crunchysalad Posted October 7, 2010 Report Posted October 7, 2010 (edited) AFF requested I put my responses to reviewers in the forum, so I made this thread in order to do exactly that. Hopefully you guys do not mind! This thread is for me to respond to the lovely reviews left on my fic Sex and Football. It means a lot to me when you guys leave comments, and really inspires me to keep writing, so THANK YOU!! Chapter 15 Reviews Saka_Sandora: Haha, sorry. I was thinking of doing another Ai/Ichi scene but it would have been too short to be a stand-alone chapter. Glad you liked the ending. Jennifer: Finally, your days and weeks waiting are over, because this fic is over ^ _ ^ But if that seens bittersweet don't worry, there will definitely be a sequel eventually, though I need a little break from this universe's GrimIchi for awhile. kaede.gf11: Thanks for writing in, and I'm glad I was able to give you some bedtime reading! A previous reviewer (I don't remember who and I'm too lazy to look it up, hehe) actually asked me once if I would ever have Ichigo top and I said yes, so I couldn't go making myself a liar! shadowkittae: I'm glad to hear you liked the flip flopping. I've hinted before that Ichigo's topped and Grimmjow's bottomed, so it was inevitable for them to do it with each other like that at least once ^ _ ^ Also glad to hear that you won't likely be disappointed, haha. Knock on wood. chirasu n hoeru: Well, I'm thinking that Renji will get together with Ishida in a side story (if and when I get around to writing it); unfortunately, Byakuya has Kenpachi, and I definitely plan to do a Kensei/Hisagi sidestory, so there's not many other people to pair Renji up with. Maybe he should get tossed into a threesome, haha. I don't like OCs either, so when I have them I try to keep them as minor as possible. But I'm happy to hear you don't mind Grimmjow's dad! Person who thinks this fic is hot TTM: Haha, don't worry, Grimmjow's dad might do a little flirting but he won't seriously go after Ichigo. I think it would be a little too expected? And, yeah, it was about time they had a proper date! Cricket: Aww, don't judge Grimmi's dad too harshly, he has his reasons ^ _ ^ Sorry I can't keep writing this story forever, lol, but I do plan on eventually writing a sequel. I just need a little break first, maybe write some side stories/ prequels. But the Sex and Football universe will continue! kat: You'll find out in this latest chapter. Sorry for the wait! Karas-chan: Haha, don't worry, things will work out for our lovebirds. And now that they're officially a couple they'll definitely at least ask permission before sleeping with other people, lol. You know, I was thinking about doing a chapter where Grimmjow visits Margera, but it just didn't really flow with the rest of the fic. But since I know someone's interested in it I'll definitely keep it in mind as a possible side story. Chapter 14 Reviews mizperceivedd:: LOL. You didn't offend me at all by saying that, because this is exactly the kind of fic that's supposed to be. While writing usually the question on my mind is, "now how will I get to the next smut scene?" At any rate, I'm glad that you're loving this fic, hopefully you continue to enjoy the last two chapters. qwerty: Haha, you'll find out who it was soon enough. Glad you liked the chapter. Cricket: Oh, I like to think that there were no cameras in there, if only to spare poor Ichigo even further embarassment. But who know : ) Yeah, Magera was a pretty random choice given how minor of a character he's been, and the fact that he seems to be autistic, but I like the idea of giving a Margera that hasn't been messed up by Aizen some screen time. And don't worry, Yammy isn't Grimmjow's father! I personally don't like to cast familial relations among characters that aren't related in canon so, as you'll see, Grimmjow's daddy will have to be an OC. Namira: Who knows with Gin : ) ? He's a sly one, after all. I'm glad you liked Aizen in this chapter and how everything played out. And you're totally right, Ichigo has been pretty irresponsible throughout the manga. Now that I really think about, he's the kind of character that would usually annoy me, but the fact that he's so slashable makes me love him. Really, he pairs well with basically any guy (or girl, if that's your thing) in the series, imho. satterb: Haha. Yeah, Aizen's a real jerk. And he's proving to be kind of fun to write, surprisingly (to me, anyway). Person who thinks this fic is hot TT: Yuzu and Karin will make a brief cameo, but they won't really have time to inspect Grimmjow. Maybe they'll show up in a possible sequel to weigh in with their opinions! And as for Ichigo being drugged. . . well, I really wouldn't put it past Aizen, but I'll leave it for you guys to interpret ^ ^. Thanks for pointing out that the switch in locations was confusing; I re-read it and totally agree, so I put a horizontal line there just to make it obvious that a change of scene was occuring. Thanks for reading and reviewing! Saka_Sandora: I never realized that they were such a popular pair! Thanks for reading and reviewing, as always! Jennifer: Tsk, tsk, Ichigo has turned into quite the slut, hasn't he? You'll find out really soon who the visitor is (this next chapter I've posted). Also, I'm glad that you're continuing to enjoy this fic ^ ^ sainmoth14: Hmm, are you suggesting that Aizen drugged Ichigo? I guess only Aizen knows the answer to that ; ) Sorry I took so long to update this; I promise the next update will be much quicker. I really only have the smut scene to write. kat: You'll see in this next chapter ^ ^ Glad you liked it! Souless: Haha, he must just have the type of aura that makes people want to take advantage. But isn't it more fun for us that way? booklover00: Don't worry, I'm definitely finishing this thing! The next (and last) chapter will be up soon; thank you for reading and reviewing. shadowkittae: I'm glad that