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Stargate Atlantis Wraith

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Guest Demonique

Why aren't there more SGA fics featuring the Wraith? There are only two in the section, one is non-con and the other doesn't feature any action.

The Wraith are hawt and we need more fics with them. Wraith/wraith, wraith/human, m/m/, m/f, I don't mind.

They're damn sexier than those priors on SG1 or Ba'al and his camp clones

Guest Chaotic Angel

I don't agree with you (i'm of the mind that the only good wraith is a dead wraith) but if that's you cup of tea you might want to try Wraithbait It's a Stargate: Atlantis archive, do a serech for Wraith pairings and a bunch of stuff should come up.

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