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A couple of one shots?

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Guest theprincewithin
Posted (edited)

Because there is no end to my immagination, here are a couple more challenges/Requests. (Yes, more Harry/Draco.. Because that is all I dream about... :lol: )This time, they are a few drabbles/one shots. I dont hae much of a summary for them, but here we go!!

Story 1: Drabble about "Who wears the pants?"... Story is completly up to you as far as plot, but a debate must happen between Harry and Draco, and must include the line "Well it most certainly can't be you Potter, because you aren't wearing any.."

Story 2: Someone *cough* Seamus *cough* messed up their experiment, and turned most of Griffindor and Slytherin house into little toddlers. While McGonnagal and Snape attempt to remedie the situation, our *little* friends must spend a whole night in the Great Hall.

The whole plot bunny of this story is that Draco comes in wearing the most adorable Footie pyjamas OMG SOOO KAWAII!!!!! T__T

Story three: Its as simple as, Draco kills Voldemort, because HE is the only one allowed to be mean and what not to Harry... Silly? Perhaps... In the end would be fluffy and smexy? Absolutly!!!

Story 4: A little mishap happens, sending both our Griffindor hero, and our Slytherin sex god into detention together. This one shot will simply work around the detention as heard by the friends of our heroes. (Ie// Hermione, Ron, Blaise, Pansy... Crabbe and Goyle if you must.. XDDD) Lines that should randomly appear in the story (or perhaps well placed??):

- "Potter... I like that...."

-"Shove it. No more like this... No... Wait yes.. Yes! Like that!"

-"Hermione... I think I might just run around the bleachers for a few hours."

-"Tick Tock, Snape's cock, wound about the alley. If you three, trust in me, dare not dilly dally!!"

And that is it folks!! Thanks for reading, and I do hope you take up on these requests of mine!!!

Much fanlove,


Edited by theprincewithin
Guest Osthata

I left a story review for you with this reply because I was having trouble with the forum. Now I've fixed the glitch in my computer so I can leave this reply here.

I plan to accept your fourth challenge. I'm not sure exactly when I'll have it posted but I'm hoping by Sunday. I can leave another notice here once I've posted it if you'd like (:

Thanks for the challenges!


Guest theprincewithin

Absolutly too both of you! I love when challenges are met and accepted YAY!! Yes, Snivelly I got your review and yes please send me a quick note when it's up, I would love to read it XDD

And Momodesu, I would love to read yours when it is up as well XDD

My email is theprince_within@live.ca


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