you're continuing to enjoy this thing! And of course I don't mind you thinking up different scenarios to entertain yourself with! It's flattering, really, although it does make me nervous that I will eventually disappoint people with the scenarios I do eventually decide to write, hehe. Hopefully you enjoy this next chapter as well. Chapter 13 Reviews Jennifer: Grimmjow's change was actually a mix of deliberateness and just letting things happen. When I initially started writing this it was supposed to be a oneshot (the first chapter), but it was so much fun to write I made it a multi-part. And then as I kept writing and more of the plot came to me, I realized that Grimmjow would have to change somewhat for his relationship with Ichigo to make sense. Hopefully I pulled all that off! Glad you liked this chapter. Cricket: Yeah, it's hard to write a character that hasn't been dealt with in canon. I'm glad she at least seemed believable as I wrote her : ) I'm glad you like a softer Grimmjow. He's a lot different now than at the beginning of the fic, so I'm just glad that people were on board with the change. Salamandar: Thank you for reading and reviewing! It's nice to hear that people enjoy my fics. Saka_Sandora: You know, I had no idea Ai/Ichi was such a popular pairing until people started asking me to include a scene of them. But, don't worry, if you read the latest chapter you'll see that there's definitely an Ai/Ichi scene in this : ) sainmoth14: Thank you. And, yeah, they finally have to deal with the sex tape! Let's see how that goes. . . Karas-chan: Hahaha. Glad you liked it! Helen: I know, now that Grimmjow has this softer side it's getting hard to balance with his domineering side! Hopefully I don't mess it up too bad : ) I like a coercive Grimmjow as well! Namira: Parents can be annoying, can't they? And I never noticed it before, but you're right, Ichigo is being pretty irresponsible in this story! Hopefully now that this drama with Grimmjow is over, he'll be more focused at work : ) Though I guess it vibes a little with current cannon, where he's apparently okay with blowing off work all the time and not letting his family know when he won't be home. And your Ichigo-fixation isn't weird at all; I have a few fandoms where I tend to be fixated on one or two characters as well. Souless: ^ ^ I was trying to go for inadvertently romantic, but, yeah, I guess he is at heart! Hekates Blackest Blood: Thank you for your review! I'm glad to hear you've been enjoying this story. And I'm happy to hear that it's inspiring you with your own lemons! That's quite a flattering bit of praise. Though I don't know how much credit I can take for developing the plot, lol, since mostly it's just me using it to get to future sex scenes I have in mind. I can be a huge perv that way. Sinistra: I'm so happy you enjoy my work so much! Thanks for reviewing and saying so. Don't be offended to suggest things, I always love to hear what readers like to see (this Ai/Ichi scene in the latest chapter, for example, wouldn't have happened if people didn't tell me they wanted to see an Ai/Ichi scene). I do have an idea for a Kenpachi/Grimmjow prequel, so knowing that there's someone who's interested might make me more inclined to work on it after I finish this main story. . . though no promises. Thanks again for the feedback! Chapter 12 Reviews Person who thinks this fic is hot TTM: Sorry you keep having problems sending your reviews in! But, you know, it's very much appreciated that you take the time to do so. It means a lot to me, especially when I get a lot of feedback like the review you left this time. As far as Ulquiorra and Grimmjow goes, there's two sides to every story, and the truth is usually in the middle ^ ^ Eventually Grimmjow will have to explain himself! I'm glad you liked the Ren/Ichi part, and I agree that Ichigo was a little detached, but I think he was more concerned about getting laid than he was about Renji, poor guy (or not, considering he still had a lot of fun). Plus, you know, his mind was on Grimmjow. I'm also happy you liked the Ichigo/Byakuya/Kenpachi scene. I imagine most of my characters as at least a tiny bit versatile even if you don't see it, so I thought it would be fun to have Byakuya top. Gin is a lot of fun to write! His preference for blonds could refer to Kira or Rangiku, if you were so inclined, but considering this fic takes place in gay porn fantasy land, if I ever write them I'll probably write Gin/Kira. But, yeah, Grimmjow has to show up to deal with the tape! This fic will be 16 chapters in all, with possible prequels/side stories/ and sequels, so even if the main plot line ends there will be more, I promise! Namira: Well, the fic four more chapters (including the that I'm releasing today), so at least there's a little bit left. And after this I'll probably make some one shots involving other characters in this universe, and eventually there might be a sequel, so no fear! And, yeah, the manga as of late does have everyone depressed, doesn't it? Hopefully it picks up, because there just aren't any other running manga with this number of slashable characters. And don't worry about Ai/Ichi, it's coming. . . as you'll see in this next chapter, Aizen didn't release the whole tape ^ ^ Satterb: Perverted Kenpachi is just so much fun to write! Though, to be honest, all the characters in this universe are pretty perverted, lol. Glad you liked the chapter! SakaSandora: Aizen is an asshole, isn't he? But, yeah, we'll soon find out why he released the sex tape when he did and exactly what he released and how everyone deals with it. Yumi: I guess we'll see how Urahara reacts ^ ^ And, yeah, Byakuya does need a spanking! Thanks for reviewing. Miszxbrii: Haha, yeah, Byakuya's still a little snob, no matter what. Little, perverted Byakuya is a lot of fun to write, so I'm glad you're enjoying his characterization and that you liked his scene with Kenpachi. And don't