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Hello. I am seeking an experienced beta who will help me with a number of things as follows:

Spot common errors that I miss when proof reading.

Wording. So nothing becomes repeative or is unclear; I sometimes repeat myself without realizing it or get too wordy.

Keeping facts and details straight. My mind is over run with plot bunnies. Sometimes one gets stuck in my head and I end up unknowingly incorporating details given by the bunnies in to my stories.

Sticking to the plot and working out possible plot holes. I can't stick to an outline for the life of me. What I write often strays from what I have planned so I have given up even trying to write any type of outline.

Details as in I am never sure if I am giving too many and bogging the story down or not giving enough.

Keeping the characters believable and making sure I don't over look the reactions of one while writing the others. I also want to avoid writing unrealistic reactions to the various thing happening.

Making sure the story flows evenly so nothing feels rushed or lagging.

A beta with an open mind and not a stickler for canon is a must. I do try to keep the personalities as close to canon as possible but due to the setting as well as the story itself, some changes are a must.

Someone to bounce ideas off. I have an over active imagination and can't always see that I am going overboard. Because of this, having a sounding board to keep me grounded helps a lot.

I prefer to work chapter by chapter. Each will run anywhere from 1000 to 3000 words.

The story will be slash with a rating of NC-17. Harry is a creature and might at some point become pregnant. At this point in time I don't foresee any incest between the brothers nor do I see where I will be writing graphic scenes of rape or violence ( other than maybe a hunt or fight). There will more than likely be a few scenes containing minor gore such as a description of a dead person but nothing extreme.

I am not sure just how long the fic will be, only that there will be multiple chapters. I would like to post as quickly as possible but I am really only expecting one or two posts a week. It would depend on how fast I can write a chapter and you can look it over.

What I am not seeking is a beta who tears the story apart in a manner that is rude and harshly critical. I don't mind the fic being torn apart but not in a manner that it feels as if I am being attacked.

Telling me you dislike something and then giving me the reason why, won't be a problem. Telling me I am not original with no hint has how to make it more so, will not go over well. Blunt I can take; being rude or mean will make me growl nastily at you

A beta who can't get past their possible dislike of the fic so doesn't put much effort into editing it.

Sorry for this being so lengthy but I wanted it all upfront to avoid a needless waste of time.

Edited by ShadowsPale
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