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TV / ANGEL / General p.18

P.M. 21235

• Sinceitheither

A sire's revenge: for my childe 9186

—Menu 7 author note, not a chapter; delete?

Menu 1 — • [in AN, line after Title] some weirdness : 1/: 1/? don’t know what that is

• neutrali the the

• stiave ave

• frhem.hem ... Can’lievlieve

• re ore outa

• clothesit. it.

• Whe got got to

• paidentiention

• mean bas, bu, but

• realant ant to

• the cou had had

• sweetm [para] “ [para] “Yeah know

• leavm lim like

• recorded tim [para] “M [para] “Master

• ngelngel

• Spikeips.ips.

Menu 2 — • a dreoh soh shit

• W you you

• actuallyery ery

• Bef Befoe

• riterite of

• know,be bbe because

• and d upd up at

• theers ers doing

Menu 3 — • treatim wim with

• bel. He. He

• wano rno reminder

• Angeved ved

• whereke’ske’s

• ritund ynd you

• betweeem aem and

Menu 4 — • trag, bg, but

• tiontion

• jabbind pud pushing

• thoor oor

• yere ere

• wwakewake

• drillintointo

• mou mouth

• Anrubbrubbed

• [last line] back so§ â

Menu 5 — • he’s e one on

• iss evs everything

• downrs, rs, pacing

• lobby.y hay had

Menu 6 — • [in opening AN, Summary] • se sti stinkin’

• tu abu about

• circledx’s x’s

• feelfeeling

• do hio him

• bois fis first

• needneed

• hryinrying

• cau pai pain

• to hthe the

• s sts streaming

Menu 8 — • walkown own

• somethinggiblgible

• wouust ust

• ustanstand

• capabletakitaking

• hiherehere

• pe ste stop

• their mg. Ig. It

• wentk tok to

• tampiampire’s

The turning series 20642

Ch 1 — • blame h He He

• nog mog more

• donknowknow

Ch 2 — • [in lyrics] Say gye [para] ye [para] Too soon ... Yndernderstand

• lie?shoushould

• n Bef Before

Ch 3 — • iavesaves

• arelessless

Ch 4 — • [in lyrics] ing ing angels

• myself’m ‘m in

Ch 5 — • aou hou hungry?

Ch 6 — • [in AN, Summary] Can Ancontcontrol

• don’ow wow what

• sig sigh

• whee loe looks

• liste Ho Honest

“N’m ‘m sorry

• miridgridge

• But,’s b’s blood

Ch 7 — • hair,air,

• walusinusing

Ch 8 — • cs ths the air

• movou tou to

Ch 9 — • Buf I w I wonder

• humminsideside me.ntinnting

• My ral ral ability

• pasw voe room

• I mea”Di”Didn’t

• Apparently,the the

• nookiooking

• his and and it’s

Ch 10 — • nangianging

• tt tht the

• ook ook around

Ch 11 — • fhe she second

• no cou couldn’t

• put it on on to

Ch 12 — • aive ive her

• in su lon long

• -C [para] “Well, seems

Ch 13 — • sndernder

• ded ied it

Ch 14 — • mistakice.ice.

Ch 15 — • bire’ire’s

• dyingcklyckly

Ch 16 — • smilnd and

Pride 20395

Ch 1 — • femaat iat in

• childhmedhmed

• ae pae pale

Ch 2 — • Hylengelngelus

• naturestilstill

• held eld Angel

• thant hnt him

• better to to ... tru truly

• gentlye dre drops

• essiession

• ing ing his

• m, bu, but not

• wal walk into

• sayin [para] E [para] Even over

• ays,ays

• t ont on my

• awof hof him

• feelin los loss

• closiast.ast.

• Whenevecan,can

• simreacreaches

• bes aes and

• and woverover to

Ch 3 — • muchl fol for

• makbelibeliever

• a fews. s.

• She muot hot have

• qui sto stops

• Stakell bll be

• brr, sr, she

• bro smi smiles

• thr my my blood

Ch 4 — • nu of of times

• sep separation

• mts ots of

• letout.out.

• kni you you

• aoh aoh or

• sg eng enough

• solid aold,old,

Ch 5 — • times o If If they

• ied ied

• hollaollarbones

• intery ery

• aere.ere

• crossbowinedined

• everng tng that

• evallyally

• can can think

• toweShe She

• gldlinginioinions

• me?”havehave

• The The anger

• sal sal are

• irdlyrdly

Ch 6 — • rnisenises

• At t het he

• Rag Rage

• carout out

• off me me

• he whe waking

• ovesoves her

• awaren Ca Can

• hrst rst found

• they, ty, took

• sino hio his

• will di the there

• maggould uld

• notstakstake

Ch 7 — • ahavehave

Lionesses 20015

Ch 1 — • Romania18981898

• tthe the

• tloodloody

• an gan gathering

• wong ong dead

• has ked ked him

• great great grandsire

Ch 2 — • togetheth ath a

• aurapowepower

• hate at at the

• die the the’

• althoI’veI’ve

• spadspades.

• indeeShe She

• anouleouled

• m The The Soul

• dohinghing

Ch 3 — • stsomesomething

• fome rme reason

• again.”You”You

• comerwarrward

• slidinwn mwn my

Ch 4 — • I ‘rw ‘requested’

• The han wan was

• and reh, ah,

• we we did

• griegrief

• nowd thd these

• find pnd passion

• telltell you

• dminemine

Ch 5 — • las latest

• rus rus book ... firsnturntury

• Ang Angelus

• commoeft.eft.