worry, Grimmjow's back in this next chapter! Cinder1013: So sorry! At least I got this next chapter out (relatively) quickly for you guys : ) Jennifer: Yes, it's Aizen, as you will see in the next few chapters : ) Oh, man, I don't know if I'm getting more and more creative with my sex scenes. . . I try to do something a little different each time I write one, but that's quite a compliment to live up to! At any rate, I'm glad you're enjoying them. Sainmoth14: Oh, I didn't think about how Kenpachi would react! That would be interesting. Unfortunately you'll just have to imagine it in your mind. Glad you liked the threesome! Nivell: Happy to hear that you liked the scene. Having some Ken/Bya in here was just too delicious of an opportunity to pass up, and Ichigo is the main character, so of course he has to be involved : ) I don't know if Ichigo will have time to top Byakuya in this fic, but maybe in a sequel? We shall see. Triggerhappybitch: I like your idea of heaven. And don't worry, you'll find out what Grimmjow has been up to very soon : ) Souless: Haha. Yeah, poor Ichigo, but at least he was having fun until the sex tape showed up! Cricket: Actually, as I'm thinking of what to do these next few chapters, there's a scene where an elevator will fit in nicely. . . but it won't be with Grimmjow. . . you'll just have to wait and see! And the sequel is definitely something I want to do, but right now I don't have anything but a very vague premise which I won't say (because it's a spoiler for the end of this fic). But maybe a vague premise is enough, considering this fic started as just one sex scene and is now the longest thing I've ever written! Karas-chan: You're very insightful : ) It's true that the sex tape could have all sorts of ramifications, so you'll just have to read on to see what exactly happens to Grimmjow and Ichigo. . . GlassesandWhatnot: Don't worry, Grimmjow's back (very) soon! I couldn't keep him away from Ichigo for too long, after all. Hitsuzen: Yeah, that sex tape took a long time, didn't it? The reason why Aizen waited will kind of be explained, but mostly it's because I wanted to fit in all those other smut scenes before Grimmjow and Ichigo had to deal with this together. And I'm glad you like Gin! I'm thinking of doing a Gin/Kira side story set in this universe, but right now have no idea what it would entail. CakeOnDrugs: Haha. Yeah, well, we know, but we'll see how long it takes Ichigo to figure it out : ) Ch. 11 Reviews Saka_Sandora: I'm happy you liked it so much! Ichigo. . . is really something, huh? What can I say? Grimmjow's turned him into something of a slut. satterb: hahaha. You sound like you're talking about drugs or something, calling it "good sh*t." But, yeah, Grimmjow can stand to play nice, and as for Ulquiorra and Ichigo. . . I'm not sure I can fit it in with the rest of the plot that I have in mind. I might end up writing a sequel to this (but I'll probably need a break from this universe first), and it's possible Ulquiorra might show up there. Or maybe I'll write him into the epilogue, I dunno. Well, at any rate, hope you enjoy the rest of this fic, even if Ulquiorra and Ichigo don't hook up! Tokoloshe: Don't worry, Ichigo will get his sign before this fic is through ^^ And Gin and Kira are cute, aren't they? I've always liked them together theoretically, but their dynamic is hard for me to get a grasp on. Maybe because I'm a big Rangiku fan, I'm not sure. sainmoth14: Thank you so much! The fact that I have reviewers like you, who consistently take the time out to comment on these silly stories, really pushes me to keep writing. So thank you, again, for reading and reviewing. I'm glad you like the plot and the smut Namira: Ulquiorra's a smartie, that one ^^ But, yeah, the confrontation between Grimm and Ichi needed to happen! And I'm happy to hear that you liked Kira and Gin's little scene. Their dynamic is hard for me (I imagine Gin has to be kind of a jerk to Kira, but Kira's stayed so damn loyal in canon). The idea of Renji asking Grimm for permission is hilarious. I would totally steal it from you, only I have the rest of the plot pretty much set (only a few more chapters to go!) Deminos: You are so sweet for worrying! But you're on the right track with your thoughts on Grimmjow and Ulquiorra ^^ It might not happen in this fic (I have the rest of the plot planned and can't think of a way to fit it in), but maybe if I write a sequel Ulquiorra will show up. Thanks for the welcome back! triggerhappybitch: Don't feel too bad for them, they'll work things out. . . eventually ^^ Glad to hear you liked this chapter! msuzumaki: LOL. Ichi is a huge slut, huh? I blame it on Grimmjow's influence. But, yeah, when I first started writing this it was just going to be a one shot (that first chapter), and it was just supposed to be porn. But then I started getting ideas for more smut scenes, and then I had to build a plot around it, and eleven chapters later it's a full-fledged fic! But, yeah, it's still supposed to be porn, which is why there's so much sex, unfortunately (or fortunately?) for Ichigo. I swear not all my stories are like this ^^ Cricket: Aww, man, a mirror. Why didn't I think of that? You're totally right. Renji is definitely nicer to Ichigo, but. . . this is a GrimmIchi, after all ^^ I can't keep them apart for too long. . . I'm not sure if I can work in the elevator bit though. I already have the next (last) few chapters planned out. But if I ever write a sequel I'll have to write an elevator scene and dedicate it to you. Souless: Don't worry, he'll get his Ichigo back eventually ^^ Jennifer: Don't worry too much about Grimmjow, this is a GrimmIchi fic, after all ^^ And you won't have much longer to wait before Grimmjow's back in the picture, I promise. Karas-chan: Hahaha, thank you very much for that compliment. Unfortunately Renji and Ichigo won't be dating. There's only four more chapters to go, so Ichigo's going