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If you haven't heard, Fan History Wiki is a fan run project dedicated to documenting the history of fandom. We could really use some help in promoting the project and improving our existing content. We'd really love to see http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/AdultFanFiction.Net improved as no one has really touched it in a while and there have to be things going on on the site that people can help with.

We'd love it if authors could post links to their stories on some of our terminology pages to give examples for those terms. Pages that could use that include:

* http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/Mpreg

* http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/Adultfic

* http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/Crack!Fic

* http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/Alternative_Universe

* http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/Alternate_pairings

And really, anything else in http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/Category:Terminology

If anyone has a list of their own stories that they would like wikified, please contact me at laura@fanhistory.com and I'd be happy to help you create them.

Outside of the blatant use of Fan History Wiki to promote your own work, we could really use some help with writing the history of fandoms like http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/Twilight and http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/CSI and a huge number of other fan communities.


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