AnonGrimm Posted January 12, 2010 Report Posted January 12, 2010 Title: Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Family Author: AnonGrimm Summary: An abused girl runs into the Hewitt’s tiny town in 1970, trying to escape the biker gang that kidnapped her six months before. Desperate to be free, she is prepared to fight – unknowing that there are more dangerous people than her captors in this dead and dusty Texas town. Rating: Adult++ Pairings: Leatherface / Original Character Feedback: I'd love to hear from you. If you have a question or would like to discuss the story, I will check here periodically and reply as soon as I can. Please review the story in the review panel, too; but I can't reply to you there, so look here for a response afterward. Story URL: Thanks! Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 12, 2010 Author Report Posted January 12, 2010 The following are my replies to reader reviews (I didn't want the answers to your questions and comments to disappear): 2006-11-14 Thanks, AntiDolorifico! LOL... Yes, Leatherface is a cutie. And it's possible I need therapy for that, but hey.... I went to see "TCM: The Beginning", and it burned a hole in my brain. Starting this fic up was the only way to work toward recovery. But never fear, I'm plugging away at AVP, too. As I said in the title block on this one, though, I've sort of challenged myself with this story to see how gross I could get. Judging by the notes in the current plot outline, I'm going to succeed in that aim fairly well. *evil smirk* Thanks for reading my newest creation! Hugs, Anon. 2006-12-31 LOL. Your welcome, silken-skies! Thanks for the kudos, too! Actually, I watched the movie (The Beginning) again in the dollar theatre, and actually brought a notebook in to take notes. =) I think the other people might have thought I was nuts, but oh well. The notes inspired edits, so I'm about to post edits in all chapters. No huge changes, except maybe Luda Mae's name (the movie credits spell it that way, and so shall I, LOL). In addition, I've written two more chapters, and they will be posted shortly. Thanks again for reading and reviewing, and I'm so pleased you like my sick little tale. I did mention in the title block that I'd be trying to see how gross I could be - the new chapters put that to the test in a few places. Hope you like it! - Anon. 2007-01-02 Hey, AntiDolorifico! I'm so happy you like this story... sorry about the cliffhangers. LOL. The chapters here are designed to be short, too, mostly because I wanted it to be fast-paced and sort of reckless in tone, but also because my 8 other "in progress" fan fics tend to have 15 to 20+ page chapters, and they are much harder to keep up with because of their sheer length. (But yes, "Shield Mates" is also being worked on. Chapter 8 is 1/4 finished). My novel is close to being finished, I hope. I'm working on the wind-up to the end of the current chapter now, and there are two more plotted out after that. I may add an epilogue, or just put that stuff at the end of the last chapter, but I haven't decided yet. I'll have to check with the powers that be, too, and see what my rep. thinks is best. She's got the business-end know-how, after all. =) Thanks for the in-depth review, too! And it's true: Leatherface would be the ultimate virgin, and therefore extra fun to get him a girlfriend. In character, of course. LOL. Huge HUGS, Anon. Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 12, 2010 Author Report Posted January 12, 2010 2007-01-02 Hello Adelaide, and thanks for reading and reviewing! It means a lot to know you think so highly of my TCM tale. It's been a blast to write this one, as I am quite unapologetically enamoured of Leatherface, and obsessed with all movies in which he appears. I do like the original Gunnar Hansen film, and #3 (with the marvelous Ken Foree and Viggo M.) but the remakes are my favorite. I'm counting the days until "The Beginning" is out on DVD on 1/16/07. But thanks again for letting me know you like the story. Reviews feed the muse! Hugs, Anon. 2007-01-11 Hey, Anon! And Hello SC! Glad you found my sick little "Chainsaw" tale! Chapter 6 is halfway completed, as we speak. I'm hoping to have it done and posted at least by or during the weekend. We'll have "smut" eventually, too, but Amarie has to take it slow, or Thomas might twist her head off of her neck. LOL. I'm so pleased you all enjoy this one, though. And thanks for letting me know it! Hugs, (the other) Anon. =) 2007-01-19 Hey, AntiDolorifico! Thanks! I actually just posted a few edits in chapter six, mostly minor stuff. Chapter 7 is moving along well, but it's sharing time with AVP and my novel at present. However, since this story is my real heavy obsession right now (I even get to meet Andrew Bryniarski at a con in March), I doubt if the new chapter will take too long to finish. So glad you like my interpretation of Thomas, too. Chapter 7's leader section (the chat with the cop and the doc) explores the theory that Thomas suffers from borderline personality disorder in greater depth. It's a bit thick with the psycho-speak, but there's a lot of good info in there. This disorder is fascinating! Hugs, Anon. Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 12, 2010 Author Report Posted January 12, 2010 2007-01-24 Hi Capt Davy Jones Lover, Thanks for reading and reviewing! Have you seen my Jason Vorhees story? It's called "Catastasis", in this same movies section. Leatherface is fascinating, and I'm utterly obsessed, personally. LOL. Chapter 7 will be finished soon, too. Hugs, Anon. 2007-01-31 Hi insane8veggies, thanks for writing, and for letting me know you enjoy the story. I just posted edits in all chapters, and the new chapter 7. Hope you like it! - Anon. Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 12, 2010 Author Report Posted January 12, 2010 2007-03-15 Hello Capt Davy Jones Lover, Amaya Rosalynn, Jess, AntiDolorifico, Zidane. Thanks for all of the reviews while I was out! I am sorry for the delay, plus getting back up to speed took a while. As for the little prologues at the start of the chapters, they are there because it's a great way for me to impart "what may come to be" as well as insights into characters, especially the psycho-analysis stuff on Thomas. There are clues to what's in store in there, too. But for those who don't like it, feel free to skip it. I usually have something at the start of my chapters, in most stories, whether it's poetry, information, lyrics, or whatever. I think it gives it a nice segue before the action starts again, so that's largely why I do it. Also, I don't plan to stop doing it, so if it bugs you, I won't mind if you just jump to the action. And yes, I like Tommy's internal innocent thoughts. Raised as he was, I can't imagine that he'd grasp things the same way others would. So far, my favorite is his equating BJs to puppies needing milk to grow strong. 50% of me laughs at how silly that is, and the other 50% is sad for him over how confused he really is. Dichotomy, anyone? LOL. Again, thanks for the reviews, and the patience. It is appreciated. Hugs, Anon. 2007-03-29 Thanks, Dawn! And here you go - chapter 8 is up! Hope you enjoy it! Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 12, 2010 Author Report Posted January 12, 2010 2007-05-08 Hello EndOfExistence, AntiDolorifico! First of all, I should apologize to everyone (Again, you say? I'm afraid so; LOL)for updates taking me a while. I promise, no fan fic of mine shall be abandoned, but I have to give time to my original work first. I'm in serious crunch time, and will be for the summer, but I will try to update as I can in various stories, including this one. The bottom line is, of course, while I love my fan fics, you have to work on the one you can legally sell more, right? The upside is, when I'm done and the manuscript is finished and sent, I can get back to all of my fan fics at leisure and polish each one up to a fresh shine. 2007-05-08 Hi Akito Souma, I rarely get feedback as, um, intense as yours. =) Most of it is constructive, and I thank you for that very much, it is appreciated. However, please be kind and remember that I am not a pyschology major, I am merely a fan of it. I have, on the other hand, researched BPD rather extensively, and I still believe it to be spot on for Leatherface, and in particular, for the Thomas Hewitt of my plot. Naturally, it's all guessing on our part, as this is fan fic, and an utterly fictional character to boot. The ultimate would be to ask Tobe Hooper for his opinion, but as he had to cancel his appearance at the last convention I attended (Fear Fest, in Dallas), I didn't get the chance. I'll have the opportunity to ask Mr. Gunnar Hansen at Screamfest in October, though, and if I can form a coherent sentence in his presence this time, LOL, I'll see what he thinks about it. They are among the true experts, after all. In general or specifically, though, what do you think would be a good diagnosis for Thomas Hewitt? Beyond that, as for the dialogue between the doc and the cop, I can't get super technical, as I am boring some folks and amusing only a few with those opener sections, as some of my other kind reviewers have pointed out. Seriously, though, I appreciate the bored ones for putting up with it and quietly hope the amused ones remain amused with it. Also, the diagnosis my doctor makes isn't a strict diagnosis. He mentions that it is a guess, to answer the cop's question, and tells the man he'd have to study Hewitt at length to make a real determination. Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 12, 2010 Author Report Posted January 12, 2010 2007-05-08 Hi Akito Souma, Now, you mentioned problems with characterization, but you didn't mention with which character? Keeping in mind this is fan fic, and many authors choose to utterly alter how a character behaves, I figure I got my characters pretty true to canon. In the case of Leatherface, of course, we're all once again guessing. Assuming he was the one you meant, though, let's mull him over a minute. The guy doesn't talk, but if he can understand words and orders said to him, then he would have to be capable of thought in similar words. He isn't going to think like a Yale professor, of course, but he would be able to think in a childlike manner, and with similar points of reference as his family uses to him. Also, if you're going to write a section of a story in his POV, you have to have something to play with, or it falls flat. I actually didn't include his POVs in the first draft, because I worried it would be too hard to pull it off. Then my adoration (yes, I'm arguably a weirdo, LOL) for this character won out, and I simply wanted to see if I could manage a POV for Thomas Hewitt that I could live with and possibly enjoy. As it is, his bits have become my favorites, in most of the chapters, because the movies don't let us into his head, and it's got to be a facinating place. This is merely my attempt at it, and of course, others may do it better, but so far I haven't found anyone else getting into his POV. In any event, I'd really like to know whose characterization you thought was problematic. Keep in mind that I'm taming down Sheriff Hoyt (in the raw, there would be no rating that could contain him), and due to my plot, Luda Mae had to become more sympathetic than her canon self. Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 12, 2010 Author Report Posted January 12, 2010 2007-05-08 Hi Akito Souma, As for Tommy and the subject of rape, though: how can one rape, if they don't know what sex is? In my plot, Tommy doesn't even know what the real mechanics of it are. He thinks his uncle is wrestling or fighting with his victim, (a very common child perception) and when he sees the blood (her blood, of course) he thinks she hurt his uncle and made him bleed. The idea that his uncle is the harmer is quite beyond him. The woman is meat, his uncle is family - there is no contest in his brain whose side he's on. Within my plot, his family tells him over and over not to hurt Amarie. But it's her teaching him new pleasure without fear that turns her from meat into family in his mind. Those two things had to go hand in hand, though, because without his family protecting her, she never would have lived long enough to touch him. Would Leatherface, in general, commit rape? Very likely, but only if he already knew how sex is performed. In most cases, I would agree with you, he would rape and never form an attachment. Of course, the fun of creating a plot like this, is to let him "get the girl". I've tried to accomplish that while remaining as true to canon as plot would allow, but let's face it - this story would never happen in canon. Leatherface kills, period. However, for those of us who have a spot of a crush on him, the plot amuses. Thank you, though, for saying their romance is not altogether unfeasible. It may bend canon, but it's a darn fun way to bend it. =) You have challenged me to improve the psychology stuff, however, and I thank you for that, too. It may be "only fan fic", but I care a great deal about all of my "kids", even the ones I can't publish, and no effort to improve them is ever wasted. Oh - and I'm thinking outside the box? Sweet! I've never been told that, and it's most kind of you to say so. I hope you will keep reading (whenever I manage to update, right? LOL). Hugs, Anon. (*Note: had to split that up, it's too long for the post limitations). Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 12, 2010 Author Report Posted January 12, 2010 2007-05-08 To anyone who may have actually read my rambles, can you tell that I LOVE to discuss Leatherface? LOL. I enjoy responding to reviews; and also, I believe that when someone takes the time to comment, they deserve to be acknowledged. No author would like it if readers never took time to review, right? I'll compromise, though - I'll try for mass response whenever feasible. =) And thanks for reading the story! Hugs to All, Anon. 2007-05-22 Hey, Shalimar! *Hugs* Thanks for reading this one! Especially if you aren't even into Leatherface.... =) I shall admit that Amarie is so quick to accept because it suits the plot. LOL. However, it started bugging me, too, so I've been working on giving her reasons for that. Most of it will be revealed later on, of course, but it's largely to do with her previous "family" which was abusive and loveless, and the whole influence of the bikers, who weren't real nice nor upstanding role models. *evil smirk* And no, I have nothing against bikers. LOL. The movie chose the villains, right? I won't ride a Harley, though: I'm dangerous enough behind the wheel of a car, but still, they are awesome critters.... In any event, Amarie kills her enemies out of survival needs, and then the Hewitts sort of inadvertantly help along the maturation of the idea that killing is okay. Yikes, right? But that's why it's a Leatherface fic. =) However, you hit the nail on the head about Amarie: the Hewitts offer