to get back with Grimmjow pretty soon, actually. Though Renji may make a cameo ^^ CakeOnDrugs: LOL. Ulqui and Wonderweiss, hmm? That's an interesting pairing as well! It's strange to think of Wonderweiss with anyone in canon, but who's to stop us in our little make-believe worlds, right? Anonymous: That's understandable; this is a GrimmIchi, after all, so I get that some people might not want to see Ichigo being so flippant about sleeping with other people. But don't worry, Grimm and Ichi get back together soon. Glad you like the fic ^^ Hikari: Well, there are a lot of problems heading their way. . . pretty soon Ulquiorra will be the least of their worries ^^ Ch. 10 Reviews satterb: Grimmy is a huge perv, isn't he? But that's why we love him so ^^ Sorry I didn't write anything for so long! RL can be such a drag sometimes. But I really do appreciate the fact that you always take the time to review my stuff, it really motivates me to (eventually, at least) write more, instead of abandoning the fics I have written. And the fanart is really cute, isn't it? I was so flattered when I got it! I hope you like what Ulquiorra has in store for Grimmjow and Ichigo. . . it stirs things up a little bit, but not too much, I hope! P.W.T.T.F.I.H.TTM: Aww, sorry to keep you waiting! I really do feel bad for that. RL called and food porn is hard to write! I thought fruit basket, but then a banana would have been too obvious, wouldn't it? Not that there's anything wrong with bananas. So I decided on grapes-as-anal-beads and hopefully it wasn't too out there; and as for Ichigo's tightness, well. . . let's just say he's also rather supple and stretchy in the area? As for AiIchi, I had no idea it was such a popular pairing! I do have an idea for this one AiIchi/GrimmIchi fic, with Aizen as the bad guy, but it will have to wait for when I'm done with at least one of my two ongoing multi-parts, because it will be a long one. Jennifer: Thank you very much for saying so^^ Sorry I kept you guys waiting so long for the chapter. Food play is kind of hard to write. At any rate, yes, drama! They couldn't have smooth sailing forever, especially considering their unconventional beginnings, so I had to spice things up a little bit. At least for a few chapters. I hope you continue to enjoy the fic! CakeOnDrugs: Aww, don't be too hard on Ulqui. Remember that everything we've heard about him so far has been filtered through Grimmjow's perspective ^^ We'll see how Ichigo and Grimmjow handle him. . . EerieQ: That's so sweet of you to say! I really do feel badly to stay away from fic writing for so long. It's so irritating when people write multi-parts and seemingly abandon them, yes? But at any rate, I'm glad that you enjoyed this chapter. The grapes were. . . hard to write, lol. Maybe I should have stuck with something conventional like cucumbers, but I liked the anal beads approach of it. And you're definitely right to sense drama! Now we just have to see if Ichigo and Grimmjow can handle it. Lady Aya: Aah, sorry for that! I know how annoying abandoned fics can be (and have been guilty of not finishing fics in the past), so I'm going to try my hardest to finish all the Bleach fics I start. Plus since this particular fic seems to be decently popular, I'd feel bad not finishing it. We have to see what ultimately happens to Ichigo and Grimmjow, after all! And so sorry for the cliffhanger! Hopefully you didn't have to wait TOO long for this next chapter. cinder1013: It's funny, I usually don't like food play either, lol. The food stuff was a request, but I had fun writing it, so it was all good. Souless: Thank you! I'm glad that you are enjoying this fic. Namira: Yes, Ulquiorra had to play his part, didn't he ^^? Hopefully he doesn't disappoint! I'm still undecided as to whether there will be a smut scene with Ichigo and Ulquiorra, but we'll see. Cricket: Hahaha. Yes, well, Ulquiorra isn't all bad, as you'll see in this next chapter! Though he does stir things up for our beloved couple. It's hard to imagine Grimmjow and romance, but yeah, I agree that he has to at least stop treating Ichigo like an object. But we shall see how he reacts to Ulquiorra's presence in their lives. . . LOL at the Love in an Elevator story. To think that, of all the places Grimm and Ichi have had sex in this story, they haven't done it in an elevator (or have they? I've been writing this for so long I don't even remember. I should go back and re-read it before I commit any horrible continuity errors). Hitsuzen: Sorry for the delay in this story! I think the next several chapters (until the end) will be out in a more regular fashion. I'm going to try for every 2-3 weeks. At any rate, thanks for reviewing! Ch. 9 Reviews FlyinGShadoW1314: Debauchery is such a wonderful thing, isn't it? Sorry my updates have been taking longer and longer! I'll try to keep them coming quickly after this, especially since there will be a few possible cliffhangers coming up. As for the client. . . well. . . you might be disappointed at first, but I think you'll be okay with the end result! nivell: LOL. Byakuya always struck me as a closet freak, so I get a kick out of him enjoying Grimmjow's many sexual talents. And as a youth he was pretty impetuous/forthwith, so why not have him demand satisfaction? And, don't worry, he'll be back in a few chapters. Grimmjow might not be around, but someone else will be, and I think Byakuya will be happy enough with the results. Amy: Oh, man, if you thought the wait between chapters 8 and 9 were bad, the wait between 9 and 10 must have killed you. Sorry! I promise to keep them coming more quickly after this. And, yeah, Shuhei doesn't have a huge role in the main body of this fic, though he'll probably show up as a cameo in the last chapter. And, of course, he'll get some attention in his one-shot with Kensei. I still haven't worked that out, but I'll tell you what I'm thinking so far: Kensei was a U.S. army officer