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TV / ANGEL / General p.17

Fond 24262

• to the ph [drops off]

• Angel d ned never

• maer fer feel

• the kin. Sn. She

• shrcedrced

Parody on angel getting the girls back 24191

• lesee see

• Frere ere the

• Willowallyally

• Yook lok like

• eagonguongue

• pu on on

• btte.tte.

• leatherket.ket.

• joinhe bhe beyond

• ts whs why

The final blow 23713

• ridaridays

Sensual consuption 23731

• Angave ave sex

• heted.ted.

• filhim him

The party 23538

—i think there’s a possibility THIS AUTHOR IS A MINOR or was when s/he wrote this story. it sounds very juvenile and like the author has no practical knowledge of sex at all from the childish descriptions of it. author page is http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=14373 if you want to check it out, story is from 4/1/04

• could ct wit with

• lookingnkennkenly

• endifterfter all

Doomed to repeat 23494

• outrageously,tingting

• prob has has

• contrf thf the

• navigatesm awm away

• tall,all

• througs trs trousers

• swallowsediledily

• bleedinist ist is

Even angels fall 23269

Ch 1 — • ectiecting

• who ted ted

• ady ady forming

• slowly tng ing into

• Resistihe uhe urge

• helopleople

A moments...series 22814

Ch 1 — • shitt ant anyway

• two two have

• hiswniswnish

• b tha that

• lic her her

• veinShe She

Ch 2 — • withoo muo much

• can can imagine

• haduttouttoned

• lips tra aro around

• lipacinacing

• BuffBuffy smiled

• Dthatthat hurt

• kd hed her head

• agahe whe wouldn’t

Ch 3 — • wasthe the phone

• trus hom home

• muffls his his

• ton rol rolled overh oth other

• g on on the

• tig tightly

• withcradcradle

Ch 4 — • attaf I f I walked

• holly,lly

• BuffBuffy stood

• against h Wi Willow


• after “mentments

• heldnldn’t push

• sng ang at

• ane oue out

• LIY!”Y!” Her

• a sec [para] dig [para] digit into

• hntrantrance

• criilleilled

• slly, ly, his

• I’t ‘t wait

Ch 6 — • nd dnd down

• Bufave ave him

• proble mys myself

• her sch, ch, caressing

• thher her men’s

• our our every

• nosy asy at all

• arm arm once more

• way way inside

• moanedelineling

Ch 7 — • thall all fragments

• in herst, st, in

• rubbrubbed his

• kissine sme small

• inspe her her for

• promotionnt, nt,

• peo Th The

• looklooked at

• fy mfy moaned

• gen Th The

• smallk, nk,

Ch 8 — • knowwas was

• smeekmeekly

• s be be working

• Lindfounfound

• hist tot to the

• caressinm. m.

• pow powerful

• attempt at w. . “How much

• eveepereper

• kiholdholding

• weekendsnugsnuggle

• nec”Al”Alright

Corporate bitch 22326

Ch 1 — • gottee cue cum

• inf of of him

• v fil filled

Lawless 22335

• room.”Rig”Right

• docusesuses

• in hisd und until

• shels els

• heada caa caution

• “Pe,” e,” she

• n’t n’t see him

• sted wed when

• Buffyectsects

• thaties ies their

• becaungelngel

• Iss hos how

• himsel hol holding

Beacon 22235

—in story summary page: Post-ep fo “T “The

• [2nd quote after AN, Notes] -delidelia

• the tand and

• Butstilstill

• sallealled

• of lign hen her

• nos nostrils

• toiceoice

• witrs. rs.

• fortingting

• Angelt tht them

• h.”h.”

Wonder series 22122

Ch 1 — • oy toy

—Ch 2 has bold turned on; after title the tag needs to be closed

—remove stray code p> after title line

Ch 3 — • floor.doesdoesn’t

• Ie doe does

• for e fie first

A.M. 21236

—remove stray line of code at end of story /div/div>

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