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Alright guys so here's the deal... I am sitting here listening to One More Try by George Michael... and well I'm usually not one for a Song Fic, but something about this song just screams the idea of Harry and Snape... and thus there's the challenge. Check out the requirements below:

1) Well thought out multi-chaptered fic. Doesn't matter how long just more than one or two chapters.

2) Snape and Harry are the relationship. I will not bend on this.

3) They can be in an established relationship or even better both of them know something is there but each time they get close to one another Snape pushes Harry away.

4) Somewhere in the fic Harry must get fed up with the dance and has to think of a way to get Snape to realize he's getting tired.

5) Here's where the song comes into play. It can even be a school wide talent contest... Harry has to sing the song and please... make it emotional... I wanna feel my heart jerk out my chest.

6) Happy ending happy ending happy ending. I don't care what you put them through before hand... give me a happy ending though.

Keep in mind... play with the emotions... listen to the song, feel the pain, and incorporate it into the story. Does anyone else know about Harry and Snape? Is it a secret? What has made Harry snap finally? I'm curious to see how people play with this idea. I look forward to reading whomever answers this challenge.

Here are the lyrics

George Michael's One More Try

I've had enough of danger

And people on the streets

I'm looking out for angels

Just trying to find some peace

Now I think it's time

That you let me know

So if you love me

Say you love me

But if you don't

Just let me go....

'Cos teacher

There are things that I don't want to learn

And the last one I had

Made me cry

So I don't want to learn to

Hold you, touch you

Think that you're mine

Because it ain't no joy

For an uptown boy

Whose teacher has told him goodbye... goodbye... goodbye

When you were just a stranger

And I was at your feet

I didn't feel the danger

Now I feel the heat

That look in your eyes

Telling me no

So you think that you love me

Know that you need me

I wrote the song, I know it's wrong

Just let me go....

And teacher

There are things

That I don't want to learn

Oh the last one I had

Made me cry

So I don't want to learn to

Hold you, touch you

Think that you're mine

Because it ain't no joy

For an uptown boy

Whose teacher has told him goodbye... goodbye... goodbye

So when you say that you need me

That you'll never leave me

I know you're wrong, you're not that strong

Let me go!

And teacher

There are things

That I still have to learn

But the one thing I have... is my pride

Oh! So I don't want to

Hold you, touch you

Think that you're mine

Because there ain't no joy

For an uptown boy

Who just isn't willing to try

I'm so cold inside...

Maybe just one more try

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