stationed in Okinawa while Shuhei was growing up (and is Shuhei's first crush). Shuhei moves to Tokyo, Kensei is dishonorably discharged, and one day Kensei walks into Shuhei's sex shop. Stuff happens and sex ensues. Possibly in a leather swing. We shall see. Tokoloshe: Thanks! Hope you enjoy Ichigo's meeting with his new client =) satterb: Haha, dirty talk is great. I'm glad that you enjoy it as well. I'm also glad you like Grimmjow and Ichigo's interactions. . . I'm trying to develop their relationship without being too overt about it. You know, having them both develop feelings without even noticing it themselves. Hopefully I am doing okay! Thank you for reading and reviewing, as always =) Cricket: Oh. no, it was cool that you were so passionate about it! Demand away, lol. I won't guarantee I'll fulfill every demand, but it's nice to know what readers like and then try to incorporate it somehow, if the story and the mood allows. Hopefully this chapter's food stuff is okay. . . I've never actually written any sex scenes with food, and I didn't really accomplish what I wanted, but oh well. Thanks for reading! mangofox: What can I say? You've totally guess it ^ ^ ! I'm glad you like the story, will keep the chapters coming! Qiedia: Thank you so much for your kind words! It's always a little nervewrecking to post a fic that's a little off from mainstream. . . I actually have this one fic I wrote awhile ago involving Isshin getting gangbanged that I haven't posted because. . . well, there doesn't seem to be any demand for something like that, you know? But, at any rate, I'm really happy that people have responded so well to this fic. I feel like I'm doing my civic duty in supplying porn to the masses, lol. And I just couldn't scar Byakuya for life! I'm glad you thought his reaction was cute. . . young!Byakuya is just so adorable, it's sad that there's not more ficcage of him around the internet. And as for the new client. . .well, you're not wrong this time! Although you'll have to wait and see what Ulquiorra has to say to Ichigo. Jennifer: Thank you! I'll try to keep the chapters coming more often! Pickles: I put Aizen in this chapter so you know I didn't forget about him ^^ He's just waiting for the right time to make his move! Person who thinks this fic is hot TTM: Ah, sucks when that happens. It's happened to me a few times as well, haha. At any rate, I'm glad you think that Byakuya is cute and that all of Ichigo's sides are so endearing. Grimmjow is an expert, isn't he? He's a better boyfriend that either of them would think ^^ I'll try to have these next chapters (until the end of the fic) out more quickly, so you'll get all of your KenBya and Aizen and new client goodness. I actually wasn't going to have blackmail sex when this fic started (I was going to have them get rid of Aizen through non-sexual means), but since people seem really into it I think I'll just have to write it in! I guess there isn't enough AiIchi in the world anyway. Thanks for following this fic and for reviewing it so consistently. . . I really do enjoy bringing a little bit more smut into this world? Hikari: Ichigo really is doing well, isn't he? Hopefully he doesn't have a hard time keeping up! Namira: Haha, Byakuya is the cutest, isn't he? Little!Byakuya deserves more fic love. And as for the new client. . .well, you'll be right about Grimmjow disliking him ^^ Deminos: LOL, it is a great cliche, isn't it? Glad you enjoyed my spin on things, and hopefully you'll like my future chapters as well! mystice: I'm glad you're enjoying this story so far! Don't worry, there will be an Aizen/Ichigo chapter (it seems like something my beloved readers really want to see!), it's just that Aizen is taking his time to get around to it. . . he's a busy man, after all. Thank you for reading and reviewing! I'll try to get updates out more often from now on! Yumi: Hahaha. I'm happy that you like it so much. Porn's fun to write, so I'm glad people are liking this! EerieQ: No need to apologize! Really, I apologize for taking so long to get this latest chapter out. RL can be quite the time eater, eh? And, yeah, I couldn't help but point out that Ichigo is the stronger of the two of them. Because as bossy as Grimmjow is, I really feel that Ichigo wouldn't go along with things unless, deep inside, he really wanted to. Does that make sense? Blushing Renji will definitely be back in the future, not too long from now (probably in the next chapter, if all goes according to plan), so hopefully he'll be making you smile again in the near future! And I'm glad that you're enjoying all these little moments with the characters, because they're a lot of fun to write, and it's nice to know that people are appreciating them. Thank you for reading and reviewing so consistently! It means so much! empress11690: Hahaha. Grimmjow is surprisingly generous, isn't he? Sorry I haven't updated in so long, updates will be quicker from now on! FT: I LOVE YOU! The picture is gorgeous! I love all their expressions, they are just perfect. I'm so glad you like this story so much! And don't worry about your English, it's great! If you don't mind, I'd like to put a link to your picture up in my profile. Will this be okay? trigger happy bitch: LOl. Sorry about your keyboard. But I'm glad you like the story! jennifer chang: Actually. . . I've thought about a spinoff. I have a bunch of ideas for prequels/sequels taking place in this universe, but it will have to wait until after the main plot is done. As far as Kenpachi and Grimmjow goes, their story would take place in Grimmjow's college days, and would involve Grimmjow getting some much needed discipline. But we'll see. . . I have a lot of ideas, so maybe I'll eventually put up a poll asking what people want to see. Hitsuzen: Yeah, sorry! Haven't forgotten about you guys, rl's just been busy! The updates from now on will be more frequent, hopefully, especially since we've past the halfway