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Slash fiction CHALLENGE!

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Guest theprincewithin
Posted (edited)

I get waaay to many ideas in my head, to be able to write them all down. I will often have challenges, for you all to help me clear out of my mind, that I may focus more on the stories that I am attempting to write.

All of my challenges will be made out of summeries, or similar entries with just a basic break down of what the story would be about. I accept as many stories as you guys are willing to write. (As I love reading them just as much as I do writing them.)

Challenge 1


(One shot/Or more if you wish...) Albus Potter, and Scorpius Malfoy start trouble at school.... Pranks and hatred ensue...The Headmaster owls Harry and Draco to the school immediately, to discuss the situation with their boys. When finished, the two adult males take a slow walk around the grounds. Soon a rush of old hidden feelings overflows the two, as they rush to the nearest empty broom closet...

Challenge 2


Ultimate Crack fic. Hermione is never around, always in the library... Ron is a monkey, Dumbledoor is on crack, Snape is a pervert (having pictures and such of Hermione in his office), Draco and Harry are always found in a broom cupboard, but always with an excuse (everyone in the end finds out they are actually fucking). I'm not sure what the actual plot would be... But I'm sure some form of insanity would ensue. I'd love to see at least a couple chapters for this... But it's as you choose.

Enjoy and have fun


Edited by theprincewithin
Guest theprincewithin

For sure! As I said, most of the ideas I have, just come out of no where. I had originally intended to write this as a one-shot, or rather when I was writing down the idea, it was a one shot. But if you can elongate it to a two to three chapter story, then by all means!!! Just please either message me, or post me when it's done! I would love to read it!!!


Will definately do so... All I have to do is finish the latest chapter of my other story (or I lose all hope of review-age XD) and then I will work on this one and let ya know... heheh its been awhile since I've done any HP fiction

Guest theprincewithin

Heh, good luck then. What do you normally write? I do some challenges with other things as well. Either books no one has read but me, or animes ect. XDD

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