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Title: A Triangle Has Three Sides

Author: Madlyn0Hattie

Rating: Adult ++

Summary: When you've been around as long as March has, you got to enjoy breaking people. He's never had two people to play with who were so stubborn about it before. March/Hatter (past, noncon), March/Alice/Hatter (very much noncon), Hatter/Others and Alice/Others (also noncon), Hatter/Alice (eventually noncon free). Warnings for pretty much everything you can think of will eventually apply. This is a WIP.

Feedback: Yes, please. (Flames will be ignored)

Fandom: Syfy's Alice (Or Alice 2009, or just Alice, or whatever you prefer) Currently listed under Misc TV Shows

URL: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095872


Title: A Triangle Has Three Sides

Author: Madlyn0Hattie

Rating: Adult ++

Summary: When you've been around as long as March has, you got to enjoy breaking people. He's never had two people to play with who were so stubborn about it before. March/Hatter (past, noncon), March/Alice/Hatter (very much noncon), Hatter/Others and Alice/Others (also noncon), Hatter/Alice (eventually noncon free). Warnings for pretty much everything you can think of will eventually apply. This is a WIP.

Feedback: Yes, please. (Flames will be ignored)

Fandom: Syfy's Alice (Or Alice 2009, or just Alice, or whatever you prefer) Currently listed under Misc TV Shows

URL: http://tv.adultfanfi...hp?no=600095872

Chapter Two now up: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095872&chapter=2

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