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Guardian by EvilGenius


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All right, so basically I'm creating this so that I can answer reviews and put all my notes in here about my story. (I was yelled at because of my absurdly long review responses...O_O) Anyway feel free to chat about the story or ask me questions about characters or plot. I'll answer as long as it doesn't give too much away. I'll check in from time to time :)

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Okay...so NEW CHAPTER>>>YAY!

Now on to my reviewers (I love you so :) )

Misawo: hopefully your squealing again. I do it quite often and find it really refreshing. Luckily this chapter didn't take as long as the last, but *ahem* we won't speak of that. (and I can't tell you the secrets, cuz then...you know, they won't be secrets anymore, hehe) XD.

MnMs: So glad you're still reading. And yay! Soon! (for me at least...)

maialia: XD. Just wait till you read this...sorry no Matt yet...sigh

onion: YAY for updates! I actually do have this planned out (know the ending and everything...but I won't tell!) Its just actually getting the situation down on paper the way it happens in my head that's the difficult thing.

Sightsoblind:....(hides under bed...don't kill me!)...

Oneshot_Yaoi_Shipper: Sorry no Matt, but it is an update! :)


On a final note, if you want to ask me anything more in depth, I'll be checking in on here from time to time, so just drop a line or two and I'll get back to you. XD Much love, guys, because you are awesome :)

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Okay...so NEW CHAPTER>>>YAY!

Now on to my reviewers (I love you so :) )

Misawo: hopefully your squealing again. I do it quite often and find it really refreshing. Luckily this chapter didn't take as long as the last, but *ahem* we won't speak of that. (and I can't tell you the secrets, cuz then...you know, they won't be secrets anymore, hehe) XD.

MnMs: So glad you're still reading. And yay! Soon! (for me at least...)

maialia: XD. Just wait till you read this...sorry no Matt yet...sigh

onion: YAY for updates! I actually do have this planned out (know the ending and everything...but I won't tell!) Its just actually getting the situation down on paper the way it happens in my head that's the difficult thing.

Sightsoblind:....(hides under bed...don't kill me!)...

Oneshot_Yaoi_Shipper: Sorry no Matt, but it is an update! :)


On a final note, if you want to ask me anything more in depth, I'll be checking in on here from time to time, so just drop a line or two and I'll get back to you. XD Much love, guys, because you are awesome :)

........hmmmmm....I use smiley faces alot.....haha

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  • 4 weeks later...

OMG!!! The vampire needs to go away! Andy could be so happy with Matt! The hobgoblins are just plain creepy, kudos on adding them! I wonder, will Matt and Nicholaus have to -gasp- work together to free her? Or are the hobgoblins dragging her to one or the other of them... And what's Jesse's part in all of this? Is he wanting a piece of Andy as well? Oh! Jesse is the one the hobgoblins are taking Andy to! Haha, just kidding. Please, please, please don't make us wait so long for your next updates!

EDIT: I forgot to ask, do you have a proofreader? Do you need/want one? If so, I'd be quite happy to assist.

Edited by Onihime
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  • 4 weeks later...
OMG!!! The vampire needs to go away! Andy could be so happy with Matt! The hobgoblins are just plain creepy, kudos on adding them! I wonder, will Matt and Nicholaus have to -gasp- work together to free her? Or are the hobgoblins dragging her to one or the other of them... And what's Jesse's part in all of this? Is he wanting a piece of Andy as well? Oh! Jesse is the one the hobgoblins are taking Andy to! Haha, just kidding. Please, please, please don't make us wait so long for your next updates!

EDIT: I forgot to ask, do you have a proofreader? Do you need/want one? If so, I'd be quite happy to assist.


These are all good questions. :samurai:. But poor Nicholas...Matt is getting all the love, haha. In the middle of the next chapter...which is loooooooooooong BTW. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel (*reaches toward the light...that sweet Matt radiating light *wink). How will Andy get out of this fix?....hmmm.... I know! I know! And you will too soon, hehe.

Anyway, jokes aside, I don't see a Nicholas/Matt confrontation in this chapter...or a hobgoblin Queen...(but...*makes quick mental note and stores for later use ;P). And Poor Jesse! In so few pages and such a life of misery! (Adds a note to slap a happy face on him at some point...) Right now he doesn't have much depth as a character, does he? That will change as the story developes and Andy gets to know him better.

Hope you keep reading! XD

---->Thanks so much for your offer to proof the chapters. The grammatical mistakes are probably an irritation, and I apologize. In my process I write the chapter roughly, add and take away segments and do a quick edit. For as long as it takes me to get one out there, when its done I can't wait to get it up, which is why all my betas get mad at me when I send it to them to edit and then post it anyway. This version is still pretty rough. When it is finished I will go over it again from the beginning with fresh eyes and get all those pesky mistakes. :) Who knows? Maybe I'll try submitting it to a publishing company if readers think its good enough, haha.

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