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Posted (edited)

Catagory name: Myst/Riven.

Section catagory to be in: Games.

Do you have any stories for it?: Yes.

--added as Myst (Series) with there being a few games for the series

Edited by DemonGoddess061
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I have a category request to put in.

Category name: Final Fantasy VII > Yaoi - Male/Male > Sephiroth/Vincent

Section category to be in: Final Fantasy

Do you have any stories for it?: Working on one. The first chapter will be posted very soon (either today or tomorrow)

I hope I'm not stepping out of line here or appearing pushy, but I have collected all the Sephiroth/Vincent stories I could find in the FFVII section. I've listed them below, starting with the oldest. For these sub sub categories, you said you needed 10 fictions of that pairing. Hopefully this saves you some time in trying to find them.

1. "Opposites Attract and You Attract Me" by Sacha

2. "Silver and Gold" by wingless

3. "My Pet Vinny" by Akiyama Ishii

4. "Two to Be Human" by Evinid

5. "All That Remains" by Raviekins

6. "My Gift to You" by MusikVibe

7. "Actors on a Stage" by Emerald Embers

8. "Morbid Blossoms" by Emerald Embers

9. "Stolen" by chesiercat

10. "Diabolic" by Ookami Kasumi

11. "Junon Excursion" by Eye of Ra

12. "Bloodshot" by Dalie

13. "Light in the Dark" by Morwenya

14. "A Day in Paradise" by canary

15. "Saviour" by Shalina

16. "Forever Yours" by crocslex18

17. "The Paths of The Damned" by crocslex18

18. "Vincent's Day" by cybergoth

19. "A Fortune's Smile" by Jolis

20. "A Real Transformation" by Jolis

21. "Divine Secret Angel" by Christabel

22. "Only Human On the Inside" by Exitus

23. "Daddy Dearest" by Lynsey

24. "Droplets of Time Passed" by Dalie


Edited by DemonGoddess061

hey there Aini,

That's exactly what I look for, is what you did. Something to SHOW me that the condition exists for a sub sub pair specific category to be created.

Posted (edited)

Category name: .hack

Section category to be in: Games

Do you have any stories for it?: Yes

This suggestion/request is one I wasn't entirely sure whether or not I should make. The .hack series is kind of strange in that it spans a huge swath of mediums, from novels to games to animes. A section exists in Anime labeled .hack//SIGN, and I've seen some people place material from .hack//G.U. under that category, some having to do with the games, simply because no such section exists in Games. I wouldn't ask about a new section, but I know in my own searches that I rarely ever bother to look in that area of the site because I expect to find more about the animes than the games, when stories about the games are the only ones I care about reading. I left this alone until now because it wasn't a huge deal, but I want to add a story based on the .hack//G.U. video games and I'd rather have it in the Games area than the Anime one. If this category can't be made, than may I put it in the Misc Video Games category instead?


-added. You'll notice there are other titles that are similar in nature; meaning that you'll see some duplication in manga from anime (as the sub domain grows) where the writers are wanting to use the manga and NOT the anime arcs for their stories. Also games and etc.

Edited by DemonGoddess061
Guest VexusSoul
Posted (edited)

Request I'm adding:

Category: Real Adventures of Jonny Quest

To be in: Cartoons> M through R

Stories: Yes, I just re-added it to the right section.


Edited by DemonGoddess061
Posted (edited)

Category name: Guild Wars

Section category to be in: Games

Do you have any stories for it?: I have an idea based on the Eye of the North setting in Guild Wars which is all worked out in my mind. The only thing that's stopping me from starting on it is that there isn't anywhere to post it yet, but after that I'll be able to post up a chapter or two quite quickly.

--added.... The Miscellaneous subcategories are for exactly that, stories which belong to something which do not have a subcategory yet.

Edited by DemonGoddess061
Posted (edited)

I have a category request to put in.

Category name: Short Circuit both movies the first and second one

Section category to be in: Movies

Do you have any stories for it?: I'm currently working on a story right now, about a girl getting it on with a robot.