mark of the plot (I think). CakeOnDrugs: Sorry for the delay! Hopefully this next chapter will do! sainmoth14: Here's the next chapter! Hope you enjoy it! LadyAya: Updated! Enjoy! Hopefully updates will come more quickly from now on! Ch. 8 Reviews Jennifer: Thank you! I don't know about more Grimm/Bya, but Byakuya will definitely be back. I'm not sure if Grimm will be around for it, but I can't say too much because that would be giving it away. . . Anon: Glad you liked that part! Ichigo is, at least in canon, stronger than Grimmjow, so I wanted to put in a little reminder of that. And, don't worry, Ichigo has plenty of alone time with Grimmjow's package in this next chapter. Qiedia: Grimmjow is definitely a naughty boy, to say the least, lol. But maybe that's why we love him? I'm happy to hear that you're still enjoying this fic. It's the longest I've ever written, when you consider word count, and sometimes I feel like it gets redundant, so it's really nice to hear that people are actually still enjoying it! Though my fave chap (personally) will probably always be the first, lol. At any rate, sorry for not updating sooner, but you know how holidays are. Busy times! Hikari: Thank you! Hope the wait wasn't too long. satterb: Well, your xmas wish might belatedly be fulfilled! Ichigo will definitely consider dumping Grimmjow in a not too distant chapter, and Ulquiorra will definitely be the catalyst for it, but not in the way that you might think. I'm actually still deciding if I want to write Ulqui/Ichi or Ichi/Ulqui. It doesn't exactly fit in the plot I have in my head, but I can always make it fit somewhere, even if it's quite down the road. At any rate, thanks for reading and reviewing! Glad you enjoyed Grimmjow's little time with Byakuya. Person who thinks this fic is hot TTM: Yes, Gin will definitely have a sizable role now that he's been introduced, though unfortunately he probably won't get to join in on any bedtime fun with Grimm and Ichi : ) Though I'm sure he'll have a lot of fun just teasing them. As for Byakuya being uke. . . in this fic (and most of my fics, actually), all the characters are at least a little versatile, even if you don't necessarily see it. So Byakuya will definitely get his chance to top, even if it's off-screen. And he will definitely meet up with Kenpachi, because that's just too much fun to pass up. And you'll find out who he practices on, don't worry ^^ I don't know if that's the bad thing that Ichigo thought would happen. . . I don't actually believe in that superstition, although Ichigo does, lol. So I will leave it up to your interpretation. . . though I warn you, something pretty bad might happen to our lovely couple soon. Though I'm sure they will work things out. But now I'm saying too much! I update about every three weeks, unless I have a lot going on irl, such as this previous holiday season. Thanks for reviewing! Deminos: No problem! Thanks for reviewing this one! Yeah, Renji can be pretty shy, can't he? At least when you consider his interactions with Rukia, who I do think he harbors feelings for in canon. Though that won't stop me from writing him into yaoi couples in fanfiction, lol. But I'm getting off track. I'm glad you enjoy this fic's Renji. I'm also glad you enjoyed the non-con, and the little bit at bondage. Bondage is not a natural thing for me to write, but I do, at least, want to do a scene with handcuffs somewhere in this fic. We shall see. SugarMagnolia: I totally get why you wouldn't like the Byakuya scene, and after reading your review I realized that I didn't mention that Byakuya was a minor in my warning at the top of the chapter. So I've fixed that now. At any rate, I'm glad you enjoyed the rest of the fic. Hopefully you enjoy this next chapter as well, which is strictly consensual Grimm/Ichi : ) Cricket: LOL. Demanding, aren't we? But I can definitely give you another blow job or two. And your request for food is inspiring me something fierce, as you will see in chapter ten, when Coca-cola sends a gift basket to our lovely couple. As for Shinji. . . I'm not sure if we will see him, but I'm leaning towards no. Maybe, when I finish this, and if I ever write a sequel, he'll be in it. But that won't be for awhile if it happens at all, so no promises. Thanks for reviewing! Pickles: Hahaha, don't worry. Grimmjow knows what his Ichigo needs and is willing to give it to him, so he'll have his fun. xpinkcloudx: Hmm. . . I actually have an idea for a (mostly) Grimm/Ulqui that I'm working on, though it's going to be pretty weird, so I'm not sure if you (or anyone, for that matter) will like it or not. At any rate, I'm glad you like the Grim/Ichi here, even if you're a Grim/Ulqui fan! Grimmjow's a lot of fun to write, so it's nice to hear that you're enjoying his portrayal. He is a hottie, isn't he? Even if he's also kind of an asshole, lol. And Renji is definitely a cutie, so I had to throw him into the mix at some point. Since he's your favorite, you'll be happy to hear that he'll be back in a future chapter, though unfortunately there won't be any Ren/Bya in this fic. I want Byakuya to get some Kenpachi-lovin', in case you couldn't tell from my little hints, and I'm not sure if Renji will end up with anyone. Maybe Ishida? Well, we'll see. Nivell: Don't you worry, there will be some Ken/Bya eventually! They might get their own side story as well, once I finish this fic, though don't hold me to that. I've only worked my way through about half the sex scenes I want to write for this, so it will continue for awhile longer. And, if you're a fan of Ichigo topping, he'll be doing it later on in the story. All my characters are at least a little bit versatile, usually, even if you don't see it in the actual fic. kat: Sorry for the delay! Holidays and all that. The next one will be out quicker, hopefully ^^ Namira: Haha, glad you think so! The dialog was a lot of fun to write, so I'm happy to hear you enjoyed reading