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I have heard so many theories about this topic. That Rinoa is acually the young version of Ultimecia in FF8. That would really suck if that were the case! Yet, some of the theories actually made sense.

Guest Evil_Labs

Considering Ultimecia repeatedly sends agents or directly attempts to kill or absorb Rinoa, I think the Rinoa is Ultimecia theory is not really possible. It's close enough to make an easy AU sort of fic from, but it's not a viable explanation for Ultimecia in the game. The best explanation of Ultimecia I've seen deals with her having been persecuted throughout her life because they knew, via historical information, that she would become evil and try to destroy the world, and out of rage and frustration she finally took the mantle of Ultimecia up and attempted to defy fate by compressing time and ruling the universe. In that theory, Ultimecia is just an unnamed sorceress who was born generations later (knowing what Ultimecia would become, who would name their child that? It seems like she'd just declare that was who she was when they kept harassing her for being a sorceress in general).

So yeah, Rinoa almost certainly isn't Ultimecia. Also, the Ultimania guide book (official canon on FF VII, VIII, etc.,) notes that Soceresses live normal human life spans, so Rinoa would be hundreds of years old if she was Ultimecia; an impossible feat. They officially note that Ultimecia is 'many generations' later, as a Sorceress.


Allow me a stupid question(I never got that far into the game) : Does that mean Seifer, being her "Knight", also comes from the future as well?

Considering Ultimecia repeatedly sends agents or directly attempts to kill or absorb Rinoa, I think the Rinoa is Ultimecia theory is not really possible.

I have to agree with you. biggrin.gif

Guest Evil_Labs

No, Seifer is a student at Garden along with the other main characters.

Guest Evil_Labs

She recruited him to be her knight when he interrupted the broadcast by the President of Galbadia and he ended up going along with her instead of staying behind with Squall and Co. She was controlling Edea at that point, and through proxy he became her's (Cid was Edea's knight).

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