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Review responses for The dragon's might


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This is the first original fic I've ever posted. It was an idea I've had for a while and I figured this would be an easier way to answer reviews and some questions you guys might have.

So hopefully I'll be hearing from you guys soon. <_<

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Ok,not too sure how all this works but here we go.

Thanks for anyone who has reviewed and I'll answer a couple of things.

Yes I do have the overall story mapped out. A few snags in the smaller details but overall it's all set.

Adrian is coming I promise. He's actually one of my favorite characters.

Last thing i understand that I've managed to confuse some of you but it was done on purpose. Like i said in one of my A/N when it all unravels you'll be calling me a whole lot of names more than likely.

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Ok, I just posted chapter ten, it's a two parter. I'll be posting the second part tomorrow at some point. Still doing some final editing to it. The reason I chopped this one in two is because it was very long. It was about forty pages long and there was just too much info, I decided that the best thing to do would be to split it and make it a cliff hanger.

Second thing, i try to keep a few chapters ahead, one that would be ready to post, one in final spell check and editing and then the one I'm working on. I know i really should get a beta but i'm wary about them. The last one i had stole my stuff and I never got it back.

Thirdly. I'm going to be writing a companion story to this one. I won't be able to post it though, not until this story is futher along because it will have spoilers. Sorry guys but i figured i'd let you all know that that was in the works. Well if you guys have any questions please dont' hesitate to ask me. I'll try to answer as best I can without giving away the story.

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Yeah I know I really should get a beta, I use open office and it does have spell check but for some god awful reason it's not working. Sigh, i will get around to choosing one i swear.

Anyways, eh I just posted the second part and well 'scratches head.' Well? I'm going to let you guys read it and let me know before I make any comments on the thought process of that chapter.

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Ok before I even start talking, if you haven't read all the chapters I've updated yet then you need to go and do that because it would suck to read it here first.

I killed him, :( how did i do it. With a lot of editing. I mean a whole lot of editing. I actually cried my eyes out when I did end up writing it, Adrian Walker is my favorite character I've ever created so as a little make myself feel better. I might explain him a little better. Since i let Arkon put a sword through him.

Adrian was a character I'd made for an RPG a few years ago but a friend of mine started messing with him and totally changed him. I got really pissed off because every time I'd try to change him to what I wanted she'd warp him again. She has a bad habit of doing that to my characters but anyway.

Adrian has dark hair that probably goes just under his neck but somehow always looks perfect even though he doesn't bother much with it, his eyes which i didn't mention in the story actually change depending on his mood. They vary from a darker brown to a sort of hazel green. He's 6'5 probably about 200 pounds, all muscle. Very cute face. Like the kind of guy that just radiates charm. He's got a decent tan and oh that tattoo goes all the way down. ;)

He is very sure of himself, is definetly a ladies man and is very intelligent. His flaws are he can be overly confident, it's what killed him and he's got a bit of a temper.

I'm going to leave it at that for now, if you guys wanna know more let me know.

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Ok, I'm letting you guys know that i busted up my right hand yesterday, my wrist and pointer finger are messed up so it hurts to do certain things, being stubborn as I am I'm still typing.

this means though that it might take me a little longer to post my updates as the stupid finger keeps stiffening up as i type.

I also started writing the companion piece to this story. I'm calling it 'Sia Darastrix'

As soon as this story has reached the point where i can post it and it's beta'd I'll post it I swear, so you have that to look forward to.

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Alright see I told you I'd post, even with a bummed hand <_<

I was in a real bad mood this weekend so it really helped this chapter out. I am working on the other story too, I'm keeping up with it though so I'm not going to fall behind with this one. I wanted to kind of throw Natasha off her stride a little, she's still only 19 and lets be honest even though she's very smart her parents kept her relatively sheltered most of her life. There is a lot she doesn't know about herself or anyone else around her, so i figured I'd confrot her with two obstacles, truth and sanity. Both of which she's not got complete faith in. How can you be sane if you don't know what's right? Like I said she's only 19 years old and everyone else is so much older :(

Well at least Kayne saved her, otherwise I'd have no story. as for him I'll be honest he's confusing, I don't get him and I wrote him. ;)

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Alrighty, first you guys are awesome, I am really enjoying writing this story and it's a lot to do with you guys, There is no point writing if you're not going to share it.

