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Attn: ColdWaterFairy:

I'm confused by the warning you left me. You said I need to disclaim ownership of the fandom, but I already had. I said I don't own DAO. It's the VERY first statement in my disclaimer. That is the fandom, i.e. Dragon Age: Origins.

My disclaimer meets your requirements. I disclaim ownership of the fandom (DAO aka Dragon Age: Origins) and the characters therein, state who the actual owner is (BioWare) and state that I make no money off their use, which is exactly what your guidelines say I should do.

So, your comment is confusing me. Every element is there. What precisely is it you think is missing?


Considering the volume she was looking at, story wise; it's quite likely she sent that to you by mistake. We've all done it.

I'll be sure to note in the sheet that we work from that this is, in fact correct.

So, if you'll delete the review, that would be helpful.


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