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My name is Korbin and I'm looking for a beta to help me with my Kingdom Hearts story. It's kind of old and it's been years since I've updated it... But I finally have the will and time to finish it and I'd like for someone to look over it. The story is an AU, Adventure/Romance; bascially it's the Kingdom Hearts characters in the world of Labyrinth. You don't need to know anything about the movie/book for this to work, just about Kingdom Hearts. What I want from a beta is someone to correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure, plot holes, and missed or incorrect details.

I'm an American who does tend to use different spellings of words like grey instead of gray, so that's something you'll come across often... Also, my chapters tend to be anywhere between 6 to 12 pages long. I don't know how many chapters there will be in total, so far I've only got 16 planned. I would say you can just pop right over to KH section and read what I have so far but I'm taking the story down until it's completely finished and beta-ed. So if you want to see a preview of what you'll be working with you can email me at bishoninlover@yahoo.com. Thanks in advance if anyone decides to take this story on.

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