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wordord, un-chapter


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TV / ANGEL / General p.12

Unforgiven 544181003

Ch 1 — • UN-CHAPTER, author note only

How to be human 24694

Ch 1 — • his r. Hr. He turned

• e cle cleaned

Ch 2 — • e hae had seen

• cle clean the

• sel del demons

• Remembee wee werewolf

• witcougcough

• wit ant antiseptic

• Spiruncrunching

• hisce wce when

Ch 3 — • Harmony’ood.ood.

• to to go to the

Ch 4 — • lookedAngeAngel

• theirks iks into

• copushpushed

• coche lhe looked

• NOFredFred

• was was softening

Ch 5 — • “Th [para] “Thanks guys

• Oh yOh yeah

• hcockcock

• str fro from

• tr nar navel

• next er. er.

• expg heg her

• ou Fre Fred

• mov moved

• strokinr clr clit

• cout, ut, crawled

Ch 6 — • bumps.y wey were

• Spi [para] Spike entered

• onho aho are

• sght,ght,

• Pushthesthese

Ch 7 — • “y!” y!” Lorne exclaimed

• introduur gur group

• OUCH!ndernder

• oubiesbies

• uffyuffy nodded

• feelingwardwards

• therght ght be

• excuserseerself

• thechenchen

• somethinge one on his

• “Xr, wr, were

• BSpikSpike

• hadsed sed this

• wor worried

• Befounnyunnydale’s

• and fell ap. [para] p. [para] Buffy had followed

Ch 8 — • knowey aey all

• happe” Xa” Xander

• atherther

The guardian 30764

Ch 1 — • thtuattuation

• dly tly thrilling

• hise ite it was

• staver ver and

• seemormaormal

• bursto a o a

• easyt... jt... just

• saith ath a

—if the french text is wordorded, i would never know!

• tandtand

• thoit dit did

• basicalaid:aid:

• againseemseemed

• saidsaid the

• touplouple

Angel: bi sex party 544177354


Another sire, please! 25884

Ch 1 — • [in AN, Disclaimers} nothing.se yse you

• ryinrying

• hadnt tnt the

• exa exactly

• elu cig cigarettes

• har hard to

Ch 3 — • not not see

Ch 4 — • [in AN#2} Spike’s S [cuts off]

• and sillsilla

• lasslass=MsoNormal>”You wanna

• restes fos forehead

• maim gim gulp

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