134 hits. This, for me, is huge, and leaves me quite pleased, yet totally mystified. I'll explain; the first story I posted, fifteen months ago, has something like 870 hits. This new one, so far, is going gangbusters. And I haven't even gotten to the meatiest parts yet! (Which, incidentally, is killing me. I'm driving myself crazy wanting to post the next two). Anyhoo...

Has anyone had this experience before? I'm still writing in the same archive, HP, but a different pairing. Think that has something to do with it? It's really the only change I made, I haven't drastically changed my writing style or anything.

Well, I'm going to cut this short because there's a bit of a t-storm raging right now. ohmy.gif

Seventeen days ago, I started posting my new fic. A week ago, I posted the fourth chapter, and as of last check, it's gotten an additional 134 hits. This, for me, is huge, and leaves me quite pleased, yet totally mystified. I'll explain; the first story I posted, fifteen months ago, has something like 870 hits. This new one, so far, is going gangbusters. And I haven't even gotten to the meatiest parts yet! (Which, incidentally, is killing me. I'm driving myself crazy wanting to post the next two). Anyhoo...

Has anyone had this experience before? I'm still writing in the same archive, HP, but a different pairing. Think that has something to do with it? It's really the only change I made, I haven't drastically changed my writing style or anything.

Hmmm. It might be your pairing. I see most of your other stories feature a Snape /OFC matchup. Maybe the Lucius fans are more accepting of an OFC?

I do think who the main character is can make a big difference in the number of hits a story gets. For example, my story, "The Regret of Argus Filch" has the lowest number of hits of any story I have on here, but I think it's one of my best. On the other hand, another story of mine, "Train of Thoughts" which I think is mediocre at best, has more hits than any of my other one shots. I attribute the difference to the character pairing. Harry/Hermione/Ginny vs. Filch.

BTW, thanks for the review on "Regret". biggrin.gif


The Regret of Argus Filch is awesome! I truly love that story and you're welcome! biggrin.gif

I think you may be right; most Lucius fics have him paired with Snape, Hermione or Draco. I'm thinking maybe LM fans are open to something different. And I hate to admit it, but even though I love Snape, I don't think I'll ever be writing another fic where he's the main player. Over saturation, too much of a good thing, etc.


Hey, if it grabs people they will hold on tight and the word will spread fast. Who can say what makes a fic so popular? fics i've written that i thought have a similar effect only atrracted a small number of readers. I"ve experienced that boom of popularity before though, when writing my Incredibles fanfic Test of the Heart. It was just somethng small to me but became really popular and i din't know why, just something about it people liked to read again and again.

There's just somehting about it that works, it can't be explained only appreciated. Don't question the popularity, just enjoy it is my advice.

There's just somehting about it that works, it can't be explained only appreciated. Don't question the popularity, just enjoy it is my advice.

You're absolutely right. I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts! biggrin.gifthumbsup.gif

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest scruffington

Ah when I see HP I think Remus/Sirius.

But after all I am a huge nerd. happy.gif

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