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The Merchant Prince and the Thief


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Title: The Merchant Prince and the Thief

Author: Xythe Twistvoid (NeverFroze)

Rating: Adult+


After being coerced into protecting a wealthy merchant by the name of Elias, the rogue mage Xile finds himself slowly falling for the cold-hearted young man. Unfortunately, the complications don't stop just there. Can Xile manage to overcome assassination attempts on Elias, survive a religious headhunt against mages while find a way to Elias' heart all at once?

Chapters: 4/?

Feedback: Always greatly appreciated! I would love to hear from readers to know how I'm doing with the writing so far.

Fandom: Original - Slash M/M

URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600101463

My latest and most successful attempt in writing a long piece. It's going to be pretty long, full of action and plot with sprinkles of humor and angst. Also, since the characters actually develop feelings instead of having them right away, sex will only be there in the later chapters. XD

Enjoy and thank you in advance! :(

Edited by NeverFroze
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