Voidmancer Posted September 10, 2010 Report Posted September 10, 2010 (edited) The Merchant Prince and the Thief Because the site is apparently having a tough time with the database and are making efforts in order to minimize the strain on it, I've decided to follow their advice to other members with lengthy author notes and reviewer replies, like me. Also, I believe that having a thread here would make it easier for me to reach out to readers when certain things come up. In that light, I'd like to make extensive use of the forum O: and I sincerely hope I can get to interact more with readers here. Feel free to post in the thread and such. So here's what you'll find here: Author notes, mini-glossary, review replies and news. I also will be glad to answer any questions regarding the story, although questions about next update times and general spoilery information might not. :| And as a general note, I'm still maintaining the newsletter. If you can't keep up with my livejournal comm (http://community.livejournal.com/technocarnival) but still wish to be informed of latest chapters, please drop me an email over at nil [dot] boxes [at] gmail [dot] com. Edited September 11, 2010 by Voidmancer Quote
Voidmancer Posted September 10, 2010 Author Report Posted September 10, 2010 Glossary Places Rozascia (Country): Row-za-shyah Official name, Holy Matriarchy of Rozascia. A large, powerful country ruled by a Queen and a council of religious figures. It has several inland neighboring countries Perionvira (Capital City): Pehryon-vee-rah Capital city of Rozascia where the seat of power resides. Divided into several districts. Drantheia (Valley and Mountain Range): Drahn-they-ya A wide valley that leads to Perionvira to the north and the city of Alderdra to the south. The mountains are situated to the west. Arvealian (Mountain Range): Ahr-veh-al-yan Mountains to the east. There is a road here that makes travel time to Perionvira much shorter, although the route is more perilous. Alderdra (City): Ahl-duhr-drah Highly prosperous city to the south, thanks to its position in the intersection of the southern and eastern villages as well as to the neighboring country in the east. Valdiocia (Port City): Vahl-dee-oh-shya Names Rexile Lamrion/Xile: Rehkzahyl Lahmree'hyon/Zahyl A thief-mage, thought to belong to one of the clans further north. Elias Avellanti/Eli: Eelahyas Ah-veh-lahn-tee/Eh-lee A wealthy young merchant who resides in Perionvira. Mithyen: Mythyen (Myth(n)+Yen(Japanese money) Elias' cousin. Karel Quercus: Kah'rehl Kwer-kuhs Elias' bodyguard/manservant. Quote
Voidmancer Posted September 10, 2010 Author Report Posted September 10, 2010 Author Notes Chapter VI And that's it. A big thank you to everyone who has been reading, rating and reviewing! This chapter took awhile, because of a little side project, but it's here now! Next chapter, Eli discusses things further. Heheh. Chapter VII I remember having a blast writing this chapter, to the point that the narration may sound a little silly and a little off-beat, but it's just too much fun to see both Xile and Elias in the morning, especially when they're bantering. Neither are very good after just waking up. Normally, it takes awhile for Xile to actually get up and Elias is just used to to it because of "the demands of mercantile life" but actually would enjoy being lazy in the mornings too. XD; Past Reviewer Replies Chapter III Loves to laugh: Glad you still enjoy the work even if it's tweaked a bit! JJ: My pleasure! Happy to find that Elias comes across as the ice prince he is. XD; As for the pronunciation of their names, there's a list below. Chapter IV JJ: Glad the pronunciation guides were of help! I'll add more to the future as more names pop out. I'm glad to hear I was able to write out Xile's wolf perspective properly. Mithyen's care for the wolf is just part of her sweet and loving personality <3 xD it's a nice contrast to Elias' cold demeanor, at least in the early chapters. And Elias is figuring out things quite well, but for now he hasn't nailed it yet! Soon though, hehe! Chapter V Kylee: I do hope this would be just as funny, as my co-writer was the one putting in all the humor. Certainly it has a more serious tone to it this time around, now that I'm the one writing it. XD; But hopefully it would still be a little humorous. JJ: As always, my pleasure . Xile's handy that way, since mages of his sort usually are highly educated in many different areas of magick. Glad the plants were amusing XDD; they were fun to name! XD And as for what exactly Elias will do now that he is quite sure what Xile is will be revealed next chapter! ;D Curiosity101: He found out! It's quite a subtle way though. What's fun is seeing what he'll do to Xile. Chapter VI JJ: My pleasure as always! And this is what happened! XD Why <i>exactly</i> Eli wanted to hire Xile will take a little while to be revealed though. ; Hehe! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Chapter VII JJ: My pleasure as always. I'm glad you like Xile's full name. It's an alias, so I haven't really thought about it and just changed it just moments before uploading Ch06. And, yes, Elias is quite mean XD he's a master of coercion and manipulation. He didn't get the recognition he has by simply playing nice. Also, Xile's nil-boxes are the niftiest things, but luckily Xile is wary of using them because of the Hands of Sorviels, otherwise he'd have loads of things at his disposal and it just wouldn't be as fun ) Hehe. See you next chappie! Quote
Voidmancer Posted September 10, 2010 Author Report Posted September 10, 2010 And finally, some news: I'm glad to announce that someone has graciously volunteered to beta TMPatT and all chapters that are out are being edited. I have made extensive revisions to Chapter 1 with a handful of new characters and some new insights. There are some minor grammar errors to Chapter 2 and the rest are still pending. These chapters are not out yet, Chapter 1 is going through second editing. XD Chapter 2 revised will be posted along with Chapter 1 revised. I also want to announce that because of the edits, there will be slight delay to new chapters. Slight and even less if there won't be any major revisions to be done with the other chapters. Quote
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