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Control 27958

Ch 4

• waven ven ... the istsists

• Willand and

• andshe she

• wyouryour

Ch 5

• tnishnish

• down the the

• Mas Master

• bac back and

• howuch uch

• pu on on it

• firhinghing

• Buffye upe up

• hieeleeeled

• horsey’ssy osy

• as a sy’ sy’ and

Ch 6

• ster ter grin

26 26771

• dst”st” he

Buffy conquers 26770

• himtly tly

Those chosen two...plus one 21645

—in story index page the title is glitched: Thosehosen Two

Ch 1

• threthree

• in f of of her

• for ing ing her

• do tdo this

• third ird part

Ch 2

• gettgetting

• loofferfferent

• lo at at me

• reflexesas ras right

Ch 3

• shs nos now

• newyer yer

Ch 4

• F rai raised

• had neveed, ed,

• Jamherehere

• and fw hew her

• fy tfy threw

Ch 5

• whilr far face

• wat watcher?

• en? Mo? More

• the gir girl

• hearfew few

• Iure ure you

• guar ang angel

• in front front

Ch 6

• therther that

• tds hds her

• youn’tn’t worry

• likeke ake

• e whe when

• clothe” Fo” For her

• raineained

• sm and and she

A new dawn 25442

• shuld uld

Awakenings 24904

Ch 1

• simpli, an, and

• mara sex sex

• pri tim time

• to to her legs

• sparatchatch

• ringring her

• the the shaft

• YOU kingking

• realas Das Dawn

• it”th tth that

• late.e foe for

• reachedund und

• wissomesomeone

• firsfirst

• sug thg the

• anen Ien I

• caown own

Ch 2

• nea wea what

• eac each other

• eed eed you too

• tasteeet eet

• hshirshirt

• Hsed sed

• wousavesave

• sthatthat

• pag heg her

• over-stimed, ed,

• hick eck

• thit oit out

• watachtached

• tuch uch

• comerealrealize

• Dainkeinked

• as her her own

• woslapslap

Ch 3

• sensitivom tom the

• pointin at at her

• impntlyntly

• oine ine

• waill ill juiced

• Buffhe she

• reaminerseerself

• went othe the

Three come blondes part deux 21698

• in ral ral years

• across the the lawn

• her bry siy sighs

• and tha that

• but he dn’dn’t

• successf pul pulled

• Willitammtammered

• Spikispeispered

• her brs, rs, rising

• perfectt int inside

• wasdrafdrafty

• plupinkpink

• rplerplexed

• on hirlsirls

Just like old times 19445

Ch 1

• [at top of chapter] Just Like Old Ti [drops off]

• D [para] Disclaimer ... lof swf sweaty

• [in AN] and e ise is no

• u Ang Angelus

• whe sha shagged

• don’tng ang

• wDru Dru dropped

• pretty fun fun

Ch 2

• wer were staying

Ch 3

• seightight

• in clu club

• came togethend and

• iike’ike’s arms

• Bun’t n’t kill

Teachers pet 20887

• ve yve you

• will havetaketake

• a le lle low

• ta her her by

• Whhe jhe janitor

• She didnay aay

• just didnnow now

• and and pulled

• backthe the

• pinnt wnt was

• up im, im,

• maste She She

• She’d plaat nat next

• wt dit die

• as only snew new

• bit bit in

• relarelationship

Three come blondes 20460

• about about the

• fished the the

• dro dropped

• upon theid Vid Victorian

• see to, thn, then

• betweee lie lips

Odd troubles, weirder help 19955

• Ifounfound

Dags 19954

• the stus whs who

• payticuticular

• Not ly. ly.

• threat is gis guy-ness

• hugginl thl the

• playilittlittle

• you you must

• and rels his himself

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