Guest Corvis Posted June 24, 2006 Report Posted June 24, 2006 *lights candle for the LotR forum* Well, I suppose if Shana and Trek aren't here, I get Glorfindel to myself... No seriously, where is everyone? Quote
Guest TrekQueen Posted June 28, 2006 Report Posted June 28, 2006 No he's mine! *glomps Glorfindel* I've been busy.... Quote
Guest Corvis Posted July 7, 2006 Report Posted July 7, 2006 Damn.... Still have Haldir I suppose... *glomps Trek* Hahah Quote
Guest Tuxedo Elf Posted July 11, 2006 Report Posted July 11, 2006 The forum is dead. *nods sadly* *Snuggles with Rumil and Ecthelion* These two are mine! Quote
Guest TrekQueen Posted July 14, 2006 Report Posted July 14, 2006 The forum is dead. *nods sadly* *Snuggles with Rumil and Ecthelion* These two are mine! Yea... but that's what happens when a website goes MIA for a 1/3 of a year. *huggles Tuxedo* I know you! Well not know you know you but have seen you around to know who you are fellow LOTR writer! *pets poor Corvis who is feeling alone* Quote
Guest Tuxedo Elf Posted July 14, 2006 Report Posted July 14, 2006 *Nods* It's true... hopefully it'll liven up again! *Waves Elves about hopefully* Heehee that's good enough! I've seen your name about too! *Hugs back* Quote
Guest Silent_Niobe Posted July 20, 2006 Report Posted July 20, 2006 Hey there, I'm new to the forum... Well truth is I expected more people to be here... Anyway, just wanted to say hi... Please check out my story "Lim Aear"! Se ya around! *hugz* Quote
Guest Corvis Posted July 22, 2006 Report Posted July 22, 2006 There was more people at one point.. I dunno where they went... *pets Haldir* Hehe.. Quote
Guest zeedrippyvessel Posted July 23, 2006 Report Posted July 23, 2006 HEY!!!! You can play with the Elves! Just leave my Horse Lord a lone!!!! pets Gamling Quote
Guest Corvis Posted July 23, 2006 Report Posted July 23, 2006 I was so wondering if you were ever going to come to the forums, Zee. I see your name like everywhere! *makes a special chair for Gamling* there you go.. All yours! Quote
Guest zeedrippyvessel Posted July 23, 2006 Report Posted July 23, 2006 Yeah - there are the 5 degrees of Zee in the LOTR fandom. snerk! Actually, I've been quite busy. I'm starting a new job on August 1st and I'm moving about 300 miles away. It's going to be quite hectic and busy for me for a while until i get settled. Just too much fun... Quote
Guest Corvis Posted July 24, 2006 Report Posted July 24, 2006 It was funny, cause the first thing I read was the "strokin" thing you did (which killed my btw). And I was looking for it to leave the review, and I have a friend that has been reading on here for like ever. All I did was mention that, and she pulled you up in like 2 seconds flat. I had been Z'd. But anyway, congrats on the job! Hope things go well for you, hectic-ness and all.. Quote
Guest zeedrippyvessel Posted July 24, 2006 Report Posted July 24, 2006 I stroke it to the East and I stroke it to the West And I stroke it to the woman that I love the best... I particularly like that song. Actually, the funniest htings I've written is a rather hysterical crossover from hell called Wrath of Bronny Poo,. THing has 3 endings - one in the HP section and 2 in the LOTR section. My favorite funny piece is a sillier thing called 'Muses at the Mall' which isn't posted here. It consists of my 3 Muses (HalMuse, SnapeBaby and GamlingMan) going to the Mall at Christmas in efforts to appease me as they have been rotten. It's posted at DreamElf, becuase I don't know WHERE to post it here. It's one of those silly, made up self-insert things that drive certain people nuts and no one is in a particular fandom, it's just... well it's just! Quote
Guest TrekQueen Posted August 24, 2006 Report Posted August 24, 2006 I really should start dropping by here again... I've been bad. Quote
Guest Rhapsody Posted August 24, 2006 Report Posted August 24, 2006 Not only that, she introduced me to AFF as well. Hi, I am Rhapsody and I am new around here Well not new to the fandom and I am familair at other sites... Quote
Guest Corvis Posted September 3, 2006 Report Posted September 3, 2006 Heya Rhapsody, welcome! Lordy, it has been dead around here. *lights candle* Quote
Guest TrekQueen Posted September 4, 2006 Report Posted September 4, 2006 Yea but I posted my first slash LOTR/Trek piece!!! Quote
Guest Corvis Posted September 18, 2006 Report Posted September 18, 2006 Oh snap! *runs off to read* Quote
