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Looking to do a RP style fanfic... I've been making a few too many topics so I'm just listing off them all in one and keeping this one...

I don't care about Pairings I'll pair anyone with these characters, I don't mind cross over fics as long as the plot makes sense

So take for example you want me to do Nightcrawler from X-men and want to pair him with say.... Data from Star Trek.... I'll do it... again as long as the plot makes sense.

Series/Characters I do

X-Men - Nightcrawler or Talia Wagner aka Nocturne or Toad

The Legend of Drizzt - Drizzt

Harry Potter - Severus Snape or Remus Lupin or Draco Malfoy or Lucius Malfoy or Bellatrix Lastrange

Silent Hill - Pyramid Head

Hunchback of Notre-Dame - Clopin Trouillefou ((see avatar))

Batman - Joker or Scarecrow ((any series)) The Mad Hatter or Thomas Schiff the paranoid schitzo from Arkham in Dark Knight played by David Dastmalchian

Heroes - Sylar

Star Trek - Spock

Death Note - L

The Matrix - Twins

Dogma - The Metatron

Hell Girl - Ai Enma or Ren Ichimoku

Pokemon - James

Loveless - Ritsuka or Soubi

Digimon - Wizardmon

Brotherhood of the Sword - Sin MacAllister or Draven deMontague

I may add more to the list, we shall see...

details can be discussed, I am interested in pretty much ANY pairing with these characters. I'm down with RPing pretty much ANYTHING it takes a lot for me not to do something so if you have a fetish I have no problem... If anyone is interested feel free to add me to msn or email me


  • 1 month later...


Sorry, I only just read the reply you left in my own topic... I rarely haunt these boards...

Anyway, I'd love to try writing together with you! Added you on MSN, you can recognize me by my name, it always starts with ShadowCat / Jade and then something witty between brackets. Poke me!


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