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Title: AVP: Shield Mates

Author: AnonGrimm

Summary: A human woman is found and held for questioning concerning a rash of brutal murders, but she appears to have forgotten that she is human. A ragged journal is found with her, begun in Standard English, but finished in an alien language. The key to translating the entries is found in the front of the journal, and the translator reports on the strange tale recorded there, even as the murders mysteriously start up again.

Rating: Adult++

Pairings: Ra-hak'khan / Rebecca Fagan (Both are OC)

Feedback: I'd love to hear from you. If you have a question or would like to discuss the story, I will check here periodically and reply as soon as I can. Please review the story in the review panel, too; but I can't reply to you there, so look here for a response afterward.

Story URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600005252



The following are my replies to reader reviews (I didn't want the answers to your questions and comments to disappear):


Hello to AntiDolorifico, Sara, tasha, Chancelor22, angelpred, caz, Anon, and scar’s lady! Thank you all, so much, for your compliments and kind words. It means a lot to know what you all think of my work. I have been taking a break from working on my novel to update this story, as well as my X-Men story, "Shattered Silence". The new AVP chapter (7) is 3/4 finished now, and I hope it will be done and posted soon, maybe before the weekend is over. I appreciate your patience, too. I'm juggling a full-time job, overtime, and my novel work with these stories, plus what passes for my social life (don't worry - people bring me food). =) But this group has been so good to me, and I thank you all for that! Hugs, Anon. PS: I see I'm not the only "Anon" in these parts! Haha! Pleased to meet you, fellow spirit!


Thank you, thank you, AntiDolorifico, PoolGirl, and Larissa! This is the first time I've been online since Aug. 10th! Yikes! I went to the Horrorfind Convention in Baltimore, and then, the day after I got home, a friend offered to improve my PC for free, so of course I said, "yes, please", and I just got it back last night. Had to wait until this morning to reintall my internet, and so I feel like Gilligan just newly picked up off the island! (Dating myself with that analogy, but oh well...). But thanks again for the reviews. This story will eventually be about ten to twelve chapters long before it's completed (it's already plotted out), and I will try to get cracking on chapter 8 as I can. I have several other folks clamoring for updates on other fan fics, too, and 3 1/4 more chapters to go on my novel, but I shall be attempting to juggle them all. And I apologize for the awful cliffhanger on chapter 7, but hey... the silly thing was already nearly 30 pages long, and I try to keep them around 21, generally. =) Hugs to all, and I hope updates on this won't be too long a wait... Anon.


Hello Brilliant story! Thanks for that great review, and such high praise! I've actually been slaving away on my work in progress Severus Snape fic, in tandem with my X-Men/Wolverine fic at the moment, but this one will have a turn again, soon. I haven't had the time to wander about in here just to read that much, though. Too busy updating and working on fan fics and novel alike. *huff, pant, puff* But I guess you could call grammar and punctuation and such a hobby of mine, if not an obsession. LOL. I was an English major, so I guess it shows? But thanks for noticing it, it takes a lot of time to proof and catch boo-boos, but I want it right and correct, as much as I can have it. And it is rarely commented on, too, so I appreciate it a lot! - Anon.



Hi bodydouble, Thanks for reading and reviewing! I am trying to get back to working on this one, but there are still others that need their turn first. =) I try to update as regularly as possible, and give equal time to all of my "works in progress", so having just posted a new chapter on "Divergence" (A Severus Snape tale), I need to work on my Wolverine and Doc Ock new chapters next, and one of my Rammstein stories, too. Then it'll be AVP's turn again. Of course, the muse is subject to mood and inspiration, so you can't always stick to schedules. We shall see... Thanks again for reading, and taking the time to review my story. Hugs, Anon.


Hi aquamum, thanks for reading and reviewing! Especially at work! LOL. I'm about to post an update on my X-Men fan fic, and then I'll be working on three other updates, including this one. Hopefully, the wait won't be too long, but I try to update all of my works in progress in equal turns. I hope you don't get in trouble for reading at work! But it is a fine compliment that you would choose to spend that time with my story. It means a lot! - Anon.


