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AFF requested I put my responses to reviewers in the forum, so I made this thread in order to do exactly that. Hopefully you guys do not mind! This thread is for me to respond to the lovely reviews left on my fic Growing Up Hisagi. It means a lot to me when you guys leave comments, and really inspires me to keep writing, so THANK YOU!!

Ch. 4 Reviews

Yakumo: That is high praise indeed! Thank you for reviewing, and I'm glad you liked the fic so much.

Ya-u: I'm glad you enjoyed it! Sorry it took so long, lol. I think I will go with the ByaRen next time, so keep and eye out for it ^^

Meemai: Thank you! I'm really glad you gave it a chance, even if you usually don't read fics, and that you enjoyed it on top of that!

Ang69: Awww, thank you so much for your thoughtful comments! I'm glad that you enjoyed all the little details I put in there. I actually put a lot of thought into what Kensei and Shuuhei called each other throughout the fic. Shuhei went from Mugurume-taichou to Kensei as he got older, but I had Kensei go from Kid to Shuhei to Kid again, with Kid reading (hopefully) as a term of endearment at the end when he starts using it again. If you draw a Kensei/Shuhei pic you will have to let me know! I'd love to see that ^_^ And I think my next fic will be the ByaRen, so hopefully it turns out okay. Thanks again for reading and commenting!

GrimmAngel: I'm glad you liked it so much! I put a lot of thought into it before I began writing, so I'm happy that you appreciated it. Hopefully my other fics will not disappoint, lol. None of them were plotted the way this one was. . . they're basically PWPs, except for Second Chance, but that was more of an exercise to get back into writing after several years. Although I do plan on doing more plot-centric fics in the future.

Amy: Haha, better late than never! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Even though the fic is over, it really is the beginning for Kensei and Shuhei, yeah? So I'm glad you can imagine a life for them afterward. I get what you're saying about last chapters, too. A lot do feel rushed, and I can understand why, they are hard to write! Man, I spent awhile on this, and was actually thinking of writing it in two parts, but then I just wanted to get it done. I'm glad it didn't suffer too much as a result, lol.

Honestly, whenever I think of the twelfth division as a whole, I think there must be pretty perverted things going on. So Akon as a complete freak just seems. . . natural? I guess, to me. It would be nice if the manga gave him more characterization, or even more lines, but whatever. Maybe in the future.

It looks like my next fic is going to be the ByaRen one. But you know, I'll probably be working on other things as well. I'm trying not to start too many multi-parts at a time, but there are just so many ideas swirling around inside my head. But, yeah, I get not reading fics when you don't like the pairing. So hopefully I'll have some more KenseiShuhei written for you in the future ^^

vermilioncream: Ah, I didn't even know that I had put a pedophilia warning in there. I guess I did it as a better-safe-than-sorry precaution for Shuhei's dream sequence, in which he reads a little young. But, at any rate, you're actually totally right to notice an incest vibe throughout the whole thing. The truth is, I was reading a lot of Handjobs magazine before this, and if you're familiar with them, they do a lot of incest/ebophilia stuff. So I wanted to write my own take on the Daddy/Boy genre, only I didn't want to have actual incest in it, because Shuhei and Kensei aren't technically related and I didn't want them in an AU where they were. But, yeah, the vibe is still there, and sorry if that weirded you out. I'm glad you enjoyed the rest of it though, exempting that. I am planning on writing more Ken/Shu, sometime in the future, only without the incest vibe, so please be on the lookout for that ^_^

Ch. 3 Reviews

Amy: You know, I always look forward to your reviews, because you always have so many thoughtful things to say! It means a lot to me that you like my fics to leave such substantial reviews to them, so, again, THANK YOU! I hope the angst at the end of ch.3 was not too angsty. I cannot resist a happy ending, but it's always fun to torture the characters a little bit before that. As for writing more KenShuu, I probably will. After I finish the main story in Sex & Football, I'm planning on making a KenShuu side story, for which I already have the plot mostly mapped out. I also want to do a canon get together fic for them, but right now I don't even have a plot thought out for that, just a sketchy idea, so we'll see if it ever happens or not. I also have an idea for a fairy tale inspired fic in which KenShuu will most likely play a part. Don't feel forced to draw fanart, but if you do let me know, I'd love to see it!

I'm glad you liked my AkonShuu PWP. I like Akon's look a lot, but the manga does not give writers a lot to work with! If only they would develop him more! I don't know if he has feelings for his best friend in this fic. . . I have my thoughts, but I think it's nice to leave that up for readers to interpret as they will. If you're an Akon fan, I have an idea for an Akom/Mayuri, Urahara/Mayuri love triangle, though I'm not sure if it will ever come to fruition. The problem is I have too many ideas.

It's too bad you're not a Renji fan. He's one of my fave characters, and a lot of the ideas swirling around in my head have to do with him. But who knows what I'll write next, I guess.

Ang69: Aww, Kensei's being a meanie, but he has good intentions! And, don't worry, he comes around, as we all knew he would ^^ It's def true that KenShuu do not have enough ficcage, which is surprising considering how much canon there is between them. I do have ideas for stories involving them, I'm just not sure when I'm going to get to them. But I'm going to make a sidestory for them in my Sex and Football universe, once the main plot is done. I also want to write them a canon get together fic and a fairy tale inspired fic. But not romantic fairy tale, more like a political tale with fairy tale elements. Thanks for reviewing!

HollowedLove: Wow, I can't believe people are actually reccing my stuff out! Thank you for giving it a shot, and for writing a review to say so. I am planning on writing more for this couple, I'm just not sure when I'll get around to doing it, since I have a lot of ideas involving a lot of couples swirling around my head. I currently have three ideas for KenShuu ficcage: a sidestory for them in my Sex and Football universe, once the main plot is done; a canon get together fic; and a fairy tale inspired fic. Keep an eye out for them ^_^

Edited by crunchysalad
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