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Status of funding, and how it's been used to date

Current PayPal balance: $152.84

AFF balance in that account: $137.84

September 1 hosting bill was paid in full 9/10, for 499.95

With expected funding from banners, we're almost set for October's payment!

My goal here is to make it so that the banners actually pay for the hosting, and that it is able to be budgeted. That I can have a forecast of receivables for the month. More on that a bit later. As I've said before, I will gladly make available a balance sheet for the PayPal account. All anyone needs to do is ask me for it. If you have questions about any transactions after viewing it, ask that too. I have NO problems with answering any questions about this.

Real Person Fiction

We've recently seen quite an influx of stories about people who, in real life, are not yet of age. This is something we actually cannot host. This is mentioned in the Terms of Service for the site, as well. Some of you will have been affected by this, in having stories deleted for what may seem to be no reason. This would be it.

Tagging Your Stories

As you all know, we have very little in the way of restrictions for actual content. What we do need for you, the authors, to do; is to make sure that you have properly tagged your story when you initially add it. Of course, as your story grows, there is often a need to add additional tags. Simply add that as a line at the top of the chapter. This, of course, would not count as an author note. That is one of the most common complaints I see, where an author has not tagged his or her story correctly, and a user is surprised, often in a way they really didn't want to be.

The list of story tags is available here for view.

Coming Changes

The next set of changes has to do with the advertising subweb. One of the things I've been asked about, is the possibility of recurring payments for the advertisers. So, this is something I should actually have completely set up by the end of the weekend.

Most of our advertisers do prefer to go month to month, as that is more convenient for them. These are one time transactions and do not recur UNLESS the advertiser wants to renew when their ad is expiring. At that point, I get an email that they'd like to continue. Otherwise, the ad is allowed to expire.

Having said that, however, one can easily see why the recurring payments option is a good thing. This allows me to budget for KNOWN receivables coming in monthly. It certainly will make it easier to plan for the next month's hosting fees needed.

Volunteers Needed

We are in need of people to help with sort/recategorization/clean up of the archive.

We are in need of additional archive moderators.

Here are the qualities I look for:

Orderly thinker

Attention to detail

Ability to follow instructions, often “on the fly”

Have at least 4 hours a week to give, in 2 hour increments. This would mean 2 days, at 2 hours a day.

If you're interested, please email me at seawitch061@gmail.com. I'll set up a time to meet with you in IM, when it's convenient for both of us.


I cannot express enough times how thankful I am for the support that has been shown in the last few weeks. Without it, the bills would NOT have been paid. Thank you!


Please remember that this site is free to use. As such, the authors receive nothing for their efforts, except reviews. Do let them know that you read their stories, please! I'm sure they'll appreciate hearing from you!


In response to a review left in the inu subdomain-

PurinsuArashi 2010-09-12 id # 3000096987

Just wondering, what is the over all cost, before advertisements, every month to maintain this website and any of its extras?

Is it the 499.95 you mentioned? I have been thinking about donating to this site, since I spend most of my free time here.

Soon as I get adjusted to my new job and get my bills organized I would like to help out. But i have no idea what/amount

would even be helpful. Also do the the people who donate get a guarantee that it is going toward the site and its needs?

(Not that I'm saying anything against you or anything, just wondering :D; )

Also Does the AFF Store and the products help at all with your income for the site?

Also is there a form of donation I can make other than paypal? Paypal screwed up my banking account years ago

and I had so much trouble with them that it was a bitch to fix, so I haven't had the best of luck with them.

I hope I'm not bothering you too much, but I've been wondering about this for a while.

Please let me know if you can, =)




My emailed response-

Hi there PurinsuArashi,

Yes, everything is sent to the hosting company. As I said in the site news, I have ready for view, at any time, what has come in and how it's been spent, since I started handling the money a couple weeks ago. I sure don't object to the questions, as they are valid. Given the kind of behavior that has been seen on this site over the years, they are, in fact, going to be asked regardless.

I've been making sure to keep the Donations page up to date, so that users can see at a glance if anything is needed at the time they're looking.

The hosting costs are currently $499.95 as stated. If that changes, I will certainly let everyone know that as well.

Regarding the AFF store, that's something I have no access to. As memory serves, it generates very little. Or at least that's what I've been told in the past. Unless I can actually manage to get in to the thing, I have no way to verify the information I was given, yea or nay.

Unfortunately, the only option I have set up at this point in time is PayPal. I am looking at alternatives, but haven't found anything quite yet. Something else that I certainly consider a valued donation, is TIME. Time is just as valuable to the site and keeping it working, as is money. Without the member volunteers, nothing would be done.

You're not bothering me at all, lol.

I hope I've answered your questions adequately. If you have any more, please feel free to ask. I'll answer those too, as best I can.

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