it. Hitsuzen: Aww, you're so sweet for saying so! You should definitely track down Cicada. I think it's posted on a few forums, so if you do a google search you should be able to find it. Although you'll probably have to register at those forums to download it, I'm not sure. I would help you out, but unfortunately I don't have it on my computer anymore, and the site I used to read it on is no longer up. Byakuya will DEFINITELY will be back, as will Renji, as well Kenpachi. But not all three of them together, lol. I think I've hinted at who I want Byakuya to interact with ^ ^ I might have Renji end up with someone as well, though I'm not sure who yet. Also, you're my 100th reviewer on this fic! I feel like that should be celebrated or something. Do you have any requests? It doesn't necessarily have to be for this fic, it could be a prompt or something for a new fic as well. Ch. 7 Reviews Namira: You know, you're not the first person to tell me they're not huge Renji fans. I love him though. . . can't resist muscles and tattoos, lol. Glad you like his little crush, which is harmless enough. Also glad you liked Grimmjow's attitude towards Ichigo and other men. It was pretty vital for this fic, lol, or at least for my smut-filled ideas. Person who thinks this fic is hot TTM: Glad you enjoyed it as much as the other chapters! Don't worry, Renji will get his chance at Ichigo, though not just yet. And Byakuya will definitely get a chance with Grimm and Ichi, as you will see in Ch. 8. . . and also another chapter down the road. And of course Ichigo's fantasies will come true, I wouldn't deprive the little bugger of a good sexing ^^ As for Aizen. . . you know, initially I wasn't going to do an Ai/Ichi scene, but since people keep asking I guess I'll have to! So look forward to the sex tape scandal, when it pops up. And I don't blame you for being Ichigo-biased. I mean, come on, the guy pairs so well with pretty much everyone in the manga (guy or girl). It's too much for an erotic author to resist. lara5170: I'm glad to hear you liked it so much! Don't worry, this isn't an abandoned story, though it might be somewhat slow going. This site doesn't let you sign up for updates, but if you sign up to follow me on twitter than you'll see when I update my fics (the link is in the story chapters and it my profile). Thanks for giving this fic a chance! msuzumaki: Yes. Renji was just not ready for Grimmjow's level of sexpertise. Hopefully Grimmjow was not too crude for you ^^ Hikari: I'm glad you got a chuckle out of it; that was what I was hoping for when I wrote it. Pickles: And what, my dear are you curious about ^_~? I promise that your questions will eventually be answered. . . Qiedia: Why, thank you! Renji wasn't the most obvious person to walk in on them, really, so it's understandable that you didn't see it coming. But, you know, I just couldn't help but throw him into the mix. The thought of an embarrassed Renji was just so cute to me, I couldn't resist. It kind of livened things up, I hope? At any rate, I'm glad you liked them all together. And don't worry about Ichigo's hot spring fantasies, I am sure that he will get his way ^^ Though I hope that you're not too disappointed when it comes, lol. This is Ichigo, and he's naturally a bit naive when it comes to sex (though Grimmjow's definitely taught him a thing or two), so his fantasies aren't nearly as. . . umm. . . creative as Grimmjow's. Boogermeister: Thank you once again! EerieQ: Haha, yeah, I had to bring back Renji! He's just too awesome not to. And don't worry, he'll be back, though it might not be for a threesome, unfortunately. . . but I suppose you will see when we get there. He's actually one of my fave characters too, so it's nice to share the Renji-love. I'm glad you liked Byakuya and Yoruichi. They were just so cute together in Turn Back the Pendulum. Young Byakuya is such a hotheaded brat, I love him. The question of whether Ichigo will be able to sign Byakuya will be answered quickly. . . really quickly, as in Ch. 8, so you won't have to wait long to find out! Ch. 6 Reviews miszxbrii: Grimmjow's an asshole, but, you know, Ichigo's bringing out some good in him ^ ^ Glad you like his characterization in this chapter! And yes, you would guess correctly, in that Grimmjow and Ulquoirra have a kind of back story. It'll be explained later on, from both their points of views, and I may even do a prequel about it. Maybe, I don't know. I'll think about it when the main story is over. Hikari: Yeah, you're totally right, Ichigo's job does kind of depend on Grimmjow doing well (until he gets new clients). I guess he just knows what he can and can't get Grimmjow to do ^ ^ Boogermeister: Thank you! Glad you liked this chapter. Qiedia: I'm glad you liked this chapter (and all the other ones)! As for what happens. . . well, you'll see soon enough in this next chapter : ) Ulquoirra actually won't be back until after Ichigo and Grimmjow get back from their mini-vacation, so. . . a few chapters down the road, I think. Until then the duo will have to try and relax and occupy themselves with other things. Thank you for taking the time out to review! It means a lot! Satterb: Haha, happy to hear you like this kind of smut as well. You're right, Ichigo probably will have his answers soon. . . but right now I'm actually putting that on hold so they can have a smut-filled mini-vacation together. Though, rest assured, they'll have to deal with their relationship when they got back. HALLOWEEN: Hahaha, thanks! Don't worry, Kenpachi will be back, but not for a few chapters. EerieQ: Yeah, Ulquiorra being kind of lame, but he has your reasons, as you'll see in the future ^^ As for who walked in on them. . . well, you'll see that in this next chapter! Xfairygirlx: Lol. Yeah, that would be an interesting threesome. Maybe one day they'll learn to get along, but I'm no promising anything. Stay safe while you're shipped out! I'll keep you