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Need a Beta for Vegeta(Bejita)/Gohan story


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Greetings beta's seeking stories!

I'm at the point where I have enough material to start off my story and official put it out for viewers to read. Of course, I'm not finished with it, but the first couple chapters all set to go. I need a Beta who has another creative mind such as myself, who can check-over my material, give feedback, and maybe throw out more ideas and inspiration when I suggest if the pathway to the left or to the right is one this story should travel down.

The official title of this story is Within Darkness. It revolves around the myth of pure blood vampires, turned vampires and dhampirs - BUT IN NO WAY ARE THEY PATHETIC BEINGS AS SOME MYTHS MAKE THEM OUT TO BE!

Pure blood vampires: Of course they will have an irritation toward sunlight because if you biologically think about it, the paler your skin is when unprotected and reveled in the sun's light (especially if you can imagine having very thin blood, being anemic, or in a vampire's case having barely any living blood cells within your body), the more your skill will burn and cook (hence why in some myths, vampires suddenly catch fire, but there won't be vampires randomly igniting in just 5 seconds within sunlight in THIS story).

Turned vampires: I don't really know an exact name for them, but I suppose they're just referred to as vampires. Pure bloods are very scares and typically will breed within each other to keep their pure blood PURE, rather than mating with turned vampires, dhampirs, or any other species. A turned vampire has a bond/relationship with its maker but they do not have to be lovers or even close friends. It's a pure blood vampire's choice when he/she wants to create a being just like them, although when the process does happen, the pure blood relies entirely on instincts to make the change. Not all who are being changed are strong enough to survive the process.

Dhampir: Half vampire hybrids born with vampire strengths and very limited weaknesses. The dhampir society feeds only on their non-vampire half blood's food. Drinking the blood of a pure blood vampire is absolutely forbidden within their society for reasons that will be further relieved in later chapters of this story.

Okay, so now that you have a clue of the material, now for the characters focused in this story. The first main character is Vegeta and this is how I've mean brain-washed to spell his name of which I wouldn't object to spelling his name the Japanese way which is Bejita. I've seen in a lot of stories that people continue to spell his name V-E-G-E-T-A so I might stick with that spelling (even though I know its incorrect).

The second main character is Gohan and his age, or should I say body shape and size, is when he's 14-years-old but still the same size he was when he killed Cell. I discovered this pairing would be considered Shota (older male with a younger male) because Vegeta is a grown adult and Gohan is a young teenager, but if you think about it, Gohan is not entirely a human so his body doesn't grow up as fast as his human age increases in order to sustain a youthful figure, outliving a normal human's life span (hint: Gohan in this story is a dhampir).

I'd like send the first chapter (which is not extremely long) to those who wish to beta for Within Darkness. I only need one beta, so I'll see who best fits the position as a beta for this story of mine and of course if the person is going to love this story as much as I'm loving it. And the story line doesn't entirely sync with Dragon Ball Z's time chart, for example, Vegeta-sei (Planet Vegeta) still exists in this story as well as King Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz are still alive, and Goku happens to be in the Otherworld by the time Vegeta arrives on Earth and meets Gohan (meaning Goku isn't in this story much, only mentioned here and there in conversation and photograph pictures).

I don't bash characters, only perceive them as they've been meant to be perceived in the series based off their character, behavior, and relations.

That's all I'm going to put down for the reference material, but any concerns you have which I did not explain or mention in here you are welcome to contact me and ask. I'd like to be able to Instant Message my Beta so its back-to-back instant conversation focused on Within Darkness (instead of having to wait between hours for an email reply).

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