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Guest Agaib

Here's the deal. My current signature sucks, I hate it. I want it to go away for ever and ever and ever. Unfortunately I have nothing to replace it with.


I want someone to make a signature for me. Post it on here. At the end of this week (Saturday) I'll pick one of them and use it. The author of the one I pick will recieve fifty thousand naughty points.

Just a note. I doesn't have to be super complicated and it doesn't have to be elaborate.

(I wonder if anyone will even try this...)


"Those who guard the rainbow get annoyed with those who block the sun." -Terry Pratchett

"Pants up man?" -Deliberately Unattributed.

"Aw geeze, not again!"

Take your pick.

Guest Ertia

I would NEVER advocate taking the internet back from yaoi.

But then, I'm one of the slashity-est authors out there.

Honestly, Agaib, I like the One Ring sig. Makes me smile every time I see it.

Guest Rockin

Okay...it seems I'm gonna be the one to ask this...

What type of sig do you mainly want? Humor, horror, lessions learned, random? come on, give us some hints. Some of us (like myself) barely know you.

And how you're gonna give fifty thousand naughty points when you have about two-thousand? I smell a con. XDD

Guest Agaib

I dont mind any kind of signature. Humor would be apreciated. and about Myself...

I have plenty of points to spend dear Rockin but I understand why you might be suspicious. If it makes you feel better I'll withdraw some from the bank.

I'm a dominant by nature and I love all things Maledom.

I love music especially classical.

AFF is one of My favorite sites in the world

And... I can't think of much else. I love clever humor and toilet jokes dont usually appeal to Me. If you have any other questions you can go ahead and ask.

I'm sorry if I made you feel like I might be cheating you or somthing but I'm not. I ran a story contest with a 100,000 naughty point prize and made good on My promise. I'm sure there are a few people on this forum who can attest to that.

Guest Soulsearcher

"Come into my parlour," said the spider to the fly.

Thought it fit with your story. biggrin.gif

Guest atsuita_no_renkinjutsushi

I have a few ideas... I pretty much just do movie quotes, though, so if that's not your style then stop now. (I'm a movie fiend.)

Once upon a time, a woman was picking up firewood. She came upon a poisonous snake frozen in the snow. She took the snake home and nursed it back to health. One day the snake bit her on the cheek. As she lay dying, she asked the snake, "Why have you done this to me?" And the snake answered, "Look, bitch, you knew I was a snake."

-- Natural Born Killers

This one seems appropriate for a fanfic writer...

They got everything here from a diddled-eyed joe to damned if I know.

-- True Romance

Tell him the liberator who destroyed my property has realigned my perception.

-- Fight Club

And one not from a movie, or at least not that I know of.

Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Weep, and you weep alone.

Good luck with the search for a sig. happy.gif

Guest lightgoddess

Ok, here's one if you like 'Confucius say'.

Confucius say woman who fly upside down have big crack up.


I yoinked this one from bash.org:

I helped the EMTs at a car wreck and got blood all over my arms and shirt. It looked like I murdered 20 people with a fork... anyway, I walked into a convieniance store down the street and said my girlfriend needs a tampon. The guy at the counter was mortified.

or (another yoinked directly from bash:

<F4T4L_3RR0R> I swear... I don't need to see commercials for tampons while cartoons are on 


How do you embarrass an archeologist? Give him a tampon and ask him which period it came from.

Now, see, this is just wrong...

<pete_> Dude, if I ever become an emt

<pete_> I'm so driving the ambulance to a funeral home,

<pete_> Walk in and just be like, "Hey, sorry if I'm late..."

Ok, this will be the last one...promise...

<agrippina> so there was this guy at work today, who brought back a copy of Madden '06 because it was it wouldn't play in his son's x box. he starts mumbling about how when he was young, he never had to worry about his baseball being compatable with his glove or his bat. And before i can stop myself, i blurt out "true. but no one ever died chasing their x box into the street."
Guest lightgoddess

Ok, I lied, here's one more:

<MooseOnDaLoose> Hey Mike

<goatboy> what?

<MooseOnDaLoose> Pussy.

<goatboy> er?

<MooseOnDaLoose> Pussy.

<goatboy> and?

<MooseOnDaLoose> Pussy.

<goatboy> ...

<MooseOnDaLoose> Pussy.

<goatboy> i dont get it


<goatboy> bastard

Guest Rockin
I have plenty of points to spend dear Rockin but I understand why you might be suspicious. If it makes you feel better I'll withdraw some from the bank.

Nah, no need. I believe you. I was just confused that's all. Now that I know a bit about yourself, I can think up some good sigs.

"All who look at this sig sentence is my new bitch!"

For your dominate nature ^^

Girl: I loooove the PS2 rumble controller.

Guy: Oh? Why's that?

Girl: It makes a good low tech vibrator. happy.gif

Sexual humor no. 1

Pirate Woman: (DD cup woman) Okay...we found the treasure. Now, open the chest.

Pirate Guy: Okay. *He grabs her shirt from the bottom and pulls it out*

Pirate Woman: O.O *smacks him hard* NO! Not MY chest! The one on the ground!

Pirate Guy: *worried smile* S-S-Sorry! ^^;;

Sexual humor No. 2

Having sex with WWE diva women - $500-$700

Making your anime/video game character come to life - $2,000 (free if you're dreaming)

X ray glasses - $30,000

Becoming immortal - $70,000 donation to the church

Mind controlling your enemies/ex to your personal bitches and amusement - priceless.

Humor no. 1

I hope you like these ^^

Guest Agaib

Contest is officially closed now. Though if you have a fun/humorous suggestion for somthing else I might used it still. But any suggestions I take from here on out will be worth half 25000.

Guest Rockin

Yaaaay! I won! I'm gonna be a legend to all n00bs on this forum! XD

I have some more ideas, but I don't wanna be greedy. I'll let others take on the 25000. ^^


Congrats rockin. The only things I could think of were lame, but I just thought of one: "Don't step on the tail!" (or words to that effect.) "You won't like it if you step on the tail."

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