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Tribal Relation Reviews


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Reviews for Tribal Relations:

Chapter 7 reviews:

To respond to ALL about the celebration. I decided to throw in a bit to give a better view of Keil's tribal life.

Kylee (combining your Ch 7 & 8 Reviews since Ch8 is fresh in my mind!) - There will be a chapter devoted to Grael coming up soon! Shhh :) As for Keil - I hate 'perfect' characters. Keil is young, and growing, and yes, (right now) he pretty much lets everyone and their brother (literally!) push him around. This is part of the reason he couldn't just stay happily ever after with Grael. He needs to hit that point where he starts standing up for himself. We'll see if that happens ;) As for Friya - yea, it pretty much was an insult. It was also Deril's way to get two 'problems' resolved. Keil's uncle's an ass. It's also not that he hasn't bothered with Keil before, but as I tried to hint, he prefers to do things sneakily. Keil probably could have gotten a 'better' wife over time, but he wasn't about to let that happen. I'll let you in on a little secret though - when I originally started the outline for this fic, she was going to be a completely horrible and unlikeable char - but then she grew on me. So we'll see if we can't give both her and Keil a happy ending (though not with each other)

Linika: Still got a ways to go for that unfortunately!

Cella (also combining your ch 7 & 8 reviews): Glad you still love it - I'm curious to how you think they'll meet again though. We'll see in a few chapters if you're right!

Anonymous Fem: Still a few bumps in Keil's road, unfortunately! And there will be a reunion - eventually!

myperversities: Sorry, the majority wanted the celebration ;) Grael will be back eventually, and he'll have his own chapter soon.

Allison Moon : Hope you like the tribal celebration, it's been fun to break away from 'normal' modern or fantasy settings

JtheChosen: Thanks for the review, and sorry that it was added! Hope you still liked the chapter!

JadeDragon: Not too much face-rubbing, but he's more the type to play it safe anyway. Hope you still enjoyed it!

Breathless_Bless: Hope you enjoyed the dinner. I didn't really get too much humour in, but I hope you liked it anyway.

::looks around, points to SunaoTsuji:: yes, you in the front there? Hope you liked it! Grael will be back soon(ish), don't worry!

Paradox13: Glad you like it so far! As for your challenge, I've had an idea for it - look for a new story called 'Chasing Reflections'

zoey: Unfortunately I can't skip the next few chapters - but it is coming soon, I promise!

SaydenEmery: Thanks for the kick in the butt to get me to finish this chapter ;) I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far, and I did try to keep it realistic - love, to me, means more than looks or sex. You may be attracted or lust after someone, after a day, or a week, but love? That takes knowing the person, and that takes a while.

Chapter 8 reviews:

Puorla: That's a very good question ;) And we'll get the answer soon enough!

Cella: Sorry, another long-ish delay. I will try not to let a whole month pass again!

my_perversities: Sorry to disappoint! But he's got a bit of growing up to do before he goes running away anywhere. But at least he was thinking about it at the end of CH 9, right?

Wayward_ follows: Yup, it's hard to get the right sort of 'strong' when you're talking about a society that places no value on women, but I've tried my best!

TB: Haha, exactly! I need to add a hell of a lot more angst before that happens! I am glad you liked Keil and Friya bonding, and while the story will remain m/m, she will be around for a while. The two are going to help each other grow as people - hopefully!

Vandalizer86: He does care deeply for Grael - but his situation and their society (especially considering he doesn't know how Grael feels about him) doesn't really leave him much choice. His brother wanted him to bond quickly for good reasons - to dispel the rumours. His uncle had his own selfish reasons. Keil probably would have eventually gotten married/bonded regardless, because it was the expected/normal thing to do, but he was forced into it quickly. I hope you continue to enjoy the budding Keil/Friya friendship

amberbead: Glad you liked it, hope the next chap doesn't disappoint!

daveb: Don't worry, they'll have a happy ending. It may not be with each other, but they'll still be happy. ;)

kuroneko1571: I'm glad you like Friya - she will definitely end up being a good influence in Keil's life. As for Grael - he'll be back soon and we'll find out what happened. There's actually a bit in Ch 9 about that - but just Keil wondering/worrying, unfortunately.

zoey: Does Keil thinking about Grael while having sex with Friya count? Lol, don't worry, it won't be too much longer.

ThatRedHead : Sorry, I know there was a long delay - I'll do my best to not leave it for so long again! I'm glad you enjoy my stories though :)

Alora Sky: Thank you! I prefer complex/angsty relationships. Life isn't as cut and dry as boy meets girl (or in this case boy) and they live happily ever after. It would be nice, but it rarely happens.

kylee; Sorry! The wait is now over though? For your longer review, check in the section about Ch 7

nany_black: ¡Gracias por recordarme acerca de este cuento! Sí, son ambos parias de su propia manera. Grael estará aquí pronto (sé, he dicho eso antes!)

Chapter 9 Reviews:

Wayward_: I am glad you like Friya, and I hope you're happy with this latest chapter. I love the way you describe my characters, I'm sure they would both be blushing! We'll see how things work out two chaps from now - I promised a Grael chapter, and that's what's coming next

MustLove_PrettyBoys: As I mentioned in my A/N, yes that was originally the plan. But Friya grew on me, and I decided, what the hell, let's see if we can't give her a happy ending as well. Hope you're not too disappointed; I know a lot of people are still 'eh' about Friya (And no, the story's not dead, though I almost felt that way due to work!)

JthheChosen1: Grael is...well, you'll see in the next chapter (which is already more than half written, so hopefully it won't be another three month wait!)

Daveb: Thanks so much for the review - and you are right, it has absolutely nothing to do with the 'stronger' partner - however, both Friya and Keil are still rather stuck in the ways of their tribe. (and I wholeheartedly agree with the first part, it is great to be held & feel loved, regardless of who you are) I don't think you're the only one that prefers Friya - I had a few people vote for her on my poll on FP. At least I didn't kill her off? I won't give anything away, but I can admit I'm a sucker for happy endings ;)

SunaoTsuji: Yea...it was all sorts of marked up when it came back from my beta. Mad kudos to prad lee for helping me make that not absolute crap. :P I am glad you enjoyed it; I was a bit nervous about throwing a het scene (my first het scene!) into a slash story.

alice: No, it isn't abandoned I promise! I won't leave anything abandoned; unfortunately my work life rather absconded with the rest of my life (and my muses!) I hope you return and continue to read.

Arai565: Here is your new chapter, I am very sorry about making everyone wait! The next chapter will be all Grael, and is not far from being done.

mell8: Thank you, I am glad you are enjoying it! The world is obviously not real, but I want it to be more like a pre-modern Earth than an actually fantasy world. Grael is almost back, I hope to have the next chapter up soon!

Edited by Divanora
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