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Misplaced and shame-faced.

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Hello. I foolishly placed a game story in the anime section, and of course just now noticed that I did this.

Old Story: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600048056

New Upload :http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600084466

Originally wouldn't have been a problem but of course just as I notice I get a review. I'd thank you kindly if you could combine them so my lovely review doesn't have to disappear. Whenever you get around to it of course.

Thanks so much!


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Unfortunately, if you want the admin that does that sort of thing to move it then you'll likely have to wait a very long time, since she's VERY busy for a number of reasons at the moment. To be quite honest, it really would be better for you if you'd simply reupload it to the correct category and then delete it from the old one. And it is important that you delete it from the old category, since we don't allow the same story to be uploaded to several sections. So it's up to you if you're willing to wait a LONG time or just upload it again. :)

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