ghostinthemist Posted September 19, 2006 Report Posted September 19, 2006 Good to see the place back! What a lovely place to indulge my pervy hobbit fancying! *Snuggles up with Boromir and Pippin* Quote
Guest Tuxedo Elf Posted September 21, 2006 Report Posted September 21, 2006 We need life... what's everyone writing? *Makes coffee for the forum* Quote
Guest TrekQueen Posted September 21, 2006 Report Posted September 21, 2006 I don't drink coffee (oh I know blasphemy!) but I'll gladly take a cup of tea! Besides Sons of the Stars (pictured below) I'm still working on my epic piece Eternal from the Silmarillion. I am at something like 48 chapters and still have another dozen or so left to write. I've been neglectful so I intend to get ahead on it soon when I have more time. When I finish these two up I'm going to get started on the third part of the trilogy of my other Trek/LOTR crossovers Pointy-Eared Mischief and Drunken Hobbits and an Irishman. Then perhaps I will have time to write the companion stories and sequels to Eternal that I have planned... around four or five of those. yikes! I'll be busy for another couple years and that's not counting my final fantasy pieces! Quote
Guest zeedrippyvessel Posted September 24, 2006 Report Posted September 24, 2006 We need life... what's everyone writing? Well, I've taken an enforced sabatical - new job, huge move. I'm having to make 2, possibly three trips in order to get all my crap down to the coast. We filled a 26 foot truck and I still have a 17 to 19 footer left. I left half of my furniture. It's been awful! Not only that, because I was down here a month before I got paid, money has been tight, so the phone and/or cable won't be put in until early October. The only internet access I've had is at school (which frowns on visiting adult web sites for some strange GodAwful reason... can't figure it out! I'm home this weekend - basically to clean out the storage unit and remove what I don't want - which was relatiiively not much - and as I can get onnline here, well, hello! Either way - I have been writing. I have 2 stories on teh boards that I"m working on - Tel' Lindar (which is on the HP board as it's a crossover between HP and LOTR. As it's set in the HP world, that's why it's there. It's het - don't squirm - and involves Snape, my OFC and Haldir. (It's a very strange love triangle.) For those of you sick enough to want to read it, I'll be honest and tell you it's a sequel to The Empty Vessel, which is on the LOTR board here. I'm currently 'cleaning' Empty Vessel - brit-picking and doing some lose end tying up and when it's almost finished and I have internet access again, I will be replacing the chapters here that were messed with during the crash of 2005. I'm also working on Rider of the Mark - a Rohirrim Epic that has gotten out of hand. I'm up to 37? chapters and currently am almost done with chapter 38. It is also het and while it features Eomer and Faramir and Eowyn, it is centered on Gamling (please see icon) and the woman who drives him ape-shit - Aefre. I'm planning on cleaning up the other things I have here - html tagging, but I need to get my phone and cable dealt with first. Anyone else? Quote
Guest Tuxedo Elf Posted September 24, 2006 Report Posted September 24, 2006 Heehee as I started it I'll share too! BTW Trekqueen, I've not had chance to read your update yet, I'll drop you a review when I have. Even if you *gasp* don't drink coffee! I've just sent the next chapter of my Rumil/Lindir fic 'Guardian Angel' to my beta, so that's something that I can stop worring about for a little while. I'm also working on 'The Flow of Silver Water' which is a Glorfindel/Ecthelion fic in which Ecthelion is reborn. It's not my most popular fic but I don't care because I just love writing it! Then there's my very twincesty fic 'Away with You' which has Elladan/Elrohir and Elured/Elurin. I've been writing that for about three years and it's still only 12 chapters! I also have my two 50 Passages claims, one for Rumil and one for Glorfindel/Ecthelion. Not to mention the various one-shots I tend to come out with. You know... when I look at it like that... I feel very intimidated! O_o We won't even mention the manips... ETA: Zee, moving *sucks*. You have my sympathy! Quote
Guest TrekQueen Posted September 25, 2006 Report Posted September 25, 2006 mmmm Glorfindel... I think I'll be reading that one! Quote
Guest Tuxedo Elf Posted September 27, 2006 Report Posted September 27, 2006 I have up to chapter 4 posted already if you're interested! Quote
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