Ok, i know what you're probably thinking. 'oh my god she just lost Adrian, how can she just give in to that bastard?'

Well I'll answer that, he might be a major dick, asshole, jerk, bastard and so many other lovely words that I shouldn't use here but he's got something about him that can affect you.

For better or worse. He's got his moments and as for Natasha, well yeah she still is in love with Adrian. That's not changed but when you're flooding from no emotion to raw it's difficult to keep it all in check, add a dragon lord at the right place at the right time and you have vulnerability.

actually so far that's pretty tragic, he's the only person left in her life and that's sad. Her captor and master who bought her as a little girl might be her only real friend. Or maybe he isn't and this is some ploy to steal more away from her. You never know with him. Like i said I made him and I don't know how he works sometimes.

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I'll be really blunt Going through a bit of a dry spell in real life. Not having a problem with getting laid, it's lacking great sex, even good sex would be better LOL. Anyway the reason I say that is because when I am frustrated in 'that' department my characters end up having amazing sex. call it a balancing act.

Anyway I'm slowly tying different threads together in the story. I wanted to establish that Kayne and Natasha have history, he's got secrets about her but he's got no interest in sharing at the moment. I also want to add some more confusion in her life, seeing as she's lost Adrian and her options are dwindling.

I will say this though, things aren't going to suddenly turn into perfect, we're far from there yet. Much more stuff I have to put them all through.

I had trouble with this chapter actually, every time I'd get in the mood I needed I'd get interrupted, nothing kills a scene more than your kid hollering at yo

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I am totally sorry about that chapter being doubled up. I have no idea how the draft and the edited got put together, my word prosesor was acting up. Sigh as if it wasn't bad enough I'm going through a re write. Ok let me correct myself, SIX re writes.

I had an idea for the next couple of chapters and no matter how many times i wrote it out i just couldn't fEEL it, so i completely changed what i was doing and am happy to report that it's working.

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AHHHH, finally posted this chapter up. God this has been a hell of a week. First i re did the whole chapter. two my daughter got sick and she's been home and on top of that my husband chucked a hissy because I hadn't cleaned properly so he shut off my lap top while i was doing final editing.

Anyway, i hope you guys like this chapter. It was a tough one.

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Oh my god, I am so sick right now. I'm on three different meds and my nose is like stuffed up.

I'm sure I should be in bed but I can't lie down. So I wrote. so half of that chapter is me non medicated, the other half is my doped on cough medicine, I got half of seventeen writen too, it's actually gonna come out sort of twisted which is what i want.

Quick question, does anyone actually like Kayne?

anyway, i'm gonna go write the other chapter. Thank you to my new beta who fixed my horrible spelling and grammar, it makes reading this easier. I've writen the first chapter of the companion piece, Like i've said can't post it yet but i will post it before long.

Anyway, please review, I've missed getting reviews, I'm starting to think you guys don't like this. Maybe it's the meds talking.

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I'm sorry i haven't updated yet but well my beta sort of disappeared on me, she's got more of a life than i do. Haha, and i have three kids. On the plus side i have a few chapters done and I'm wondering whether or not to post all at once or do it one a day. Either way i swear if i can't find her by tomorrow I'll do a quick spell check myself and post anyway. :unsure:

I hope i do find her, she's a better checker than i am. Anyway thanks for your patience with me.

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:(I found my beta, her laptop decided to fuck up on her. She sent me an e-mail after my last post, so I stick to plan, i will post tomorrow anyway, after a spell check tonight. So keep your eyes open for it. See reading this topic keeps you up to date on the craziness that it takes to write this story.

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Good morning ladies and gentlmen, also anything in between. Well am running on three hours of sleep since my daughter decided it was a good idea to throw up all night. On the plus side i passed the time by editing and spell checking.

