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Guest SisterWicked

One of my stories is currently hidden, and I do not know why.

I have no option to view or edit it, so I cannot see if it is indeed a disclaimer issue.

I suspect there may be more hidden stories by me, as the count seems off, but i cannot remember exactly how many I had posted here in the first place.

Would you be so kind as to let me know what needs to be corrected?

The story in question is "Nightmare Game".

Thank you.

Guest SisterWicked

One of my stories is currently hidden, and I do not know why.

I have no option to view or edit it, so I cannot see if it is indeed a disclaimer issue.

I suspect there may be more hidden stories by me, as the count seems off, but i cannot remember exactly how many I had posted here in the first place.

Would you be so kind as to let me know what needs to be corrected?

The story in question is "Nightmare Game".

Thank you.

Apparently I cannot edit my post.

All author's notes from the 5 FFN-posted versions of my fics are removed, as they do not apply here.

Please unhide all now-edited stories.

Thank you.


As a guest poster, you can't edit a post. I'll have a look at the stories when I get home from work, and verify that the FFN flames are removed. After that, I'll unhide 'em.

Guest SisterWicked

Thank you.

And just so you know, I was never notified of these stories being hidden in the first place.

Isn't it a standard practice to alert the author in such a circumstance?

Besides that, thanks again.


Actually, when we inform people of possibly being hidden, it is when we give them notice of an improper disclaimer or some other thing such as that. That is the only notice that is given. We're not required to give notice of hiding or deleting anything at all.

Aside from that...

Disclaimer of Dis-temperment: This fic contains sex. And cursing. And masturbation. It may make you dizzy, nauseous, hungry or prone to hand cramps. If you notice blurred vision, difficulty breathing or prolonged bouts of euphoria, go wash yourself and take a nap. Please, for the love of all that's holy, use soap and don't forget your nails. Thanks.

Gotta say, that's one of the FUNNIER content warnings I've seen.

Guest SisterWicked

Actually, when we inform people of possibly being hidden, it is when we give them notice of an improper disclaimer or some other thing such as that. That is the only notice that is given. We're not required to give notice of hiding or deleting anything at all.

Aside from that...

Gotta say, that's one of the FUNNIER content warnings I've seen.

XD I had to do it. Not too long before that chapter was completed, several 'fans' (I will assume girls to preserve their possible mandignity) wrote reviews for the previous chapter and some other stories of mine in which they professed their ultimate love and GLEE, and claimed that they spent more on Kleenex and hand sanitizer than they did on dorm food since I started posting for DGM. It was not the first time I had gotten declarations of faphappiness induced by something I'd written, but the timing made it a necessity to refer to it endlessly in the manner of an inside joke.

Then I had an unfortunate encounter with a member of FFN's infamous LU, during which I refered to her and her cronies as 'Clownshoes Inc.' She took offense and began attempting to have my works blocked or removed from all sites I post on, including my own server host LAWL~ He and I know each other personally, so he laughed her off.

Now they are running amok across the net, trying their hardest to discredit my entire group.

So far they seem to be failing, as 2 of FFN's staff have my 'graphic sexual writing' on alert :P

Oh well. Thanks for your help!

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