Dawnoftime, I'm sorry you feel that way, but thanks for reading all the same. I wouldn't call myself a literary genius either, but hey... to each their own, right? And just for the record, I like sentence fragments. I do try to keep them out of the narration in some stories, but when the narrator is also the POV character, the way to achieve "tone" or "voice" is to have the narration similar to the way that character thinks. This also lets a reader "get into the character's head". As for fragments in dialogue, most of us really talk like that, so therefore characters of mine will too. Otherwise, you'd have characters who sound like walking grammar books, and a Marine and a predator wouldn't talk like that. Just a thought to keep in mind. On excesses of description, most Sci-Fi does that, since fans of it tend to like it. I'm not sure why it didn't hold your interest, no complaints before or since. Can you give me a reason why? Perhaps it's just a fandom (or entire genre) that doesn't interest you? Again, sorry my brand of peanut butter wasn't yours, but that's why there's lots of brands out there for us all, right? - Anon.



Hello aquamum, ConjuredShadows, Keen, and Wandering Thought! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing! I am working on the plotting notes for the new chapter 9. This story has only a few chapters left to go, too. It'll be weird to have it finished, eventually. Of course, it also needs a major edit, so I'll get that underway at some point, too. But thanks again for letting me know you like it, and I will update as soon as I can. Hugs, Anon.


Hello Raved Thrad, and thank you for this intricate and thoughtful review! I do love writing this story, and it is one of three I hope to update next before time stretches too much more. After those (actually a top 4 stories here) are updated, I will try to get around to updating the ones I haven't touched in quite a while, as well. ("What?" You may ask, "A longer hiatus than on this story?" Oh, yes, I'm sorry to say - some of them have been waiting longer than six months). I do apologize, but as some know and some do not, I was busy finishing my original novel, which I am pleased to say is now completed. I will be working on getting it to the presses for (hopefully) a late October release, but in the midst of all this, I will also be updating my neglected fan fiction.

I greatly enjoyed reading your thoughts on the story, and yes, I like a stripped down, few frills approach, though I have enjoyed many diverse ways of writing AVP fics among my friends. For me, though, as a writer, I tend to be a realist and a stickler for canon in as many aspects as possible. Naturally, the main glaring offshoot of that is the sexual relationship being portrayed (in this and my other stories). Most fan fic, let's face it, is to get together the people we want to see together, even canon enemies, or the yet more impossible pairings of monster/victim. But once I eek past that factor, I try to re-introduce as much canon fact as I can research.

As for Reb getting really good rather fast, I wanted to hurry up the storyline a bit (I know, an awful thing to do, let alone admit to). Reason? I have a habit (good or bad, according to point of view and how much time I have) of turning fan fiction tales into novel-length stories. I love novel-length, it lets you seriously spread out and explore! But it also takes over your life, and I have to balance all of these, plus my original works. So, hoping Dreads is a good enough teacher, and Reb an avid enough learner, and my readers forgiving sorts, I hurried the training stuff up a bit. And chiefly, the reason the human Marines thought she wasn't a great fighter was because she was wild and reckless, with little thought for others, or even herself. One could call this a yautja trait, at least for the young, in-training sort. Dreads is young, but he's had to age quick and brutal, so he's lost most of that brash impulsiveness. He is the main reason Reb learns to tone it down and fight "safer", at least for her side! LOL. This toning down hones her natural scrapping skills to a finer edge. And that is against Aliens! I'm afraid hunting humans might bore her unless she's willing to hunt her fellow Marines. They are about the only folks holding a candle to the yautja in this genre, if you're fresh out of Aliens. Okay, I must run - but thank you again for your review, and I will attempt to update before too much longer. - Anon.



Hi Bubbles, I am finally working on this one again, and I'm about halfway through some much-needed edits prior to updating. Hang in there, and thanks for your patience, and for commenting, too! - Anon.


Hi Brainfear, and Everyone: Thanks for reading and posting feedback! I am pleased to tell you all that I am finally halfway through the new chapter of "Shield Mates". The edits are done too, though I found another one in the last chapter, so I'll have to repost it, but still. I am going to the FX International convention next week to promote my book (in Orlando) and that will probably interrupt updating plans, but if it's not done before Jan. 24, I'll try to finish it up soon afterward. This is chapter 9 I'm working on, and there will be chapters 10, 11, and an epilogue after that. I hope you like the new stuff when it's finished, it's sort of the wind-up to the punch! LOL. - Anon.


