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GLITCHES: Cartoons / Misc Cartoons / Het

Best birthday...ever! 600091672

—DISCLAIMER is missing the no-profit clause. posted review asking author to correct this and giving URL for DG’s post on “what is needed in a disclaimer”.

Arthur and hazel 600091462

—DISCLAIMER does not state name of fandom although the rest of it is fine.

Brother 600091420

—DISCLAIMER does not state name of fandom although the rest of it is fine.

GLITCHES: Cartoons / Misc Cartoons / Slash

Cummin' home 600091978

—DISCLAIMER doesn’t contain specific “i do not own this fandom/characters” language. is mention of the copyright being owned by its owner enough?

This party was boring, and now he was so horny 600091610

—DISCLAIMER doesn’t mention specific fandom but is otherwise OK.

Easy as beer o'clock 600091543

—DISCLAIMER doesn’t mention specific fandom but is otherwise OK.

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