I'm actually proud at the attempt, so anyway this one got a little twisted in my head. I hope i got the point across. I know I'm mean to her aren't I? I really should give Natasha a break but I think she needs to learn a few lessons before I give her a break. As for Kayne well, I dunno how he's doing, I left him in his lair ranting and raving at his men.

Lets hope she can get out of this one with her life. Kayne would be pretty mad if she went and died wouldn't he.

Okay people, I'm exhausted, Going to go take a nap now, hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Oh and so you can scream at me when you read this, I have the next chapter finished, i just have to do final editing and spell check. No i'm not posting it today. It's gonna take all day to edit and I seriously am going to bed now.

Good morning everyone.

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Okay, well I got my first negative review for my story.

First I'm not going to remove it, I see no reason in silencing the opinion of someone who read this.

I'm not the kind of writer who goes up in arms because someone writes something negative about my stories, the review was a legitimate point of view and I completely respect it.

On that note I'll say this, i don't remove reviews, only ones I would be inclined to remove would be idiots who would be flaming for the sake of flaming. That said I have a few points to make for all of you.

The review got me thinking about the subject, that's a very good thing for me, what was said had merit and it my mind worth discussing.

! I am very aware of the content I've written, I knew going in that I wasn't going to please everyone with what I wrote. Yes i enjoy writing things that you all enjoy to read, I'd love to please all of you but the truth is that I can't, I can only write what I feel is important to write. I know this will offend people, it is alright though, just understand that I am aware and am trying to be as respectful about this as I can without loosing sight of what I'm trying to say.

2 The chapter that was put into question was not easy, I have no intention on saying I'm sorry for it either, I am very aware that rape and torture are not to be taken lightly, they're a harsh reality of life for many people. Confessing here that I am no stranger to these topics personally. That's all I'll say to that.

The point of the chapter was to shake the ground, as is any chapter like it. The chapter I hope did it's job, like I said it was difficult to write when I did it. I don't take the scenes lightly at all.

3 The world I've created for this story is complicated and different to the world that our reality exists in, it's why I chose to do it that way. For one humans no longer hold the top spot, it belongs to creatures of very different mentalities.

The creature is of course Kayne, in our society is what he did wrong. Of course it is, i am the first to say it but in his world where she was considered his property, it was justified. Kayne would not consider what he did raping her, he saw it as teaching her a hard lesson.

Quote 'Your choices will determine my treatment of you.'

I am by no means saying she deserved it, no one ever does but in their world the lines are very blurry, brued enough to create the situation they are in. If you've read all the way to the current chapter then you know the complexity of their relationship and how blured the line between then actually is.

Kayne is five thousand years old, a dragon of a relative decent age, he is by no means good, his inclination is to evil, he has his own secrets, he has his own darkness to hide and as I'm not ready to disclose that information we'll leave it at that.

4 Natasha is not your average girl, not all people put in difficult situations like I've written would react the same way she did but I am a very strong believer in choices and their consequences.

Choice is a dangerous thing, I believe that having a choice can be as dangerous as having non at all. This story has been about that, choices, bad ones, good ones and ones that were made in desperation and darkness.

5Kayne was not as bad as he could have been, in the end he gave her a choice,it was a shitty one and I was not attempting to make it sexy or make it seem that she was enjoying it because she wanted to.

She was lost, she believed that she'd lost everything and he put her in a position in which her body would react whether she liked it or not. In the end she had to decide, let the experience be completely traumatic or let go, she chose to let go because it was the only choice she felt she could make.

Okay, if you're still reading this, I thank you for putting up with my urge to speak my mind, This story is my first original piece that I've posted, I posted it with a lot of fear that I would put it up and absolutely everyone was going to hate it but i was surprised to see how much positive feedback I've received, this is a culmination of a lot of things that I've had in my mind. Like I said, each person is allowed their opinion and I am no one to tell anyone how to think or feel. In the end if you choose not to read my story, it's fine, i respect it and am sorry that you feel so strongly against what I wrote, I honestly don't mean to offend anyone but like i said I'm not going to change it.

With that I am going to stop, thank you for listening to what I had to say and I hope it puts some things in perspective.

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Sigh, finally was able to fix my summary.

