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19 chapters to this one so i’m doing these glitches in their own post

Snowbound 23642

Ch 1 — • notipsiipsing

Ch 2 — • aurtsurtsied

• the the three

Ch 3 — • cld wad water

Ch 5 — • proteste [para] “A [para] “Aye, you do

• hindulndulged

• uur pur punishment

• Weslehipships

• bruised by ing.ing.

• Hise ree returned

• in bumomemoment

Ch 6 — • hollowore ore the

• beset by t.” t.”

• nonethel” [nonetheless, drops off] “ [para] “How did you

• Younk Ink I

• Angel a, he, he

• Thor oor opened

Ch 7 — • one he dea dear.

• impoa dia distant

• hospi, wh, where

• As cles mis milk

Ch 8 — • felt ain,ain,

• “ets,ets,”

• sproverover

• muchmuch

• to r fer feet

Ch 9 — • by hide,ide

Ch 10 — • Weslaghaaghast

• that mor more

• ght,ght,

• his has Sas Spike

• muchcesscess

• bodut hut he

• tomourmour

• dras res release

• neeneeener [and neener neener to you!]

Ch 11 — • musg yog your

• do do not seek

• oeetheeth

• ley ley shrugged

• thaacheached

• I dg yog your

Ch 12 — • closedind ind them

• Wy’s y’s

• I k I k I will

• andes oes

• Forgie; Ie; I did

• thenthen took

• wng, ng,

• We kne knelt

• vic victor

• harnedrned

• mGileGiles

Ch 13 — • the litilltill

• axtraxtravagant

• y His His voice

• hisle wle

• for Iy noy none

• theays;ays;

• angardgarding

• and mor morning

Ch 14 — • SomeSome

• wiurmuurmured

• to whe when

• s sas said

• met e’s e’s dark ... squarely.am nam not

• ridbesibeside

• I wowagewager

• they toou wou with

• “Y. “You don’t

• had hadozenozen

• yove wve wasted

• hid sid striving

• “Sh” Ra” Rayne

Ch 15 — • voice fuf mef meaning

• but openopening

• cal sel selfish

• lastht, ht, Giles

• Giligheighed

Ch 16 — • disapped. ed.

• dark hairt cut curled

• bhumahuman

• tre tremor

• yeel eel ready

• intens’d w’d

Ch 17 — • warthinthin

• lRaynRayne

• ans sos soft

• Spike ned.ned.

• Giles out out

Ch 18 — • sawh a h a clearer

• Etho Gio Giles

• “Th [para] “That’s far from

• feare wou would

• Ethan frd, ld, looking

• hgan gan to

• mihavehave

• my lover, my nd –nd [that’s an en-dash]

• ofn han had

• asld nld

• agto ito it

Ch 19 — • yskedsked

• a little ansly.sly.

• sortsorts,”

• I too too

• in a hu, po,

• niWeslWesley

• finpartparty

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