Edited by DemonGoddess061

Sorry to bother... but I have a request for a few new categories:

Category name: Iruka/Naruto

Section category to be in: Naruto (Male/Male)

Do you have any stories for it? Yes I do, as does my sister. :blink:

A few other stories that would fit in this category:

Feral Instincts-By: Trollmia

'Tis The Season-By: kaa-san (Naru/Many/Naru settling with IruNaruIru)

Crush-By: Dominic Shade

Missions and Hearts-By: Drivven Labyrinth

Before He Cheats-By: Brucesgirl

Category name: Shikamaru/Naruto

Section category to be in: Naruto (Male/Male)

Do you have any stories for it? Yup and again as does my sister.

A few other stories that would fit in this category:

Ink and Wake Up Calls-By: Mindingmybusiness

Lazy Hero-By: Scottishfae

Eien-By: Neko Izumi

The Rubber Band Odyssey-By: antilogicalgirl

Blue as the Sky-By: blue_genjutsu

Thanks in advance. *bows*


Sorry to ask you guys for this again, but i really wish you would put in a category for the short curcit movies now that i have a story for it. If a new category can't be made, just for that one movie, then perhaps a category should be made for stories that do not have a spasific place to be posted within the section it belongs in.

So please if you could post a category for it in the movies section i would really thank you guys for it


I will get to your request shortly. As I explained before, the archive, in each and every subdomain has miscellaneous categories. Those categories exist for a good reason. It's where stories are supposed to go which do not have a category yet. Then, after a user has requested the category, it's been created, and they've moved it, the miscellaneous categories are STILL there for other stories of the same kind, where the fandom does not yet have a category.

  FairyNiamh said:
Sorry to bother... but I have a request for a few new categories:

Category name: Iruka/Naruto

Section category to be in: Naruto (Male/Male)

Do you have any stories for it? Yes I do, as does my sister. :(

A few other stories that would fit in this category:

Feral Instincts-By: Trollmia

'Tis The Season-By: kaa-san (Naru/Many/Naru settling with IruNaruIru)

Crush-By: Dominic Shade

Missions and Hearts-By: Drivven Labyrinth

Before He Cheats-By: Brucesgirl

Category name: Shikamaru/Naruto

Section category to be in: Naruto (Male/Male)

Do you have any stories for it? Yup and again as does my sister.

A few other stories that would fit in this category:

Ink and Wake Up Calls-By: Mindingmybusiness

Lazy Hero-By: Scottishfae

Eien-By: Neko Izumi

The Rubber Band Odyssey-By: antilogicalgirl

Blue as the Sky-By: blue_genjutsu

Thanks in advance. *bows*

---The requirements for pair specific are that you show me at LEAST ten links to pre existing stories for the sub sub category to be created. Not added. DG

Posted (edited)

Catagory name: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Section catagory to be in: Final Fantasy Games

Do you have any stories for it?: yes.

Okay, isn't it about time that this spin off series had its own category? I mean, let's tally them up, shall we? The original, ring of fates, echoes of time, my life as king on wiiware, and now we're getting tons of little videos on www.thecrystalbearers.com. That's five games. I'm not asking for a lot. Just somewhere other than final fantasy misc to put my fic. Somewhere that might gain a bit more traffic, cuz ff misc seems to be mostly just blatant self gratification via crossovers. Oh, and also, non-advance tactics fics. Stories of Ramza and Delita and such show up there as well.

edit: I realize there's only two fics for crystal chronicles so far, but it seems that having a category is, to many people, a sort of prerequisite to writing a story of it. Though I'm not sure fic count should even matter in this case...Round robin's up in the final fantasy games section, and it still has zero.

--added. FYI, we have the requirement for pre-existing, and/or fiction ready to be added as part of managing the database. I have many, many more tasks that I complete on any given day besides looking to add categories just because. It won't happen. I don't have that kind of time on my hands, EVER.

Edited by DemonGoddess061
Posted (edited)

Category name: Star Trek (2009)

Section category to be in: Movies

Do you have any stories for it?: Yes. It's currently residing in Movies>S through Z> Star Trek: NTG

Thank you for your consideration.


I think when we get here for the final sort and such I'll be doing something to consolidate all the Trek stuff, keep it so that it's all in place, but still separated by title.

Edited by DemonGoddess061
Guest lawless523
Posted (edited)

I have a category request:

Category name: Yellow

Section category: Manga

Do you have any stories? Yes, one. Someone else already has a crossover of Yellow and another manga by the same mangaka (Makoto Tateno) on the site under Manga - Miscellaneous, so that would make two.


Edited by DemonGoddess061
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