her acceptance and love. She's so hungry for that, she wouldn't care if they were the worst degenerates on the face... of the... earth...? Heh. Okay, they kind of are. Scrap that, but you know what I mean. LOL. I personally like the fact that even though she knows Thomas isn't her brother, and she has made him her lover, she still refers to him as her brother. I almost changed that, but decided not to. This is not a sane chick, basically, in her own right. Calling him her brother implies a bond stronger than a lover, and that's what she craves most. Thomas, of course, thinks of her as "sister" because that's what his family told him she was. I don't think he thinks much further than that. Although, having made the transition from thinking of her as meat to family, he never looks back. As for making the difficult work, thanks! I took this one on like I did my Jason Voorhees and Hellraiser fics: just to see if I could pull it off. From the perspective of a non-fan-of-Leatherface, it is excellent to know you're enjoying it. I did start writing chapter 9 of this story at lunch today, due to needing to clean my eyeballs from the novel for a bit. I need to finish up a Rammstein fic first, but this one is 2/3rds done for the new chapter. Thanks again for reviewing in here, too. And I promise not to keep AVP waiting too long, either. I get to missing my various characters after a bit.... =) Hugs! - Anon. Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 12, 2010 Author Report Posted January 12, 2010 2007-06-23 Hi Shalimar, HardcoreHorrorChick, and Dobby! I'm back briefly just to pop in and say that the next chapter update is almost finished. I have Amarie and Luda Mae's POV sections finished, and only Tommy's left to write. My work internet blocks this sort of thing, naturally, and I've been without internet at home since June 15th. Yesterday, I picked up a USB thingy for my laptop (am not a techie, lol) so here I am! I didn't want ya'll to worry that I had disappeared, so I thought I'd let you know the new chapter is coming soon, and will hopefully be finished by next weekend. Until then, thanks so much for your patience, and as always, for reading and reviewing! Shalimar: Yeah, I love a challenge. That's sort of what fan fic is for, beyond honing one's writing chops. One day, I'd like to work up the courage to do a Hannibal Lecter story. He sort of intimidates me with all that knowledge of fine things (which I do not possess and therefore would have a lot of research to do). Plus, I feel that Thomas Harris is a genius, and making a fan fic sound canon seems like big shoes to fill! Ah, someday.... =) But hey, I managed Pinhead, and that worried me, too. Bon chance, right? LOL. Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 12, 2010 Author Report Posted January 12, 2010 2007-09-24 Hello to roketto, Karu, and cherrydarling, and again, *blush* sorry for taking forever to update. The new chapter 9 is up (there will probably be 6 more to go now before this tale is done) and I hope you all enjoy it. I did have a great excuse this time though: I finished my novel! WooHoo! Getting it all ready to become a book is a LOT of work, too, but hey - the writing is done! LOL. When it's out, I'll mention it in my profile, rules allowing. For now, thank you so much for reading and reviewing - I missed Tommy while I was working on the book, so he finally claimed my attention again for an update. I hope the next one won't take so long, but of course, all my other "in progress" stories need updates as well. Again, thanks so much for hanging in there with me! - Anon. 2007-11-07 Hi Capt Davey Jones Lover & Kate (and everyone), Glad you liked it! I've recently finished a few other fan fic stories, so now there are only four "in progress" tales left: Chainsaw, AVP, Wolverine, & Doc Ock. Four should be simpler to juggle, too. I'm working on AVP at the moment, and then the other two will get a turn, and then I'll get back to this one. Thanks for your patience, and for reading and reviewing! - Anon. 2008-03-19 Hi mukimuki2, Thanks for reading and posting! I have to update my AVP story first, then I'll get back to the other three, including this one, all of which I'm trying to be better at updating more often until they are finished. Lots going on, work is busy, and so is the novel writing, but I won't forget my fanfics. Thanks for the compliments, too! I think Leatherface is becoming one of my favorite monsters ever, in a trio with Pinhead and Voorhees. And like them, he's a real challenge to write in a canon style (or as much as possible, anyway). I'll get back to this story as soon as I can! - Anon. Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 12, 2010 Author Report Posted January 12, 2010 2008-06-26 Hi Freya! I really need to update my other fan fics before I get back to this one again. Talk about neglecting my stories - those other two haven't been updated in months by now, probably. On the other hand, I miss Tommy and I want to start work on chapter 10 NOW instead. LOL. So it's a dilemma. Maybe I'll just try to work on them all at once. Thanks for the wonderful commentary! My only excuse for Amarie "leaping" a bit quick on wanting Tommy, is that I personally find Leatherface hideously sexy and perhaps shortened my usual "wait a bit to get to the sexy stuff" discipline. LOL. As for Amarie's "snap moment", that started early. I guess I may have made it too subtle in the story, but she vaguely alludes to her foster father raping her at a younger age. His abuse is the reason she didn't mind running off with Frankie in general, sort of a "anything is better than this" notion. She was happy with Frankie because he was nice to her, and taught her that sex could be enjoyable. However, all that was while his girlfriend was away, and when she returned, she was pissed. He's a jerk because he didn't stand up to her, and let her give Amarie to the three bikers who tossed her about, gang-raped her, and tormented her. Psychologically speaking (keeping in mind I'm a layman, not a doctor), people who are sexually abused as children often grow up to be very sexually active. They seem to go to the extreme one way or another, even though an observer might think they would grow up to "hate sex" or avoid it due to the abuse. That of course is not true for everyone, but it is documented often in the research I've done. That is why Amarie is into playing with Tommy so soon. Plus, if the guy who you thought was going to protect you (Frankie) throws you to the dogs, it's natural to look for a bigger, badder guy who can smash him and his friends for you later. =) I have gone into editing mode on this story and "fixed" the phonetics of the dialogue. These folks are from Texas, and since I am from Texas, they are going to start talking with an accent. I love typing accents, and I don't know why I didn't do it that way in the first place (maybe my inner grammarian got hold of my muse and blackmailed her or something). I don't have time to post the accent edits right now, though, so maybe I'll go over it once more with your suggestions in mind and see if something could stand a tweaking. I can't promise anything will change, but if it doesn't, it'll be because I just didn't have any time to do it. Don't worry about offending me, though, I love hearing what you think, and suggestions to help believability are always welcome! Heck, writing is all in one's head, untested, until someone else reads it and tells us where it might be off-kilter. And yes, my AVP story is basically alien sex, but I promise it has a plot. LOL. So when I get a chance, I'll post the accent edits, and then get back to updating again, here, there, everywhere. Oh, and this story has more chapters to go yet, I forget how many, but it's a few. I'll try not to take forever at it, too. - Anon. Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 12, 2010 Author Report Posted January 12, 2010 2008-06-26 How about a poll while I'm at it? I have two versions of the ending in my head: in one Amarie dies, in the other she lives. I'm not promising to tell anyone which one I'm going with, I was just curious about what you all thought. Opinions? (I may do both as an "alternate ending" thing, as both endings intrigue me). 2009-02-08 Hello ayame, Aealyn, and Shyann! Sorry I'm taking so long to update (as usual) but I will, never fear. I'm trying to finish my AVP story (and go to work, and promote my novel, etc, haha) but once AVP is done, I'll get back to this one, as well as my Wolverine and Doc Ock stories. Thanks for your patience, and for reading! - Anon. 2009-10-17 Hi bignsassy818 (and Everyone). My AVP story is completed now, and I'm working on edits on my Wolverine story. Two chapters left on that one, and I may work on finishing it first. This Texas Chainsaw tale has about six chapters to go (I'm working on edits for it, too) and my Doc Ock tale has about three chapters left to go. In any event, I will finish these last three incomplete stories, never fear. As always, thank you all for your patience! - Anon. Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 25, 2010 Author Report Posted January 25, 2010 Update: I will soon be continuing work on edits for "Family". Currently, I am wrapping up the edits for my Wolverine story, after completing and posting the edits for my Doc Ock tale. I am working on updates right after that, but edits are a great way to re-immerse myself in the stories after a long absence from them. Thanks for your patience! - Anon Quote
AnonGrimm Posted April 9, 2010 Author Report Posted April 9, 2010 New chapters finally got posted for my Wolverine and Doc Ock tales, so I've gotten back to the edits on this one at last, and I'm halfway through them already. I got sidetracked by my ongoing Sabretooth obsession, and I apologize for letting him "cut in line" as it were. I will start work on the new chapter for "Family" as soon as the edits are done. Thanks for your patience! - Anon Quote
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