AnonGrimm Posted January 11, 2010 Report Posted January 11, 2010 Title: Aus Stein Sein (Made of Stone) Author: AnonGrimm Summary: While touring the USA on the ‘Reise, Reise’ album, Till’s poetry reveals his secret desire for Richard. Rating: Adult++ Pairings: Till Lindemann/Richard Kruspe Feedback: I'd love to hear from you. If you have a question or would like to discuss the story, I will check here periodically and reply as soon as I can. Please review the story in the review panel, too; but I can't reply to you there, so look here for a response afterward. Story URL: Thanks! Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 11, 2010 Author Report Posted January 11, 2010 The following are my replies to reader reviews posted previous to this thread (I didn't want the answers to your questions and comments to disappear): 2006-07-26 Hi Everyone! A little birdie told me I could respond in a review panel... Thanks for your kind reviews, I'm so pleased you enjoy my slash Till/Rich tale. The story isn't finished yet, though. I have two more chapters plotted out, and then it will be completed. I'm still trying to finish my novel, though, so I'm updating fan fics as I can, and there's a batch of them! Not enough time in a day, as they say. In particular, Cait... thanks for noticing the details! Methinks you must be as dedicated a fan of these boys as I am! LOL. "Das Wasser" (my other - vastly shorter - slash fic) also has the magic Till/Rich combo. It was also my first fan fic ever. Aaaaah! LOL. What can any of us do? Till is far too inspiring not to leap into fanficdom for. Thanks again, and Hugs to all! - Anon. 2006-09-21 Thank you, Ann! Yes, our Till is sadly oft maligned. *sniff* (except by my friend EinsamesWasser, and some others, here and elsewhere). That was one of the reasons I wanted to start writing my own fics with him, both het and slash. Well, the hets I write because, let's face it, there are so few Rammstein hets, of any stripe... Actually Till got me started on fan fics in general. I'd never even heard of them before stumbling into a Rammstein fan fic and was inspired to try my hand at this new form of writing! LOL. 'Das Wasser' (posted here) is my virgin effort at fan fic, in fact. But thank you so much for your review, and wonderful compliments! I will get back to finishing this tale eventually. There are two chapters left to go! Hugs, Anon. Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 11, 2010 Author Report Posted January 11, 2010 2006-11-22 Okay, Anon (my namesake, cool!), it's now updated! LOL. I hope you enjoy the new chapter. There's only one left to go, and then this story will be finished. The last chapter is already 1/4 finished, but it will need to wait a bit while I update other fics, too. Hugs, (the other) Anon. =) 2007-06-23 Hello Emma Shonn & niami, I have been editing this story a bit, and finalizing the last chapter. I hope to get it finished and posted before too much longer! =) And yes, sorry about the cliffhanger thing... but thank you for reading and reviewing and letting me know you like the story. It makes working on them worth it all. niami, I have to add, that you made my day with your kind words. I am working on an original novel (hoping for a September 21 deadline to finish it) and that is the reason my fan fics have been so sadly neglected of late. I have two and a half (the epilogue, lol) chapters left to write on it now. It's about the Grim Reaper being a vigilante in NYC, and a few other spots, and should be fun. However, I did want to start finishing up those fan fics which were close to done, and that puts this story first. Have you read the other Rammstein fics I have on here? They are mostly hetero fics, but fun. Thank you both, again, for reviewing, and have a great week! Hugs, Anon. Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 11, 2010 Author Report Posted January 11, 2010 (edited) 2007-11-07 Hi Ann, thanks for reading! Oh, and my novel is almost out! Woo Hoo! =) I'll post on that in my profile when it is out. Glad you enjoyed this story, it was a lot of fun to write. I will probably pen more, but it may be a while, as I'm trying to wrap up the other "in-progress" stories before I begin any more of them. Thanks again for writing! Hugs, Anon. 2008-03-19 Hi XLiebeX, Thanks for reading and reviewing! Yes, this story is proof that no matter how long I take at it, I do eventually finish them! LOL. At present count I have four remaining incomplete fan fics and I'm trying to update them a bit faster than months at a stretch, but the day job and the original works keep me pretty busy, too, and there's just not enough time in a day or night. Sleep? What's that? I'd be first in line if you could clone yourself just to have one of you go to work while the other stays home and writes. =) So pleased you liked it enough to come back and check for my rare updates, and thank you for doing so! - Anon. Edited January 11, 2010 by AnonGrimm Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 11, 2010 Author Report Posted January 11, 2010 2009-12-28 Hi BloodSugar, thanks for reading and reviewing! Glad you liked the story. I always think a slow progression is more fun and engages the reader more in a romantic tale or any tale with an erotic connection brewing. Rushing in gives no chance to develop any care one way or the other for the budding relationship and story. Thanks again for giving your feedback! - Anon. Quote
AnonGrimm Posted February 20, 2010 Author Report Posted February 20, 2010 Hi Kitty, Your review made my day, maybe my whole year! Thanks so much for reading, and registering just to review! I'm assuming you are a writer yourself? Your comments sound like an experienced writer's observations. Rammstein is my favorite band, and they actually got me started on writing fan fiction, too. I'd been reading some wonderful Rammstein stories by my friends, and wanted to play. That was years ago, now, and I've since branched out into mostly fictional genres. Maybe one of the others is a genre you're into? You can click on my name on and see all of my stories on my profile. Most of them are completed now, except for my Wolverine, Doc Ock, and Texas Chainsaw tales. I'm actually plotting out a new one about Sabretooth from the X-Men, but I won't post it until I've got Doc Ock and Chainsaw updated with new chapters. Wolverine just got a new chapter after one of my trademark long dry spells. Please thank your friend for me, for their recommendation of Aus Stein Sein to you? I greatly enjoyed the "fangirl squee" review, and it was a treat to read the specifics of why you enjoyed the story. I've always been a fan of structure myself, and I love to try and connect the ending to the beginning when I can, in some way. That isn't always practical, or even possible, but I think it flows better if it can be accomplished, even on a subtle level. A funny thing about atmosphere: I'm not always conscious of doing that, but I just simply love realism. Intended or not, it tends to end up morphing into atmosphere before I'm done. For Rammstein, one of the best research helps I found was the band's keyboardist, Flake, writing his journal entries during the recording of one or two albums. He gave a great accounting of what went on, as well as how he felt about some of it. In fact, that bit of trivia in the story about Flake getting a ride with a fan from one city to the next to see the country he was in (and therefore inspiring Till in my story to rent the Porsche) is something Flake really did. Add to that songs like "Turn the Page" by Bob Seger, and a writer who has never been on tour with a rock band can get a decent feel for how it might go (as well as how it might smell, lol). As for the picket fence ending, I'm 60/40 on happy endings, in general (40% happy), which I guess is unusual. I'm a fan of literary tragedies (Shakespeare nut, all the way), and I love the gut-wrenching intensity that a tragic ending can bring to a story. In Aus Stein Sein, I actually had the opportunity to explore a melancholy non-tragic ending, which for me, was a nice change! Sooner or later, I will do some grammar edits on Aus Stein Sein, when I'm not super late in updating the current incomplete stories. Way back when, I was still prolific with the "and" and "but" stuff, and now that I know better, it drives me bonkers. Thanks again for such an amazing review. If you'd like to know what else I have out there, visit and check out the projects pages. My original novel about the Grim Reaper is on there. Hugs, Anon Quote
Saracara Posted June 23, 2012 Report Posted June 23, 2012 I just wanted to swing by here and say how much I loved this story. I've read it at least five times over already, and I never get tired of it. Quote
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