in my thoughts. Deminos: Oh, man, that sucks about the plagiarism thing. Why do people even do that? I hope you report it to the proper authorities and get it taken care of. At any rate, I'm glad I could give you a little pick-me-up. Ch. 5 Reviews xfairygirlx: LOL. Yes, Aizen is rather. . . untrustworthy. We'll see what Grimmjow does about it later on ^^ Pickles: That is exactly what Aizen should do : ) Thanks for reading and reviewing! I'll try to have the chapters out more often from now on, but we shall see. Person who thinks this fic is hot: Don't worry, there will be AiIchi smut eventually! I actually wasn't going to write it, but after finding out how many people want to see it, I can't not write an AiIchi scene. Eventually. Some other stuff has to happen before that, but you shall see. . . mystice: I'm glad you like this fic, along with Growing Up Hisagi. They're both a lot of fun to write. Zaraki will DEFINITELY make a comeback, as he is one of my favorite characters and does not get enough love in ficcage. He actually comes back before Aizen does, lol, if I keep to my plot structure. But Aizen will be back for some naughty scenes ^^ Boogermeister: Why thank you! I'm glad you're still enjoying it. Hikari: Sorry for taking so long with this chapter! I will try to have the next one out much faster, especially since you don't find out who catches them just yet. . . Namira: Aww, that's so sweet of you to say! Sorry this chapter took a little bit longer than usual to come out, I try not to let more than three weeks go by without updating it. I think that I'll try updating it every two weeks from now on, we shall see. I never knew there were so many Aizen/Ichi fans! I will definitely have to write a good scene for them later on for you guys. EerieQ: I'm glad you liked Grimmjow being possessive again! I have to admit it is a lot of fun to write. You may have to wait awhile for Aizen to come back, because I want to have them go through some stuff first, but don't worry, he'll make his sex tape play eventually! miszxbrii: Haha, yeah, poor Aizen. Though he might get some berry later on, if he plays this sex tape thing right. . . though he won't be able to mess things up between Ichigo and Grimmjow, of course. They're just too hot together. qwerty: Yeah, I like it when Grimmjow's a little bit of a jerk ^^ Thanks for reviewing, I'll keep the chapters coming! Lady_Pippy: Hahaha, how did you know? Yeah, Aizen's going to have a trick up his sleeve, but not for a few chapters. And, yeah, Grimmjow should take better care of Ichigo. . . I wonder how long it will take him to come to that realization ^^ Qiedia: Aww, thank you so much for reviewing! It really makes me feel happy to know that people are enjoying my stories. I'm really glad that you enjoy this fic (and all my other fics!!) so much. And I totally get being too lazy to leave feedback, so I'm really flattered that you brought yourself to leave me this one. Hopefully you'll continue to enjoy what I write! satterb: Yeah, it was pretty tame, huh? Ch. 6 is even tamer, which is good and bad, I guess? In its own way. The next chapter gets back to the kink though, with a threesome and possibly some light restraint. I don't know if Grimmjow will ever be that sweet and loving, lol, but he'll definitely start to treat Ichigo better, if all goes as planned. Deminos: Your two cents should prove rather accurate later on in this story ^^ Aizen probably won't be back for awhile, but when he does come back things will unfold pretty much as you have predicted. Thanks for reading and reviewing! I hope you enjoy this next chapter as well. Ch. 4 Reviews Boogermeister: Haha, I'm glad that the chapter came when you wanted it to! I'm trying to get it out semi-punctually, so that people don't have to wait for it too long. EerieQ: Yes, angry sex is a favorite of mine, lol. I'm glad you like the addition of Aizen and Renji! You will see more of both of them as the fic goes on, so don't worry! Renji's my fave character so there's no way I would leave him out of the fun. Pickles: Aww, man, I hope I don't disappoint you. This chapter is more set-up for things down the road. . . though I'm still not exactly sure what direction I will take when it comes to Aizen/Ichigo. satterb: I didn't realize people liked Aizen so much!! I will have to give him a bigger part later on. . . miszxbrii: Yes, jealousy can be a good thing! Especially when dealing with Grimmjow, who just seems like he'd be a naturally possessive person. Or maybe not? I dunno. Deminos: Aww, happy to make your day a little bit brighter! It really means a lot to me to hear those kinds of things, so thank you. I don't know if I will ever write a full-on bondage scene, but now that you mention it, I'll probably try to work in restraint some time in the future. Maybe some handcuffs, or ropes. Hmmm. That should be fun, actually. Also, I try to post something every week, but right now this fic is updating about every three weeks or so. Mirrors: Isn't he though? Although I'm sure he'd be sexy doing a lot of things, lol. person who thinks this fic is hot: Lol. The name you left in your review was pretty funny. But, yeah, thanks for the review. I'm afraid I might disappoint you with Aizen's part this chapter, but rest assured, he'll play a bigger part later on. But considering this fic will be 12-15 chapters and he's pretty much the climax of it, you may have to wait a little bit. Namira: You know what? I haven't even stopped to think about what Grimmjow thinks of Ishida. I think this may be something I'll have to develop, down the line. Maybe. I'm not an Ishida fan (too skinny for my tastes), so it's hard for me to write him. Amy: It's okay to be greedy! I'm just sorry I can't satisfy your hunger on a quicker basis, lol! Hikari: Sorry to make you wait! Hopefully the next chapter is okay : ) Edited September 12, 2011 by crunchysalad Quote
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