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This one really got to me, just because of how they worded it. I know everyone else loved/liked my story, but the fact that this person attacked me like this is upsetting. They weren't logged in, if they had an account, but is there anyway to watch for the email address to see if they try to create an account?

I've just turned off anon. reviews b/c of this jerk. I posted the review below and the link for the actual story review section here:


harry severus james lucius weasley dumbleedoo voldeemort riddle



id # 3001278361

First of all, I did not read your entire archive, just a bit of the first chapter and this one. I think I read enough to say what I need to though.

You're writing is not good. And the characters are nothing like they are in the book... which would be fine, if they had any personality at all or were /different/ from each other at all. They are terrible mary/gary sues, please stop writing this thing now, it is a horrible waste of your time.

Secondly, stop saying things like "submissive" and "dominant". NO ONE TALKS LIKE THAT/THINKS LIKE THAT. It is horribly awkward, and only shows how miserable your control of writing is. Learn different sentence structures. And some more vocabulary. Try reading something that isn't fan fiction to get an idea of how to write well, but make sure its not something like Twilight which at best is okay.

If you've been writing this for 30something chapters and you're still just an okay, boring writer, then you're obviously not improving. Try working on something else. Or stop writing altogether. Your writing is not going to matter at all to anyone, and you will never be successful at it. Get a life, please. Or don't. For the sake of readers everywhere, stop using your witchcraft to trick them to thinking that your writing is good. You are part of the problem.

(PS Learn how sex and threesomes work. Do not use fanfiction as reference. Actual porn is okay. Or better, try it yourself!)

I figure that you probably can't keep an eye out for the email address, but I figured others will come here to report/read about nasty flamers like this and they'll see others that they should keep an eye out for.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and keep the archives clean from jerks like this.


At this point, all you can really do is document things like this and let us know, which you have done.

I've already checked, this person doesn't even HAVE an archive membership, so there's nothing for me to do in the archive itself.

However, that doesn't mean that one of us can't email this person and let him/her know that while concrit is appreciated, flames in this archive are not. Also, that while we appreciate the users that don't have logins visiting/reading and etc, we still do not have to allow them to behave in this way towards our registered users.

So, the mail will be sent within the next day or so (from me) thanks for reporting it.


Also, a quick check of that email address showed profiles elsewhere which listed the person's age as 17, so firstly, they wouldn't be allowed to join officially anyway; and secondly, any sex advice from a 17 year old is likely to be of limited value!

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