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I received a review on this story - http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094919

saying that the disclaimer was incorrect as i hadn't disclaimed the fandom.

The disclaimer reads - I do not own Inspector Morse or Lewis. This story is written for fun not profit, feedback and concrit always welcomed

Inspector Morse and Lewis are the titles of the two television shows i write about in the story so i don't see what the problem is. I'm willing to change it, but don't know what's wrong with it now, unless the mod thought they were just character names and not the show titles


Wow, quick response, thanks. I'll just delete the review, and leave the disclaimer as is.

that's a possibility. I'll be sure to update the sheet we work from to note is as corrected, because you did indeed get it EXACTLY right.

Did some further checking, apparently when it was broadcast in the US (Inspector Morse), it was called Inspector Morse Mysteries. Whereas, when it was ORIGINALLY broadcast in the UK, it was Inspector Morse. There is where the misunderstanding came in. :D


Sorry about that, came from the Insp. Morse name change from Britain to the US

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