hitagashi Posted April 12, 2010 Report Posted April 12, 2010 This one is very well done but seems to be shrunk. -- This could be a bit better, however, it's very good at syncing Xemnas and that's really hard to do so I give it love regardless. -- Yet another one that syncs Xemnas well. Not only that but Saix as well (which is harder still). -- This is well done and it gets bonus because it's funny as hell and seems... fitting. The only down side is the credits are outrageously long...... --Axel & Demyx - Barbie is a bitch This is... rather funny if you like The Land Before Time. -- I cannot stress how much I agree with the comment at the beginning. How many of you played CoM or Re:CoM and felt like you just put Sora into The Rocky Horror Picture Show? I mean, come on. Marluxia has flowers appear every time he opens his hood. And when he summons his weapon. Ignore the end, credits are long. -- If you like 411 you should watch this. It's rather well done. That and... it sends me into giggle fits when I think of the video for Girlfriend and stick Marly and Vexen and other KH characters on it...... --Someone doesn't like Marly's Girlfriend This is a crossover of sorts between Naruto and KH. is the original mix.-- This one is funny. To the point of hilarity. -- None of these are by me, by the way. I just felt like showing these to people who might find them as fave-worthy as I do. Quote
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