Hi Sagikamikazi, good to see you in here! I just posted over there about my recent delays on updating this story, but I should be able to get back to it shortly. The new chapter is 1/3 of the way done. Working for candy? LOL. Yeap, I am one of those who believe it should build, rather than the three paragraph approach. Mostly though, because I love to write long stories, and if everything good happens too soon, the story ends up short! Thanks for the compliment on the details, too. Writing close to the canon bone (pun unintended) is more work, but it makes me happier in the long run. Hugs, Anon.



Hi Mistress La La & Everyone, The new chapter is now posted, and as usual, I must apologize for taking forever. I've been working on a lot of projects and promoting my book, too, and going to conventions has taken up a lot of my time. It's fun, but it's a lot of hard work! All this and a full-time day job, too. LOL. Thanks for the compliments, though, Mistress La La, and I hope you enjoy the new installment! There will be three more chapters to go on this story, but now I need to work on the updates for the other fan fics I've neglected. Most of my readers know I take forever to update, but I promise not to abandon these stories unfinished. =) - Anon.


Hi Ar'Shiya! You know me, I take forever.... I have to update my Doc Ock and Wolverine tales next, and then I'll get back to this one, never fear. Hugs!


Hi Raved Thrad: Your post made my day. I love in-depth analysis! And yes, it's been fun for me to bring things around to the prologue again. It's also a challenge to keep all the clues and bits straight when I finally get to write the parts I've been hinting at since chapter 1! Aaaah! LOL. I felt bad for Dreads with his enemy turning out to be so worthless, but once their leader spelled out a few things about his past, he was sort of destined to be a weasel in the end. Reb got to enjoy her revenge a lot more, which is sort of weird in a way, since Dreads would normally seem to be the more bloodthirsty character of the two. I think it shows that he's grow up quite a bit, though - that he can be reflective (even in a moody/angry way) about it all turning out that way instead of riddled with blind rage. Thanks for this feedback, and kudos for reading the whole story from scratch just to get it all into better perspective prior. Very cool! As for Reb not using the yautja names so much, I have to keep aware that some readers are non-AVP fans who might need a refresher here and there on what things are; beyond that, yes, it helps to keep their POVs distinct (though it wouldn't make sense to avoid yautja terms in Dreads's POV, so Reb got stuck with it, LOL). Hobson and Dedman... hmmm... nope, can't give that stuff away yet! LOL. - Anon.



Hi Maderine. Equal to the AVP and Predator novels? Awesome. I've read some and that's a wonderful compliment! Thanks! - Anon.


Hello Midnighteyes, Nymphogurl, & Lizzette! Thanks for reading and reviewing, and I'm glad you're enjoying the story. As I mentioned above, I'm juggling the remaining 4 incompletes in here, and I need to update them too, but I'll return to this one afterward (or during - hey, it's the muse's mood that determines what gets worked on, right?) Either way, I'll finish all four stories, eventually, but I may not have time to do sequels, unfortunately. I'll have to see how my schedule goes.... Everyone, when you get a chance, check out my bio on here for other things I'm up to! Cheers, Anon.


Hi Legair, I'm actually working on the next update for this story, after finally updating the other ones. Time is hard to find these days, and by now, my readers know I'm not speedy, but I will update, never fear! Thanks for the wonderful feedback, too! But don't kill your nails just yet... the new chapter is underway! - Anon.


Thanks, Smiley! I just posted edits in most chapters, mainly due to needing to edit the dates and hours of Frank Dedman's reports entries. Also, the new chapter ten is now posted. I will be continuing to work on this story through the two remaining chapters until it is finished. Enjoy, and thanks everyone for your patience! Hugs, Anon.



Hi mancer, Shyann, and SonoftheAtomicBiscuithead! Thanks for reading, posting, and letting me know you enjoy this story. I intended to update (to finish it up in fact) a little sooner than this, but life got in the way. I still intend to wrap it up, though, as soon as I can. I'm going to a convention at the end of this month and preparing for that has delayed my writing schedule as well. Can I say, "Watch this space for news"? Hopefully, soon.... - Anon.


Hi Razielslittleflamekaat! Thanks for reading and reviewing! I don’t know about sequels, but I would like to detail that missing bit of story someday. We shall see…. Glad you enjoyed it, and think of it this way – you didn’t have to wait while I took forever to update it! LOL. Hugs, Anon.

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