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Your assistance is needed! Posted: 2010-08-21


Well it looks like Summer is about to end and here comes Fall and the changing of the leaves, the setting of our clocks back and many a thing to bring 2010 to an end. But some things don't end, and that's the work our staff does here on AFF.net!

We have an excellent crew always prepared to keep the reading of your favorite fan fiction a good experience. The impressive thing is that they enjoy it as much as you love to read it. So it is with all good things, that there is an expense to it and AFF.net is no different.

AdultFanFiction.net is a giant in the fan fiction community with nearly one million readers a month! And like any good vehicle, it requires fuel and maintenance. So we've dusted off the “please support us sign” in the hopes that you can help this machine keep humming smoothly.

A monolithic site like this has it's costs, and currently we have an equally large tab to pay in the neighborhood of $1,800. This is a hefty cost, but we know that together we can bridge the gap, and keep AFF running strong.

Even so, we would like to thank the many contributors who have helped keep Aff.net on the web, you all rock! If you would like to be added to the donations page with the amount donated, please let us know and include your PayPal Receipt with the email sent. Let us know how you would like to be known on that page (pen or real name). For the rest of us fan fiction lovers, let's help keep AdultFanFiction.net number one within the fan fiction community and support this wonderful staff with your donations!

Thank you all for your kind support, past present and future!



On a side note, I had someone write most of this for me, as those of you come to the forum KNOW I can't write for beans! :P

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