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Hi, I've just started this story; the second chapter is now up. If you like Inuyasha fiction with the setting as the future (Kagome's home-era) you may find this story to your liking!

Title: The End Of It All

Author: FadedTsukiHikari

Summary: The end of their journey in the feudal era. The beginning of the journey in the future with fates uncertain. Each choice is riddled with joy and sorrow, and it is for them to make their own path; to embrace or destroy.

Ratings: Adult (for later chapters)

Pairings: Inuyasha/Kagome

Spoilers: None

Feedback: Is greatly appreciated!

URL: http://inu.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095143

This story is listed as a AU/AR, because it takes place in Kagome's time, although there are sections set in the normal Inuyasha era, as seen in the manga/anime. Hopefully, you will enjoy it!

Thank you,


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