For anyone caring, it was so fucking hard to do. I'm new at this system and when i originally posted the story i had all the codes up on the summary and was like okay I haven't missed anything but when it posted, a few of them were missing. I don't know what i did wrong but when i went back to fix it i found that i couldn't. So sorry if you've read anything that was not your cup of tea because of the summary.

Anyway it's finally fixed, I spent a few hours cussing at the computer trying to fix it and actually was like fuck it I'm deleting the story and putting it up again but someone finally helped me change it. It doesn't have everything on the codes, i simply could not fit it all but i got the two i was most worried about.

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Quck information,

Am doing final spell check and will post today. Its a good chapter for me, it's reached my expectation and I'm pleased with it, though now i'm a little irritable because of the mood i got myself in. Sigh, the price you pay for a good chapter.

Extra warning, if you have a sensitive side then listen to the warning at the top of the chapter. I am only going to say it this time here, I feel it's right to warn you that iit's graphic, at least for what I'm used to. Anyway, i'll make my kids lunch and finish up so give me an hour or so.

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Ladies and gents, just posted eighteen.

Like i said, I'm happy with it, it wasn't easy to write and I actually wanted to throw in the towel many times. You should have seen my two year old asking me why I was crying.

It was something that took work and as such I'm proud of it. I probably could have gone darker but it's not what I felt was right. I don't know, honestly let me know what you guys think. I do appreciate the reviews, contrary to what some might think it's not about getting a pat on the back, though i love the positive praises. I said it before it's like a fix, the reviews give me a signal that you aren't just skimming and then going bah, this is crap.

If it is crap, i'd like to know, it will help me as a writer in the end but as i posted before. I'm not changing the story for the sake of getting more people to read.

I see it a lot, people freak out because people tell them, i want to see this, or i don't want to see this and I'm not going to read your stuff anymore. The fact is, in the end it doesn't matter. You start customizing your work for the sake of pleasing everyone, you loose your voice and the story falls apart. I said it in the first chapter, i don't mind tweaking a few things but I won't change it.

You can't write for people who aren't there, you'll waste your time and loose the passion for it. I learnt this the hard way and now I write what feels right and stick to my point of view. I hope as readers you are able to respect that and appreciate it.

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Something cool I realized last night,

I may have accidentally crated something, see the more i write the more options come my way and I think that's pretty cool. I type up things and i see other stories in my head. Not necessarily the characters I've already got but new ones. I don't know if I'd actually write about them yet, lets get through this first but hey it's still very awesome in my own opinion. I even would think it was cool if someone else wrote something in the same universe.

Call me crazy, I think that's interesting, I may be protective over my characters because a lot of work goes into some of them but not so RAAR about the worlds, go figure.

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Kay, posting this up before I go hit the bed, Just posted the next chapter and I'm happy with it.

Considering it was a complete re write again. I had like ten pages written and I was like oh no, this is horrible and I re did it, took the parts I liked and gutted the rest.

Okay, first off the care bear comment. We were watching care bearson the TV and my lap top sits in that corner so as I was typing i started typing what was happening on the TV i made a note of this on the shout box and Demongoddess said that actually sounds twisted. I read it through a few times and it did sound pretty cool.

Second, Zack. Orinially he was going to die like his brothers but for some god aweful reason he wouldn't go away. the more times I tried to kill him the harder it got. I realized why, all of the dynamics have been with people older than her, other than Stacey who turned out to be a complete disaster.

So Zack got to live, I wrote him as an empath because i thought, what would be the hardest power for a demon to have. Feelings.

What do you think? You guys like him? I actually let him grow on me,he's actually one of the sweeter characters so far.

Well Kayne finally got some sort of clue, I'm sorry to anyone who wanted to see him save her but I wanted some her time.

It was time for her to save herself and avenge a little bit of her loss.

Katreana and Stacey are still out there, i wonder what she'll do to them if she ever meets them again?

The letter, okay my atempts at a non apoology letter with some affection from an evil dragon. I literally did it seventeen times to get it right.

Okay, well off to bed now. PLEASE review, and keep reading.

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