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Title: Power Job

Author: Jeeezits

Summary: Power Girl is involved in blackmail at home and shenanigans in the office.

Rating: Adult+

Pairings: Power Girl and any ordinary man within range, sort of...

Spoilers: Not really any, although you should be reading the current Power Girl comic from DC to get the most out of this. I highly recommend it, it's a lot of fun and Amanda Conner's art is fantastically expressive.

Feedback: Plz?

URL: http://comics.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600060680

I see a lot of manga and anime on here, but not as much Western stuff. I've enjoy comics from the US and Japan for a long time; heck, manga was what tided me over between the childish superhero comics of my youth and the decent mature graphic novels like Blankets and Bone I finally found once I was older. Had it not been for manga showing me that comics didn't have to be all schlocky cape stuff, (*he types to promote a superhero fanfic* :D ) I wouldn't still be interested in them.

I hope some people who might not have ordinarily enjoyed a comic fanfic get a schlickkick out of this.

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