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Episodes 30834

Ch 1

• man’saffsaffectedness

• in of of scotch

• yont tnt

Ch 3

• lostthouthought

• sacrerthrrthright

• to si one one of

Chaos theories 30349

Ch 1

• [in AN, Notes] placter ter the

• galleroperoper

• Job’s expe” H” He

• wholdy edy expand

• crtabrtable

• rosruptruptly

Ch 3

• ast tst the

• hesk. sk. She

• morningd snd she

School's out 30506

• grd hod hold

• dow down here

• have youred!red!”

• bace tee tears

• botnds,nds,

• suggested bru brunette

• held her tig. Sh. She

• yce yce explained

• galler tor to do

• crounround

• woingoing

• SAP! AP!

• just in tim see see the

• and d Snd Snyder

Caught in the act 30181

• [in AN] unintenal [para] al

• Buthinkhink

• hisst. st. ... wee fre friends

• petok fok forward

• the the fact

• wasoffeoffended

Interruption 30058

• aent ent to

• hatightightly

• embarrassm Not Not

• get a c loo look

• her e She She was

• bwas was

Wild on the side 29843

Ch 1

• said sim “I “I thought

• moved thh thh the

• [in song lyrics] Asconsconscience

• Wi’s j’s jaw

Ch 2

• instantly,ief ief

• lonendeender

• she ful fully

• pusto hto her

• counterpoio hio his

• dow down to

Mother's day 29878

• thromprompted

• headn shn she

• purred,lingling

• squeeas ias if

• faceface

• butthouthought

• over y” ch” chipped

• salivat wat was

Hushed 29603

Ch 1

• ie eme embrace

• themilimiling

• Otep tep

• might have ca [drops off]

• last t but but a

• owerower

• Ethanded ded

• huld uld

• mon pan patrol

• Jolooklooked

Ch 2

• ht hht his

Ch 3

• [in AN] donant ant to

• butre wre was

• rollrollrolled

• aregoingoing

• inthe the rest

Sunblind 28725

—story summary on index page: the winterll fll fresh

Ch 1

• stea sha shamelessly

• ended the [drops off]

• G [para] Giles might have

• secoouthouth

• doingthanthan

Ch 2

• anllinlling

• tastemen men

• Etharhytrhythm

Artistic license 29245

Ch 2

• statee obe obvious

• pullack ack

• I man man of

• m the then

Ch 3

• ift pet person

• l kel keep

• hepplepples

• registereyce yce

• different.ere ere

• memomemory

Menage or three for the road 28877

• Gilhe dhe devoted

• joban aan

• show o Gil Giles

• tio poo position

• Feg reg

• etoldtold

• the sis tis true

Snowbound 23642

19 chapters to this one so i’ll do the glitches in a separate post. i’m sure it will be a long one.

The sitter 19694

Ch 2

• Stt, bt, boys

• hiad. ad.

• arohershers

• two two months

• backvealvealing

• hid fid faintly

• anwn. wn.

• impressiveitalitalia

• pumped.ke mke

• theiripmeipment

• can’lievlieve

Ch 3

• suses ses out

• totractract

• bulldid did

• neckneck from

• he he won’t

• rooo weo we

• and and do the

• isn’tsn’t

• adion ion

• spanspanking

• take th. th.

• fingmassmassaging

Ch 4

• thp atp

• r har hand

• William shy shy

• physicantacntact

• insiduffyuffy

• exotanceancer

• acly tly trying

• hto lto look

• a o fio film ... wobe tbe the

• few mes les longer

• cor corrupt

• ca to to her

• hearheard

• despery - y

• broprropriety

• firsfirst

• anck, ck,

• tongthenthen

• of iilliilliam

• llialliam’s eyes

• lookconfconfused

• At tirstirst

• “Spik” W” William

—at Menu 5, which is suddenly called Chapter 6 (both on pull-down menu and in story text), we jump ahead and seem to skip either the text of or the number of Ch.5 and go right from 4 to 6. Context-wise it doesn’t seem like anything is missing. I think the chapters just need to be renumbered. But it’s not a glitch per se, so i don’t know if you want to fix it or leave it. If you fix it, from menu 5 on the pull-down menu and story text chapter numbers should match.

Menu 5

• Spike.’re ‘re

• the st spe speakers

• doin’ imi imitation

• brain so muddl [drops off]

• stunning . Wi. William

• for iam iam

• frie He He’d

• ctedcted

Menu 6

• arouIn tIn the

• theires ies if

• for mke,ke,

• the the phone

• fly rly ran

• he he have to

• try an the the

• rabbitss cos cock

Menu 7

• aglatelater

• ther her hand

• you t tht think

• anleasleasing her

• from ‘ sta status’

• feour our pain

• this. Is. It

• chagaiagainst

• sajokijokingly

• continuto kto

• wop frp from

• nosenose then

• waou tou

• we’reetheether

Menu 8

• midof tof the bsmilsmiling

• a tho those

• som some company

• chuc at at the

• needcum.cum

• feeling Spis was warm

Menu 9

• on his to tto the

• somet fro from

• notlingling

• explain myself [para] F [para] Faith looked

• thappiappily

Menu 10

• afteis! is!

• cum!s vos voice

• nd tnd the

• Do swe sweat

• bless.”s.”

• oher her hip

• ka lia little

• pillpillow

Menu 11

• theld tld the

• small e ofe of the

• arounround

• gushorthorth

Menu 12

• weretop top of

• startingsingsing

• sortanda nda

• cleanladylady

• canvincvince

• you?uffyuffy

• slbuilbuilding

• ly tly tromped

• wouive.ive

• ki his his

• he an an aggravated

• Willilowllowly

Menu 13

• had all all to say

• sniff}fLe”Let’s

• up thte ate and

• par see see all

• yoink ink is

• cone yoe you that

• hands togr. r.

• eacher,her,

• shif her her

—there is a huge chunk of repeated text. from the wordord just above this, search for

• T of her neck and face.

—i don’t know where the rest of the text is for that glitch. from the sentence immediately following, beginning with the words <Their hands slid up and down> and counting that as paragraph one, DELETE THE NEXT 17 PARAGRAPHS AND FIRST 2 SENTENCES OF THE NEXT ONE, ENDING WITH THE TEXT <she groaned, almost in disbelief.>

—this same chunk (starting with the <of her face and neck> partial sentence) repeats starting here, in its entirety.

• personalitappeappealed

• body ar, dr, dragging

• Buff swe sweet

• up to fo her her

• helped lBuffBuffy

• Hea Buf Buffy

• sug lig lightly

Menu 14 (s/b chapter 14)

• to t twt twin

• liShe She

• imly, ly,

• in of of her

• Yelooklook

• fntryntry

• dpacepace

• woman tearsears

• tender ece oce of

Filthy girls 4476

• [in AN, Posts] please and and we

• tloorloor

• herselfith ith

• jealjealous

• contd tod to

• lettiaithaith’s

• emaremark

• be but but if

• himsoverover

• thi this was

• shved ved almost

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