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Guest bdayornite

I fixed my disclaimer and my story still isn't showing the 5th chapter.

In fact I fixed it twice in the last week, what's the problem now?

Title: Southern Comfort

Author: Bdayornite

Catagory: Twlight


First of all, the story isn't in my list of hidden stories for the book subdomain. If you're having an issue posting another chapter, that's entirely another matter. It has NOTHING TO DO with disclaimers.

Now, if that's what's going on for you, I need to know when you attempted to post it, and for you to step out what you did. Without knowing that, I can't help you.

Guest bdayornite

I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated at my own attempts to make the chapter work.

It's only posting an author note and nothing else, I've reposted it and even tried posting something else.

Yet it all has basically the same result.


You need to delete that AN chapter. They're not allowed at all. Guidelines for author notes are as follows -

NO AN chapters

Author Notes may not exceed 600 words per chapter

If you happen to be adding a story as an author note, those are deleted as soon as we see them.

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