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This is the first chapter, it's set up as a stand alone at the moment but I do have a plan for two more chapters plus a complentary (not necessarily sequel) fic. Just watching more of the show first, I have a deep fear of making them into OCs or something equally horrible.

Title: This Isn't The Bathroom

Author: Restless

Rating: Adult+

Summary: No, you don't get a real summary, sorry! ^^ Tis written for Kink Bingo - Watersports, so is basically PWP. Charlie/Alan.

Feedback: Since the only other Two and a Half Men story is Yuri (yay, we make a pair!) I don't expect it. :D But thanks in advance if you decide to read and drop a note afterwards.

Fandom: Two and a Half Men

URL: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094923

Thanks for looking and hope you enjoy the story!


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