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This is just a quick idea I had when looking through the archive. Many times, writers will include a whole host of characters in their stories. The number could be as low as one character, or 20+, or maybe even more, depending on how many chapters they do and how they write the scenes. As a writer, I find it hard to sometimes decide which characters deserve top billing or if any specific characters should be listed at all. As a searcher, I find that sometimes if I really want to find stories that include some content of a certain character, I have to actually scan fics that don't mention them in the summaries; and I DO encounter this.

With that in mind, would it be possible to have a separate field where uploaders can fill in the characters they've included in their stories? It would help writers to get out there that they may have spent time on a character not used very often, and it would help searchers to track down fics of their interest that otherwise might not come up when using the Search function.

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