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Hi all, Niara here,

I'm posting here to mention that I'm posting up the startings of a whole series of tales involving characters within Lord of the Rings Online, the MMO universe of Tolkien's Middle Earth. There isn't much up there at the moment, but I wanted to mention what I'm doing, and working on, so you'll see the larger picture. I'm wiritn a seperate fic for each of nine characters, that correspond with different player characters, one from each class within LoTRo. the individual chapters of the fics won't necessarily be contiguious with each other; some will be snapshot scenes, others might have some carry-over chapter to chapter, but they will all roughly mark out the pregression of each adventurer. They will, of course, all be completely unique stories and events; it would be rather boring for me to tell roughly the same tale nine time in a row, after all.

They will also have all sorts of content, to tickle the fancy of just about anyone with just about any particular fetish or preference (barring a few exceptions that simply never occur... I blame the characters). Because of that, though, not all of the fics, or all of the tales within will be for everyone; those who enjoy Caranwyn's stories might find Satin's utterly distasteful. Fair warning.

Currently, the fics I've posted up have backstory for the character they will be focused on. Further chapters will begin their actual tales. The tags on them don't currently apply, but are markers for what the fic as a whole will contain when its chronicles are all told.

I should note, the primary focus is smut, hopefully good smut... but I've been told that I often take a while getting to said smut; I build and lead up, I write and immerse and attempt to paint a very vivid and easy to feel atmosphere around the raw smut, because I've always found that I enjoy written erotica more when I feel like I really know the folk involved... so if at any point it feels like 'too much words, not enough sex', that's why.

As for updating, I can make no promises on how often or when, and I'm sorry about that. Life keeps me busy sometimes, and not at others, and I write whatever sequences I'm most inspired to write at any given time, but won't publish them out of order, so that may also lead to sporadic and uneven updates.

Title: Varied, but named for their characters.

Author: me, Niara Afforegate.

Rating: Adult+

Summary: Various tales concerning a handful of adventurers.

Feedback: Oh gods, please yes! I crave it, I hunger for it! I want you all to tear my work to ribbons from the ground up and give me reviews and feedback that details all the things I'm doing badly, or things i ought to improve, things that dind't read well, or sit well, or broke immersion, bits that made you double-take, or re-read because it dind't obtain propperly at first glance... I want to improve, and as long as it's constructive, i want to hear the worst you've got. But also, if there's eomthign you think I'm doing really well, somethign you particularly liked, a technique or method or feel that you found great, let me know htat too, please. Poor hungry writer girl feeds on review and comments. Please don't let her starve!

URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/main.php?list=1769, for now, being that the LotRo page.

At anyrate, thanks all for taking the time to read through this, and thanks in advance if you decided to go take a gander at any of my work.

Thanks again, and happy reading all,


  • 4 months later...

This is just an update post, mostly.

I'd like to thank the few readers who've contacted me for your comments, and to Rothco and Dagr, your input in particular has been helpful.

I know there's not a lot of folk reading these at the moment, but for the small collection who are, jsut wanted to mention that there's new chapters up for Harla and Niara since I last poked my nose in here.

Also, comments/critcisms/review/etc. all greatly craved, from anyone and everyone.


  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Another update post,

For those reading, Caranwyn's Tale (In Defence of Middle Earth) had a smal handful of new entries.

As always, coments, criticisms, anything at all, most welcome,


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