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Okay, here's the dealeo.

I am writing a story (InuYasha, SessxKag - Yes I know the pairing is overdone but here me out) and I am desperately seeking help with the title and summary.

Now before you think this is a ploy so you guys will read my story, it is not an intentional one although that is how it would work out.

Originally when I wrote the story, the title seemed perfect, but that damn little plot bunny in my head suddenly morphed into a monster of epic proportions (okay, well maybe not epic BUT you get my point). So, I need a more suitable title and I really need help with the summary - they are weak. Here is the information, if anyone can help me (I'll also be asking my beta) :

Story Title: Serene Lies

Summary: After Naraku places a spell on Kagome to manipulate her, the group must call on Sesshomaru for help. However, things become rather dicey when the spell is broken Angst, Death, D/s, Humil, Language, M/F, MC, OC, Oral, SH, WAFF, WIP

Story Link: http://inu.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095475

Bear with the short chapters please... I am in the process of editing them... But what I really need (as you can probably see) is a real attention grabber of a summary. Please, help?


If anyone is curious I did figure out a new name and summary although I am not quite changing it yet

But I figured this would work

Title: Paradigm of Sacrifice

Summary: Caught in Naraku's twisted web of illusions and deceit, Kagome's only hope lies with the demon lord, Sesshomaru. However Sesshomaru's resolve wavers when a crucial decision must be made; a choice between Kagome's life and his freedom WIP, WAFF, M/F, MC

P.S. 250 characters for summary not enough :)


I think you're fine. This isnt' a detailed synopsis. A summary should only highlight what needs to be said without giving off too much info.

Don't rely on your summary to be the primary attraction. Worry more about the writing and the readers will come.


I know that; at first I thought maybe I wasn't getting alot of readers (*shameful whisper* Reviews) which is why I tried so hard to come up with an attention grabber

:) Apparently that wasn't enough


I really need to work on my story, although I think I am doing okay


That seems like it would be a good title too

but I think I would use that for a more angsty story. Thank you for your input though

:) I do actually appreciate it despite the fact it may seem I don't >_<

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