• aerfuerful

• wildes, es

• frd trd to

• Simagusagus

• hiser aer and

Ch 6 — • scena and and

• kneShe She

• havesed sed me

• we k thk the

• giv give her

• became mor. [para] . [para] I have

• to pow power

• nd. nd. Neither

• understanmongmong

The darkness 19439

• to sThe The

• horrific es. es.

• o:p>

• s on on my

• ad tod to

• she she would

• hiprwarrward

• dickdick [i don’t know why, but this one made me giggle]

• a long tiand and he

• pullselfself

Intern 19100

Menu 2 — • “, pr, prophecies

• gonn a f a few

Menu 3 — • “Hel”Hello Dawn

• tampiampire

• loads ork ork to

• Andway,way,

Cometh the hour 18798

Ch 1 — • [in AN, Rating] well,oniconic

• [in AN, #2] wonderfultraptraptions

• hav have often

• Nng hng happens

• Aur Aurelian

• I’m ing ing

• beherihering

• whiow, ow,

• dood std stands

• investmentMy *My

• ane whe what

• Wil Willow

Ch 2 — • neeyou.you

Ch 3 — • r gir gift

• the b for for

• aurt.urt.

• teeth.ey tey

• giving i you you

• gh tgh to make

• andemememember

• reworewolf

• siblsible

• NoraNorags

• not not *safe*

• I wdo tdo

• fornty-nty-two

• thereryinrying

• they’ive ive

Ch 4 — • Angelresoresources

• osseossessed by

• think ts ths

• bit strr. r.

• woith ith and

• lihe che campus

• thisticuticular

• for for a bit

• havene, ne, and

• beepineping

• the peowho who

• anwillwill

• I wr ifr if I

Ch 5 — • creacreate a

• iher her

• anusilusilla

• fromerinering

• I thhe she

• er, er, I can

• frd ard and

Beauty and the beast 18714

Ch 1 — • whe nee needed

• also bl Wil William

• giomfoomfort

• and ed. ed.

• sch tch that

• sus hes hell

• of his b He He

• he’en cen

• Dfeatfeatures

• onn one of

• lappiver ver

• shovetongtongue

Ch 2 — • ofy of his

• the Hyon, on, and

• Iettietting

• Wilmindminding

• thinktongtongue

• ad, ta, taking

Ch 3 — • aud out of me

• doesdoesn’t

• tel the the

• wantsee see

• ing ing on

• presenbackback

• you.”ThosThose

• evesignsign

• and per per

Ch 4 — • hanver ver his

• wanyou you

• armd hed he

• See In’t n’t

•“n’t n’t know

Release 18544

• hisst. st.

• swd sweat

• herightight

• for hee moe moaned

• andmmiemmied

• hmes mes back

Tyger, tyger 17627

Ch — • ightights

• of se. se.

• thoset; wt; would

• simplvingving

• minutes.e hae had

• Had had for

• surreptitioudrawdrawing

• the er. er.

• in cagecage

• iYou You

• abour rer response

Ch 2 — • rel relationship

• smooth”We “We

• ArenArena

• t fot for the

Ch 3 — • implied tr and and

• coy wiy with

Ch 4 — • prbly bly

• untilhtfahtfall

• allhim him

• thre nre now

• nraterategy

• thwo hwo hours

• mountaereneren’t

• danof eof either

• oitioition

• greacourcourage

Ch 5 — • sparmounmount

• runn Dem Demeral

• now ne to to do

• thafty fty of them

• palacll fll first

• didn’en sen

• outortlortly

• promif def death

• bee suc such

• turnrom rom

• Angelusminemined

• Wha did didn’t

• is ringring worn

• stag byg by the

• Gilesced ced

• tonighI’llI’ll

• dare telr thr the

• larger hs. [para] hs. [para] “Just how

• so f” S” So fast

• G [para] Giles could not

• toid oid questions

Next season 18040

• thin. in. Angel

• aney sey saw

To kill a cat 17149

Ch 1 — • simplsappsappeared

• facll oll of claws

• He’s bacwas was

• simtaketake

• bodybody

• took up thnt. [para] nt.

• Nothing else ll. ll.

• patrog evg even

• off the the night

• cemees, es,

• Sdaledale

• angelugelus, arriving

• telllie lie

• hell sh? S? She

• theizonizon

• nostrflarflared

• entireone,one,

• mind. .ell,ell,

• aga Wel Well

• *boyI haI

• tnswenswers

• therGileGiles

• remy coy comfortable

• his frs ars and

• saied.ied.

• Xandas aas at his

• ythiything

• heth tth the

• Thel prl problem

• sunligt’s t’s full

• wawerewere

• coule the that

• Gingerle wae walked

• thost. t. The

• timltholthough

• furthesrnerrner

• ouslously

• sor sore from

• tflecflect

• herk. k.

• cclose ene enough

Ch 2 — • I [para] It had been 26

• lood thd the

• nentnents

• that sho should

• samasonasons

• Grea [para] Th [para] The second was

• palmom wom which

• hadidedided

• neckalanalancing

• spe speechless.

• there wae ble blood

• thouthought

• her.”Sta”Stay here

• Now, tho he he had

• knhe hhe horse

• mned ned to

• looin tin the

• Nuzzlinr, lr, like

• completke. [para] ke.

• permig hig him

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